Modern medicine is increasingly resorting to old and proven recipes. Patients try to prefer natural preparations to medicines. Perhaps this is correct, because such compounds cause much less damage to the human body than a variety of chemical compounds. One of the well-known healing agents is chestnut fruit. Their application is quite wide. It can be both internal and external.
This article will provide you with information on how to properly prepare and harvest chestnuts. The use in folk medicine of this remedy will be described below. You can find out what problems and diseases it eliminates.

Chestnut: fruit of the tree
If we talk about the components from which folk natural medicines are made, then these are not only dense round chestnuts. At present, the benefits of the bark of a tree, its inflorescences, leaves and green shells of the fruit have been proven. Assemble the described components always indifferent time. The flowering period is the spring months, in particular May. It is then that the inflorescences and leaves are carefully cut from the plant.
The bark of the tree is mostly harvested during the autumn months. During this period, it contains the maximum amount of nutrients. Speaking directly about the fruits, they are harvested in late summer or early autumn. It all depends on the region in which the trees grow. In warm areas, this period falls on September-October. In colder - for July-August. After assembly, the chestnut fruits, the photos of which are presented to your attention in the article, are carefully processed. They can be dried, ground, boiled or infused. It all depends on the purpose of the application.
Chestnut fruits: properties
The plant gained popularity in folk medicine many decades ago. In the 18th century, chestnut extracts were first used in traditional medicine. Currently, you can find a lot of preparations containing this plant.
The healing properties of chestnut fruits can be listed for a very long time. The plant has an antiseptic, astringent, healing, antipyretic and regenerating effect. It also has a beneficial effect on the blood, blood vessels and heart. It is impossible not to note the healing properties of chestnut in relation to the stomach, intestines and the general digestive system. The fruit of the tree is widely used to treat neurological problems and diseases of the respiratory system. Skin pathologies are often eliminated with the help of a plant such as chestnut (its fruit). Cosmetology is a separate branch of medicine that usesremedy described.

Who is the plant contraindicated for use?
Treatment with chestnut fruits almost always has positive reviews. All due to the fact that it contains a huge amount of tannins, vitamins (especially C), coumarin glycosides (fraxin, esculin and others), starch, fatty oil. However, some people are contraindicated in such components. That is why, before resorting to traditional medicine on your own, you need to visit a doctor and consult with him.
Chestnut fruits (photo below) and potions from them should not be used during pregnancy and after childbirth. During lactation, it is better to refuse such therapy, since there is no data on the effect of the plant on the child. Prepared funds should not be taken with reduced platelets and bleeding. It can be life threatening. Chestnut (fruit) is not used for exacerbations of kidney and liver diseases. If a patient suffers from atonic constipation, gastritis, or an imbalance in the acid balance of the stomach, then he should be warned about the dangers of such treatment.
Chestnut fruits (the use of medicines prepared from them) can lead to the development of limb cramps, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and stool disorders. If you are faced with similar signs, then categorically refuse alternative treatment and seek help from traditional medicine.
Horse chestnut (fruit): application in various fields
As you already know, prepared medicine canbe used internally and as a topical remedy. It all depends on the pathology and accompanying symptoms. The most popular remedy is chestnut tincture. It is prepared in different ways, but all options for use can be divided into two. In the first case, the drug is taken orally. In the second, it is applied to the surfaces of the body.
Also chestnut lotions and decoctions are very popular. For their preparation, bark, peel and flowers are used. The ingredients are pre-dried and ground.
An important point in the use of chestnut is the ban on its use. It must be remembered that the fruits of this tree are inedible. They are very dangerous to he alth in their usual form. If a person consumes several fruits, then severe poisoning (up to death) can occur. It is necessary to protect the prepared raw materials from children and pets. Especially often domestic rodents and dogs become victims of chestnut. Consider what horse chestnut (fruits) has use in traditional medicine.

Diseases of veins and blood vessels
Very often used chestnut (tree fruit) for the treatment of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. The main quality of the plant is that it helps to thin the blood and relieve the inflammatory process. The most useful parts of the tree for this purpose are brown fruits and flowers. From the latter, a tincture is prepared. The fruits can also be used as a raw material for a compress.
- To prepare the tincture, you need to take round brown chestnuts(5 pieces) and 50 grams of dried inflorescences. All this is placed in enameled or glassware and poured with vodka. You need to insist the medicine for two weeks in a dark place, shaking daily. Such a drug is applied to the dilated veins of the lower extremities with a cotton swab twice a day.
- Take fresh inflorescences and squeeze the juice out of them. The resulting composition should be stored in the refrigerator, taking 30 drops daily. Remember that manipulation is best done before meals.
- If you suffer from hemorrhoids or have ulcers on your legs, then you can use the powdered chestnut peel. To do this, clean the skin and dry it. Then grind it and store it in a dry place. Sprinkle the affected areas daily at bedtime, then apply a bandage.
Viral and bacterial infections of the respiratory tract
Chestnut (fruit) can cure diseases such as tracheitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. In some cases, the plant even helps to cope with pulmonary tuberculosis. With any disease that is accompanied by a cough, the effect of the plant is observed. However, you need to know how to cook it.
- Take the dried bark of a tree and grind it. Pour the fruit with two glasses of chilled water and let stand for 8 hours. After that, be sure to strain the drink. Take orally 3 tablespoons up to 6 times daily.
- Crush dry chestnut leaves. Take one spoonful of raw materials and fill it with two cups of boiling water. Wait 10 minutes and strain. In the resulting liquid, put two tablespoons of honey. Drink bya quarter cup three times a day.

