Inflammation of the prostate gland, unfortunately, is a very common disease, especially when it comes to middle-aged and elderly men. In the absence of therapy, the disease can lead to a host of complications. That is why correct and timely diagnosis is so important. Prostatitis is often characterized by a sluggish course, and many patients ignore the symptoms, thereby refusing medical care. Is it possible to diagnose the disease at home? What procedures are required for the diagnosis of prostatitis in men? The answers to these questions will be useful to many of the stronger sex.
Prostatitis: what is the disease?

Prostatitis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the tissues of the prostate gland. This organ produces a specific secret, which, mixed with sperm, ensures the viability and activity of spermatozoa. This is a very common problem, because according to statistics, 50% of men over 50 suffer from this disease. Inflammation of this gland affects the entire genitourinary system, causingurinary disorders and potency problems, secondary infectious diseases, etc.
The main causes of the development of the disease
Diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis are directly related to the causes of the development of the disease, because an effective treatment regimen largely depends on this factor. In most cases, the cause of the inflammatory process is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the tissues of the gland. The infection can be specific, for example, sexually transmitted (chlamydia, ureaplasma, gonococcus).
Possibly pathogenic microorganisms, in particular, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, streptococci, can also act as pathogens. These bacteria are present in the body of every person, but are activated when the immune defense is reduced. Risk factors in this case include the presence of chronic diseases, unhe althy diet, irregular sexual activity, sedentary lifestyle.
Diagnosis of prostatitis at home: what symptoms should I pay attention to?

With prostatitis, it is extremely important to notice the symptoms in time and seek qualified help. What are the signs to look out for?
- The inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in the prostate gland, which begins to squeeze the urinary canals. As the disease develops, men have problems with urination - the process is often accompanied by pain, and the urge to empty the bladder becomes more frequent. In addition, urine becomes cloudy, which is oftencan be seen even with the naked eye.
- The second important symptom is problems with potency. Often patients suffer from erectile dysfunction. There is also premature ejaculation during intercourse.
- Some patients complain of pain in the groin, perineum and coccyx. Pain may increase during bowel movements. By the way, about 50% of men with prostatitis have no pain.
If you notice such deterioration in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor, as delay is fraught with dangerous consequences.
Correct history taking

To begin with, primary diagnostics are carried out. Prostatitis is accompanied by a number of important signs, so the doctor collects all the necessary information about the presence of certain symptoms. For example, patients are asked what genitourinary disorders are present and how long ago they appeared.
It is also important to know if a man has any other diseases, and whether he suffered from prostatitis in the past. The doctor is also interested in the presence of risk factors (what lifestyle a person leads, whether he has a permanent sexual partner, whether he uses contraception during sex, etc.). By the way, today there is a special questionnaire with a list of questions that the patient can fill out on their own. After assessing the answers, the doctor can determine the likelihood of a man developing prostatitis.
Diagnosis of prostatitis: tests

After collecting an anamnesis, the patient is assigned additional studies. After all, if you suspect inflammation of the prostate, you need a thorough and comprehensive diagnosis. Prostatitis is an ailment that affects the entire genitourinary system, so the doctor needs to get the results of the following tests:
- Complete blood count demonstrates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body (the number of leukocytes is increased).
- Laboratory analysis of urine is also important for diagnosis. With prostatitis, urine samples show an increased number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and protein. Sometimes bacteriological culture is additionally carried out.
- Sperm analysis makes it possible to evaluate the functioning of the reproductive system. During laboratory studies, specialists pay attention to the physicochemical properties of sperm, as well as the activity, motility and concentration of spermatozoa. Such an analysis allows you to find out if the male reproductive system has been damaged.
- The urethral swab is a rather unpleasant but very informative test. The doctor inserts a special instrument with a narrow swab at the end into the inside of the penis (about 3-4 cm). The obtained cell samples are then sent to the laboratory. In this way, you can determine the presence of an infection and even determine its type.
Rectal examination of a patient

What other procedures does the diagnosis require? Prostatitis is an indication for a rectal examination of the prostate gland. Before the procedure, the patient shouldmicro enema to cleanse the intestines. On palpation, the doctor may note an increase in the size of the prostate, the presence of pain, etc.
It is also important to take samples of prostate secretion for analysis. For this purpose, prostate massage is performed. As soon as the first portion of the secretion of the gland departs, the doctor makes a smear on a laboratory glass. It is worth noting that with inflammation of the prostate, the procedure can be extremely unpleasant.
Prostate secretion analysis
The secret obtained during the massage is then sent to the laboratory for microscopic examination. After staining the samples, the specialist carefully examines them under high magnification. With prostatitis in secret, an increased number of leukocytes is observed.
In addition, you need to study the characteristics of the microflora of the prostate gland. During the study, the specialist determines the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, their number and even sensitivity to certain drugs.
Prostate ultrasound

Diagnosis of chronic prostatitis necessarily includes an ultrasound examination of the gland. The procedure is quite simple to carry out. During the examination, the doctor can examine the structure and density of the prostate gland, determine its size, see the presence of neoplasms, if any.
Transrectal ultrasound is considered more informative, which is carried out by inserting a special sensor into the rectum. In this way, a specialist can determine the presence of suppuration andabscesses in the tissues of the prostate gland, check the condition of the intestines and seminal vesicles.
Other research methods during diagnosis
As a rule, the above procedures are enough to not only make a diagnosis, but also determine the cause of the inflammatory process. But there are other methods for diagnosing prostatitis.

In some cases, patients are advised to sign up for a CT or magnetic resonance imaging. This is the most accurate method of examination, as it allows you to determine the size of the prostate gland, to identify the presence of neoplasms and stones. True, this procedure is expensive.
Cystoscopy is an endoscopic procedure that allows the doctor to carefully examine the urinary tract, the inside of the bladder, and the prostate gland. A thin probe with a small camera at the end is inserted into the urethra, and the doctor can study the picture on a large screen. If there are indications, a biopsy is also carried out simultaneously with cystoscopy - tissue sampling, which is subsequently sent for laboratory analysis. It is worth saying that this is not a standard measure for acute prostatitis. A biopsy is indicated if there is a suspicion of malignant neoplasms, which happens in chronic forms of inflammation and prostatic hypertrophy.
Basic treatments for prostatitis

Many representatives of the stronger sex are interested in questions about whatprostatitis. Symptoms, diagnosis, complications - this is certainly important information. But it is worth considering the basic principles of treatment.
In acute inflammation, the patient is immediately prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics. The treatment regimen also includes alpha-blockers, which normalize the outflow of urine, improve blood supply to the pelvic organs.
Therapy for prostatitis is a long and complex process. In some cases, patients are prescribed prostate massage. It is believed that this procedure helps to improve the blood supply to the pelvic organs, eliminate swelling and fluid retention. Nevertheless, massage can be performed only for chronic non-infectious prostatitis and only in a hospital - acute inflammation is an absolute contraindication.
Other methods of treatment also give good results, including laser and magnetic therapy, electrophonophoresis, and electrical neurostimulation. Patients are recommended proper nutrition, feasible physical activity and special therapeutic exercises to eliminate congestion in the pelvic organs (for example, Kegel exercises).