We are all familiar with the sweet scent of linden blossoms since childhood. This plant has long been revered for its beauty and beneficial properties. Linden was also used in cosmetology, but it gained popularity primarily because of its healing properties.

As a medicinal raw material, both leaves and linden bark can be used, but most often a decoction or infusion of linden blossom is used. Linden flower - light yellow, with stipules, collected in semi-umbrella inflorescences. Has a fragrant smell.
Linden flower is harvested and harvested during the full flowering of trees. As a rule, this period falls on the end of June, sometimes the beginning of July and lasts about 2 weeks. A linden flower suitable for harvesting should not be damaged by rust or damaged by insects. It is best to collect inflorescences in which some flowers have not yet blossomed and have not had time to give up some of the useful properties. Drying of raw materials must be carried out in the shade, in a well-ventilated area, while the layer of flowers should be no more than 5 cm. Linden flowers are very fragile, so they should not be turned over during drying so as not to damage the inflorescences. Ready plant materials are stored in fabric bags, indark place. Subject to all these conditions, the lime blossom will not lose its healing properties for three years.
The main properties of linden flowers have been known for a long time. Most often, lime color is used for various colds, flu and acute respiratory infections as a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Sometimes it is brewed in combination with raspberry leaves. The beneficial properties of linden flowers are due to the presence of tannins, essential oils, glucose and flavonoids in their composition.

Linden flower can be added to tea for a soothing drink. The essential oil, which is part of it, has a sedative and antispasmodic property, helps to normalize blood pressure levels and cope with stress. Such tea will be useful for people suffering from insomnia, or prone to anxiety.
Due to tannins, linden has a regenerating and strengthening effect on the body. A decoction of linden flowers has moderate diuretic and choleretic properties, due to which it is used for various diseases of the liver and kidneys. It also perfectly strengthens the immune system.

Linden is also successfully used as an external remedy. With a decoction of lime blossom, lotions are made that have antiseptic and wound healing effects. Such compresses are used for hemorrhoids, ulcers, burns and rheumatic pains. Linden flower can be used by almost everyone, with the exception of pregnant and lactating women and people with individualintolerance to the components of the mentioned herbal raw materials.
To prepare a lime infusion, a tablespoon of inflorescences is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for 40 minutes. The container should be wrapped in a towel or scarf to keep warm. It is recommended to use the infusion freshly prepared and hot.