Improving physical education: methodological foundations and programs

Improving physical education: methodological foundations and programs
Improving physical education: methodological foundations and programs

The goal of recreational physical education is to increase the level of the physical and mental state of the student to an optimal level of he alth. However, in order to achieve the expected result from the classes, you must adhere to some rules.

recreational physical education program
recreational physical education program

Why do exercise therapy

Performing a number of he alth-improving physical exercises affects the state of almost all organs and systems of the human body. This will involve the cardiovascular system, and the respiratory system, and even vision.

Following certain programs of recreational physical education, you can improve and normalize the functioning of the lungs, stabilize blood circulation and restore the functions of the spine. In addition, physical exercise has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person.

Therapeutic exercise for the spine

Properly designed exercise therapy programs can have a healing effect. Combining a complex of certain gymnasticexercises, physiotherapy exercises strengthen the muscular frame and improve joint mobility due to the impact on the ligamentous apparatus. There are many methods, literally, that allow you to lift even immobilized people from wheelchairs.

Improving physical education for osteochondrosis is effective at all stages of the development of the pathological process. A set of specially selected exercises helps to eliminate pain in the back and with a hernia of the spine. However, such techniques are used as an addition to the main treatment.

Exercise therapy programs are an integral part of the treatment of scoliosis. Properly selected exercises not only help relieve the feeling of heaviness, but also correct posture. We must not forget that it is possible to cope with curvature of the spine with the help of recreational physical education for children only in childhood and adolescence. Upon reaching the age of 21, these methods do not give the expected result. In advanced cases, the doctor may recommend other methods of exposure, including surgery.

therapeutic physical education for children
therapeutic physical education for children

Choosing exercise therapy for the spine: the basics

When choosing one or another set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscular frame of the spine and improving the tone of the ligamentous apparatus, first of all, you need to pay attention to the following.

1. The level of physical fitness. Physical therapy instructors distinguish between three main levels of physical activity:

  • persons who lead an active lifestyle and exercise regularlysports;
  • persons who exercise from time to time;
  • Individuals leading a passive lifestyle and not exercising at all.

Separate therapeutic exercise programs should be used for each of these subgroups.

2. Stages of exacerbation of diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system. Doctors define three main stages of recovery:

  • post-flare stage (48-96 hours);
  • stage of recovery of the spine and musculoskeletal system (from 2 to 4 weeks after the exacerbation);
  • improving stage in which you can take preventive measures (comes after 4 weeks from the moment of exacerbation and lasts a lifetime).

For each period of recovery of the spine, a separate complex of recreational physical education is selected. However, any impact can be carried out only after the removal of acute pain.

Exercise therapy exercises should be performed regularly and constantly, since pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are formed over the years, they cannot be cured in a few days. At the same time, it is important to perform therapeutic exercises several times a day (in the morning and in the evening - a must). It is very important to exclude sudden or mechanical movements: it is necessary to “feel” the spine and back muscles. The main purpose of the exercises is to increase blood flow in the spine.

he alth gymnastics for women
he alth gymnastics for women

Recovery programs for the lumbar spine

He alth classesphysical education in a group or independently necessarily include gymnastics for the lumbar. For example, the following exercises are considered generally accepted and safe:

Standing on all fours (each of the following exercises is performed 3 to 10 times until a feeling of slight fatigue appears):

  1. Alternating smooth arching of the back up and down with a gradual increase in amplitude.
  2. Contractions of the abdominal muscles without the participation of the body.
  3. Slowly raise your head while arching your back down, and then lower your head while arching your back up.
  4. Leaning on your knees and palms, raise your slightly bent leg with the heel up. Repeat the same with the second leg.

