Antibotulinum serum (type A, B, E) belongs to the category of immunological drugs. The drug is produced in the form of solutions for injection, which are in the form of a clear or slightly opalescent, colorless or yellowish liquid, odorless.
Issue form
The drug is produced in ampoules complete with purified horse serum diluted 1:100, five ampoules in a cardboard box.
The composition of the anti-botulinum serum contains specific immunoglobulins and protein fractions of the blood serum of horses that have been hyperimmunized with botulinum toxins A, B, E. The composition of the medical product contains antitoxins that neutralize specific types of botulinum toxins.

Pharmacological properties
Botulinum serum is a protein fraction of horse blood serum immunized with toxin types E, B, A orbotulinum toxoid, which contains specific immunoglobulins. This medicinal product contains antitoxins that help neutralize botulinum toxins.
Indications for use and contraindications
The drug is intended for the treatment and prevention of botulism. Antibotulinum serum is contraindicated in the presence of a history of systemic allergic conditions and complications to previous use of serum, a combination of monovalent sera (types B, A and E), or to monovalent serum. In addition, you can not use the drug with hypersensitivity. Also, a contraindication to the use of anti-botulinum serum in patients with botulism is the occurrence of anaphylactic shock when determining high sensitivity to equine protein.
Antitoxic anti-botulinum serum is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. For therapeutic purposes, it must be administered as early as possible from the onset of the initial signs of botulism. Prior to the administration of serum, 10 ml of blood should be taken from the patient, as well as urine and vomit for examination to identify the causative agent of botulism and botulinum toxin. It is also recommended to send the food product that provoked the development of the disease for research.

In the treatment of pathologies caused by an unknown type of botulinum toxin, a mixture of monovalent sera (types A, B and E) is used. With a known formtoxin, a monovalent serum of the appropriate type is used. Regardless of the severity of clinical symptoms, one therapeutic dosage of the medicinal product is administered intravenously, which must first be diluted in 200 ml of sodium chloride solution for injection 0.9%, heated to a temperature of 37 ± 1 ° C before administration. The infusion rate is 60-90 drops per minute. In special cases, if it is impossible to carry out a drip, a jet injection of a dose of serum using a syringe without prior dilution is allowed. To avoid the development of allergic reactions, 60-90 mg of prednisolone is injected into the patient before intravenous infusion of serum. Serum is injected once.

For prevention purposes
For prophylactic purposes, this drug is administered to people, simultaneously with a sick person who has consumed products that provoked the development of botulism. In this case, it is necessary to introduce half of the therapeutic dose (half of the ampoule) of the corresponding type of serum. If the type of toxin is not determined, half the dose of all types of monovalent sera is administered. The medicine should be administered intramuscularly.
Before use, the ampoule with the drug is carefully examined. The medicine in ampoules with no labeling, broken integrity, changes in physical qualities (presence of flakes, discoloration), improper storage or expired date is not suitable for use.
Opening of ampoules, storage (no more than an hour) and administration proceduremedication is carried out with strict observance of aseptic and antiseptic standards.

Intradermal test
Before the introduction of anti-botulinum serum to establish sensitivity to a foreign protein, an intradermal test is mandatory, which is included with the drug.
Ampoules with horse blood serum, diluted 1:100 and purified, are marked in red, and with antibotulinum - in black or blue.
Horse serum is administered at a dosage of 0.1 ml intradermally in the forearm. The test is negative if, after about 20 minutes, swelling or redness at the injection site is less than 1 cm in size. The test is positive if such reactions reach 1 cm or more. With a negative test, 0.1 ml of anti-botulinum solution is injected subcutaneously. If there is no reaction after half an hour, the entire prescribed dose of serum is administered intramuscularly or intravenously.
In case of a positive test or in cases of development of allergic reactions to an injection, serum is administered only for therapeutic purposes under the supervision of a specialist and with special precautions: after intramuscular injection of antihistamines and prednisolone. What else does the instructions for antibotulinum serum tell us?

Side effects and recommendations for the use of this medication
The introduction of it may be accompanied by the occurrence of allergic phenomenaimmediate type, including anaphylactic shock and serum sickness.
Given the possibility of anaphylactic shock in a patient, medical supervision should be provided for vaccinated people for 30 minutes after the end of the injection or infusion of the drug.
Rooms where botulinum sera are administered must have anti-shock therapy (adrenaline).
Introduction of sera (diluted and anti-botulinum) must be recorded in the medical history, indicating the dosage, time and method of administration, patient response, batch number, name of the manufacturer.
During pregnancy and lactation, the use of this medication is allowed only for he alth reasons, taking into account the possible benefits to the mother and risks to the fetus.

There is no anti-botulinum serum in the free sale, its use at home is strictly prohibited. The medicine is supplied only to medical institutions.
Information on the effect of this medication on the patient's ability to drive vehicles or other complex and dangerous mechanisms is not provided.
Freezing of anti-botulinum sera is prohibited. It is necessary to store such medicines at a temperature of 2-8 ° C, for a maximum of 2 years. After this period of time has elapsedthe drug should be discarded. An opened ampoule with medicinal serum is allowed to be stored in a cool place for an hour. If during this time the medication has not been used, it should be disposed of.
The algorithm for the administration of antibotulinum serum must be strictly observed.