Ogarkov's drops: purpose, composition, instructions for use and contraindications

Ogarkov's drops: purpose, composition, instructions for use and contraindications
Ogarkov's drops: purpose, composition, instructions for use and contraindications

Ogarkov's drops - a medicine based on herbal ingredients, which is used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract.

This effective drug stimulates intestinal motility, normalizes the functional state of the digestive organs. The therapeutic effect of drops is determined by the properties of plants selected by V. N. Ogarkov on the basis of extensive practice.

ogarkov drops
ogarkov drops

Composition of the product

The components of the drops are as follows:

  1. Cassia is one of the most effective natural laxatives, which contains anthraglycosides that enhance intestinal motility. This ingredient selectively affects the colon, helps to restore the normal functioning of this organ.
  2. May rosehip. The fruits contain: carotene, ascorbic acid, hyperoside, quercetin, astragalin, kaempferol, tannins and pectin, catechins, organic acids, leucoanthocyanins, s alts of iron, phosphorus, manganese, calcium and magnesium. Rose hips relieve inflammation, activateenzymatic reactions and regenerative processes in the body, have a beneficial effect on the processes of carbohydrate metabolism, enhance tissue regeneration and hormone production, increase the body's resistance to negative environmental factors and the formation and secretion of bile, increase diuresis. They are also used for the treatment and prevention of hypo- and avitaminosis P and C, with chronic and acute infections, with nephritis, atherosclerosis, various diseases of the intestines and liver, with hemorrhagic diathesis and peptic ulcer.
  3. Aloe Vera. A plant whose leaves are rich in anthracene derivatives (chrysophanoic acid, aloe-emodin), the inner part contains many polysaccharides (acemannans), amino acids, vitamins (C, B, E, betacarotene), enzymes, minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc, molybdenum, silicon), essential oils and phytoncides.
  4. Licorice. Reduces the effects of intoxication, has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, accelerates the healing of cracks in the rectum.

Indications for prescribing the drug

Ogarkov's drops are prescribed for people suffering from constipation of various etiologies as an active food supplement, an additional source of glycyrrhizic acid and anthraquinones.

Medication release form

This pharmacological preparation is produced in the form of a liquid. Available in bottles of 100, 50 and 25 ml. The medicine is intended for oral administration.

constipation drops
constipation drops

List of contraindications

Despite the exclusively natural composition of this medical product, it has some limitations for use. The main contraindications for these drops are cases of individual intolerance to the components of the drops, pregnancy, lactation, a tendency to diarrhea, acute gastrointestinal pathologies.

Instructions for taking the medicine

Before using Ogarkov's drops, the medicine bottle must be shaken thoroughly, as precipitation may occur in it.

It is recommended to take 30 drops 3 times a day (1.5 ml) during meals (for adult patients).

Drops Ogarkov Forte

This pharmacological preparation is fundamentally no different from the previous one. Medicines are absolutely identical in composition and pharmacological actions, but they have a difference in the manufacturing company. "Drops of Ogarkov Forte" are produced by the Russian company "TD FORAFARM". The drug without prefix is produced by KOROLEVPHARM and others.

drops Ogarkov forte
drops Ogarkov forte

Use for constipation

In the treatment of stool disorders in the form of constipation, Ogarkov's drops contribute to irritation of the villi of the intestinal mucosa, stimulation of the process of peristalsis and the passage of feces through the intestine. The drug belongs to the category of high-speed. Often causes addiction in patients, especially with prolonged use. Unreasonable use of this medicinal product is not recommended.

Promotion of fecesalso occurs due to the expansion of the intestinal walls. Despite this, Ogarkov's drops have a rather mild effect, unlike synthetic medications. The action is manifested for 7-12 hours. After using the drops, flatulence, bloating, and frequent urination may develop.

drops Ogarkov instructions
drops Ogarkov instructions

Hardened feces soften when taking the medication and gradually leave the body. At the same time, fluid is retained in the intestines. With constipation, Ogarkov's drops should not be taken for more than 3 months, and also used during a period of severe intoxication.

These drops are recommended for people who are lying down for he alth reasons, with intestinal hypotension, elderly patients, and also in the postpartum period. In addition, this remedy is quite effective after the use of medications that provoke a violation of the regularity of defecation, and due to the development of dysbacteriosis. This is confirmed by the instructions for Ogarkov's drops.

Price and analogues of this drug

The cost of this drug, produced on the basis of natural ingredients, in different pharmacies can vary between 225 - 240 rubles. It depends on the region. The following drugs are identical to this drug in terms of pharmacological effects:

Ogarkov drops reviews
Ogarkov drops reviews
  • "Vitaklin";
  • Picolax;
  • Forlax;
  • "Phytomucil";
  • Prelaks;
  • Microlax.

Reviews about dropsOgarkova

The treatment of constipation and other disorders in the digestive system is often discussed on medical sites and numerous forums. There are many opinions and reviews about Ogarkov's drops, but most of them are negative.

instructions reviews
instructions reviews

For many patients, this medicine did not help to get rid of chronic constipation. People note that the use of the remedy can only be symptomatic and is best used for a single use. Patients say that the effect is observed only during the reception, the remedy does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only relieves the consequences.