Lying on back:

  1. Stretch your arms along the body, bend your knees. Without lifting the shoulder blades from the floor, alternately tilt the half-bent knees to the right, then to the left, trying to reach them to the floor.
  2. Without changing the starting position and without bending, smoothly raise and lower the pelvis.
  3. Extend the legs. At the same time, pull your toes towards you, feeling how your back muscles tense up. Hold the limb in this position for 3-5 seconds, relax the legs.
  4. Lying on your back, stretch your legs. Bend one leg at the knee joint and pull the knee to the chest, helping to press the thigh to the stomach with your hands. Hold in this position for a few seconds, lower your leg, relax. Do the same with the other leg.
  5. Lying on your back, pull your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around them. In this case, you need to try to ride on your back from the buttocks toheads.
muscle strengthening exercises
muscle strengthening exercises

Thoracic Recovery Program

The technique of performing he alth-improving physical education for the thoracic spine includes the following types of exercises:

  • Lying on your back: bend your knees, while relaxing your legs as much as possible. Pull one or the other knee towards you, at the same time lifting the upper part of the body towards the knee. The exercise is performed without jerking. You need to try to reach each knee to the tip of the nose. You can achieve the optimal effect of this exercise if you hold the leg with your hands under the knee joint. Perform at least 4 times.
  • Sit on a chair and put your hands on your knees. Leaning slightly, try to reach either with your right or with your left hand to the toes of the opposite leg, and each time after touching, take the starting position.
  • Standing, holding onto the back of a chair, perform at least 20 squats with a straight back and without taking your heels off the floor.

Gymnastics for the cervical spine

Any exercises for the neck should be performed with extreme caution, since this part of the musculoskeletal system is subjected to constant stress and excessive zeal can only harm. Perform each of the exercises below 3-5 times without making much effort.

  • Lying on your back: gently press the back of your head into the pillow and hold it in tension for a few seconds. To relax. Then lightly press the palm of your hand on the temple and, tensing the muscles of the neck, try to overcome the causedresistance. Perform in both directions.
  • Sitting on a chair: freely put your hands down. Tilt your head back, while trying to press your chin to your chest.

For joint pain

He althy physical education is effective for joint diseases such as:

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • coxarthrosis;
  • osteoarthritis and many other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

The purpose of articular gymnastics is to restore joint mobility, improve ligament elasticity and muscle tone. As prescribed by the exercise therapy doctor, in this case, individual or group classes on special devices (for example, the Bubnovsky simulator) may be recommended.

After a stroke

A stroke is a catastrophe for the body, the consequences of which are largely determined by the location, type and size of the lesion. In this case, he alth-improving physical education is an obligatory tool for rehabilitation treatment. It is recommended to carry out from the first days after a stroke. A well-timed complex of therapeutic exercises can do what even modern medications cannot.

At the initial stages of recovery, passive exercises are performed for frequent changes in body position, flexion and extension of the limbs. These exercises are not done by the patient himself, but by the person caring for the patient. The further condition of the patient depends on how much earlier passive physical education begins.

Respiratory gymnastics and therapeuticphysical education as part of bed rest.

exercise after stroke
exercise after stroke

Gymnastics for pregnant women

Attending he alth-improving physical education classes during pregnancy helps the female body prepare for childbirth. Thanks to specially designed exercises, with the help of which all muscle groups are worked out, the expectant mother will be able to more easily endure childbirth. At the same time, newborns are born more active and he althy.

Today, during training, small sports equipment and rehabilitation isodynamic simulators are usually used. The main goal of he alth-improving physical education for pregnant women is to maintain muscle tone, relieve congestion in the sacro-lumbar zone and strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvis. Regular performance of certain exercises not only prepares the muscles involved in labor, but also ensures the rapid recovery of the female body after childbirth.

exercise for pregnant women
exercise for pregnant women

Postpartum recovery

Special recovery and he alth systems of physical education allow a woman to recover quickly after childbirth. Such activities are currently very popular. Along with the general tasks of general strengthening exercises (restoration of the internal resources of the body), postpartum gymnastics is the prevention of thromboembolic complications. A specially designed set of exercises promotes self-stool and urination and, most importantly, perfectly restores the muscles of the genitals and abdominal wall.

Goodthe effect on the overall tone of the abdominal muscles is exerted by an exercise called "bicycle", which is performed in the prone position.

postpartum recovery
postpartum recovery

Women's he alth benefits

Most of the pathological processes in women's he alth are associated with weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. Both young women and women during menopause are susceptible to such ailments.

Currently, there are no specific methods of dealing with the consequences of dysfunctions of the pelvic floor muscles (for example, urinary incontinence), except for exercise therapy. Regular performance of a set of specially designed exercises for he alth-improving physical education allows you to normalize the work of all muscle groups that are not used in everyday life, improving the quality of life.
