The main role of leukocytes is to protect the body from infections, they also play an important role in the regenerative process of damaged tissues, help to increase the body's resistance and immune forces. Accordingly, if the level of leukocytes in the blood decreases, then the human body can hardly resist inflammatory and purulent processes, there is a risk of developing cancerous tumors and bleeding. Therefore, it is very important to know how to raise white blood cells.
A polyetiological condition in which the level of leukocytes decreases is called leukopenia. This condition often occurs against the background of the influence of certain factors on the bone marrow, the active production of white blood cells begins, and young blood cells are destroyed, respectively, the process of formation of mature leukocytes stops.
The main reason for the appearance of this condition is chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which is carried out in the treatment of cancer. But this is not the only factor provokingleukopenia, in particular, it can be:
- kidney failure;
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- deviations at the genetic level;
- infectious diseases: rubella or hepatitis, others;
- tuberculosis;
- lack of vitamins and macronutrients in the body: B vitamins, copper, folic acid;
- prolonged contact with harmful chemical compounds.
Characteristic symptoms
To understand how to raise leukocytes and how much the body needs it, you will have to take tests, since there are no special clinical symptoms. The condition may be the result of bacterial or infectious complications after a cold or after other diseases.
But still there are a number of symptoms that patients often encounter. This may be a sharp increase in body temperature, with ulcerations on the oral mucosa. In parallel with this, pain is observed when swallowing food. Your gums may bleed and your voice may hoarse.
Low white blood cells lead to the fact that the immune system is greatly weakened, new infections constantly appear in the body, a person feels constant fatigue, dizziness and increased heart rate may be observed.
How to raise white blood cells at home? Foods that increase the level of leukocytes should contain omega-3 acids, potassium, zinc and vitamins B, E and C. In each case, the hematologist makes individual recommendations, depending on the causeoccurrence of the state.
In any case, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of animal fats, refuse to eat liver and meat of fatty varieties. The consumption of carbohydrates is also recommended to be reduced.

Featured Foods
How to raise white blood cells at home and what should be the menu?
Protein foods should be easily digestible, this is primarily lean fish, chicken and turkey. Seafood: shrimp, black and red caviar, crabs. Chicken eggs must be on the menu.
Rice, buckwheat and oatmeal are suitable for cereals. Plant foods give more choice, can be consumed:
- grenades;
- all varieties of citrus fruits;
- apricots;
- dried apricots;
- blueberries;
- beets;
- garlic and onion;
- white cabbage;
- spinach;
- strawberry;
- currants.
The diet should contain products that raise leukocytes, namely sour-milk and dairy products, which, by the way, can be consumed without restrictions. In moderation, dry red wine is allowed. The best time to drink this alcoholic drink is after the last meal, it is then that the best assimilation of wine by the body takes place. You can drink no more than 150 milliliters.
You need to eat more greens and green vegetables. They are a storehouse of antioxidants that allow you to remove toxins as quickly as possible and contribute to the production of whiteTaurus. In addition, these products help reduce the risk of cancer, which is very important for people who have undergone chemotherapy.
How to raise white blood cells after a serious illness? Eat more buckwheat. It is not necessary to cook only porridge, you can use flour, from which you can cook many interesting and tasty dishes. It is buckwheat that perfectly increases the level of hemoglobin, promotes the formation of leukocytes and makes it possible to lose weight.
Eat nuts, only 10-15 grams per day is needed to maintain the body. Nuts contain a lot of fluorine, calcium, selenium and iron, and other useful elements. They not only increase the number of white blood cells, but also improve brain activity.

What to do after cancer treatment
Chemotherapy helps in the early stages of cancer development. However, this is a toxic and even poisonous procedure that adversely affects the he alth of the whole organism. This procedure also has a negative effect on the composition of the blood, after which the level of leukocytes and platelets, the body's immune forces, are significantly reduced.
How to raise white blood cells after chemotherapy? After the procedure, one diet is not enough. The doctor will definitely prescribe blood tests and, based on the results of the study, prescribe medication.
Today, medicines from the group of colony stimulants are in the first place, but they cannot be taken uncontrollably and on their own. To such medicinalfunds include:
- "Leucomax", the active ingredient is molgramostim. It stimulates the formation of leukocytes. The drug is also used in the treatment of AIDS.
- "Neupogen". The active substance of the drug is filgrastim, which is a highly purified protein. The drug stimulates the production of neutrophils by the bone marrow.
How else can you raise white blood cells after chemotherapy at home? In addition to these drugs, there are many more:
- "Filgrastim";
- "Pentoxyl";
- "Methyluracil";
- "Leukogen" and others.
All of them are aimed at improving the blood formation process.
If the problem did not appear due to chemotherapy, then you can drink drugs containing iron and copper, in particular Leukogen. But you should always remember that the use of any medication without consulting a doctor is a huge risk. After all, any medicine has a huge list of contraindications and side effects.