Women's Issues
The chestnut plant is often used in gynecology - a tree whose fruits have an important property to normalize hormonal levels. So, such folk medicines are prescribed for failures in the menstrual cycle, prolonged absence of menstruation, infertility, mastopathy, and so on. Remember that you should definitely consult a gynecologist before starting a correction.
- Prepare 8 dried tree flowers and pour hot water over them. Bring the solution to a boil and remove from the stove. Then strain and leave overnight. The next day, drink one sip every hour. Next, take a break for two days and build a diagram.
- For cycle disorders, tincture is usually recommended. To prepare it, take whole chestnut fruits in a ratio of 1 per 100 milliliters of vodka. Mix the ingredients and leave for one month. You can take the composition 5 drops three times a day, starting from the 16th day of the cycle. Remember that the drug contains alcohol. Gynecologists advise before starting such a correction to take tests to determine the level of hormones in the blood and get recommendations from a specialist.

Diseases of the joints: inflammation and injury
Horse chestnut fruits have different properties. They also include pain relievers. If you suffer from rheumatism, arthritis, inflammation of the interarticular joints, then chestnut will help you. In such situations, the plant can be used both internally andexternally. To enhance the effect, these two schemes are combined.
- Take 10 green fruits and cut them lightly. Place in a container and fill with a bottle of vodka. Wait a week, then strain. This tincture is taken orally 20 drops during meals. If it is impossible to use ethanol, compresses are made from the resulting tincture once a day for two hours.
- Peeled chestnut fruits in the amount of 5 pieces grind into flour, add fat cream or butter. If possible, you can use badger fat. In this case, the effect will be maximum. Rub the sore spots before going to bed, then wrap them with a cloth.

Stool disorders: diarrhea and diarrhoea
As you already know, chestnut fruits contain tannins and astringents. They relieve inflammation and improve intestinal motility. With diarrhea, this medicine helps quickly and effectively.
- Crush a teaspoon of bark and pour two cups of boiling water over it. Wait for the broth to cool, then strain. Take 50 milliliters before each meal.
- Peel the green skin from the chestnut and mash the latter in a mortar. Add half a glass of hot water and leave for 6 hours. After that, remove the peel. Drink a teaspoon three times a day.
When treating diarrhea with the described remedy, you need to carefully monitor the work of the intestines. As soon as the condition has returned to normal, the folk remedy is canceled. Excessive use of the drug can lead to chronic constipation.

Use in cosmetology: chestnut for facial skin and hair
Recently, the plant is very often used for the preparation of masks, point remedies and hair components. As you already know, chestnut has antioxidant properties. This helps women who use this composition to keep their skin young and beautiful. Even in a polluted and dusty city, the fairer sex can have a beautiful complexion. Chestnut and its fruits help to get rid of pimples, blackheads, skin irregularities, as well as narrow enlarged pores.
For the face, you can prepare a variety of chestnut masks. For this purpose, fresh inflorescences and fruits of the tree are crushed. Depending on the type of skin, additional ingredients are added: honey and egg yolk (for dry); egg white and cucumber (for oily); lemon and zinc paste (for problematic) and so on. Before manipulation, be sure to test for sensitivity and make sure there is no allergic reaction.
Using chestnut for hair helps reduce hair loss and enhance growth. As a result, the hair becomes soft, shiny and manageable. Problems such as dandruff, seborrhea, increased fat content and the like are eliminated. After each wash, rinse the curls with a decoction of chestnut. To prepare it, take whole fruits and place in an enamel bowl with water. Bring to a boil and wait 10 minutes. Cool and strain.

Reviews on the use of chestnut for different purposes
Youit became known how and in what situations chestnut fruits are used. Recipes for many healing products are presented to your attention. Remember that all people are individuals. For one person, the above remedies may not help, while for another they will become a salvation and a way out of a difficult situation.
People's reviews of chestnut fruits are mostly good. A large part of them are women's opinions. With the help of chestnut, the representatives of the weaker sex were able to get rid of varicose veins and made their legs beautiful. Also, many women managed to restore the beauty of hair and skin. Men mainly use chestnut fruits for diseases of the prostate, joints, and digestive organs. Many older people are satisfied with this healing folk remedy.
Doctors report that chestnut treatment has a placebo effect for some. Doctors also remind that it is impossible to use the above-described means for a long time. They can affect the state of the blood. If there is a need for long-term treatment, then you should definitely see a doctor and take tests. Sometimes a specialist insists on a break in the use of a folk remedy.

Instead of a conclusion
Chestnut fruits are a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. Currently, you can find many medicines based on this plant. It is worth remembering that, despite all the positive qualities, chestnut sometimes causes allergies. It appears quite hard. This condition requires urgent medical attention. BeforeWhen starting your own treatment, weigh the pros and cons, be sure to take into account the opinion of the doctor in this matter. Choose only the right, suitable recipes for traditional medicines specifically for you. Stay he althy!