Folk remedies
How to raise white blood cells at home quickly? The most common and quite effective recipe is sour cream and beer. It is clear that it is not suitable for pregnant women and children. One glass of dark beer (try not to save on quality) will require 3 tablespoons of sour cream (high-fat cream can be used). Mix all the ingredients and drink the mixture once a day.
Notice improvements afterA 7-day treatment is possible by using a decoction of oats. For two glasses you need 2 tablespoons of unpeeled oats. Boil the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. After filtering and cooling, use the decoction three times a day for half a glass, for one month. In addition to stimulating the process of hematopoiesis, oats stimulate the digestive tract and help remove toxins from the body.
Green bean juice can be beneficial by running bean pods through a juicer. This juice should be stored in the refrigerator. Take in small amounts - 10 milliliters 4 times a day, only after meals, after 1 hour. After one day of admission, they take a break for a day, and on the next they continue treatment again, and so on. However, the course of treatment should be 1 month, you can repeat the course only after 4 months.
How to raise white blood cells after chemotherapy? Suitable infusion of beets and honey. First you need to take fresh beets, which must be peeled, cut into slices and placed tightly in a glass jar (3 liters). Warm, but not hot boiled water is poured into the jar, 40 grams of s alt and 50 grams of honey are added. The mixture is hidden in a cool and dark place for 3 days. After this time, the remedy is used 3 tablespoons daily. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Bee products help with many diseases. How to raise white blood cells? You can also use honey.
To prepare the remedyyou will need perga (3 tablespoons) and 250 grams of honey, but only natural. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed together, add 1 liter of warm water, again everything is mixed. You can drink this mixture for a month, practically not limiting yourself in quantity.
Another recipe will require nettles, but must be harvested in May. The grass should be dried and thoroughly ground to a powder. For 100 grams of nettle, 500 milliliters of honey will be required. The components should be thoroughly mixed, use the mixture three times a day, 5 milliliters each. However, the course of treatment is quite long (3 months), which is not recommended to be interrupted.
If aloe grows on the windowsill, then this plant will also help in solving this problem. A small sheet is cut off and placed in the refrigerator. After 2 days, the leaf should be carefully crushed to a mushy state, mixed with honey (250 milliliters). The mixture must be heated in a water bath. After straining, consume 3 times a day, 50 ml each.

Medicinal herbs
You can use wormwood. Three tablespoons will require three cups of boiling water. After the components are mixed, the mixture must be infused for 4 hours. Use a decoction three times a day, 200-250 grams each.
Mugwort can be mixed with propolis. To prepare the product, you will need 2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials (wormwood), which should be poured with 500 milliliters of hot water. Infuse the decoction for 1hours. You can use it on an empty stomach, adding 20 drops of propolis tincture to it.
How to raise white blood cells? You can use sweet clover. For 500 milliliters of cold water, 10 grams of the plant will be required, the mixture should be insisted in a dark place for several hours. After the mixture should be well filtered and drunk for a month, one tablespoon, twice a day.
To increase the level of leukocytes, rose hips are suitable. The fruits must be chopped and poured with water, boiled over low heat for 25 minutes. Then the broth is infused for 24 hours. After that, it can be consumed 2 tablespoons 3 times a day, about 30 minutes before eating.

Herbal preparations
How to raise white blood cells after chemotherapy? There are several recipes. One of them will require:
- motherwort;
- horsetail;
- knotweed.
The components are mixed in a ratio of 3:6:4, crushed to a powder state and mixed. The mixture does not need to be brewed, but simply added to food (6 grams) at each meal.
You can make a decoction of wild rose (a small amount of fruits), dry chicory, nettle, leek root, lungwort, hawthorn herb and motherwort, lungwort. 150 grams of motherwort and hawthorn grass are placed in the mixture, the remaining components are added in a volume of 250 grams. Every day you can boil the mixture over low heat, leave for 5 hours and use at least 4 times a day for 70 milliliters.
How to raisewhite blood cells? Drink a drink with chicory, royal jelly. Plantain juice will do. You can brew barley and Rhodiola rosea extract.
Pomegranate juice is very useful, which can be consumed in its pure form, or diluted a little with water. You can make compotes from strawberries, currants and apricots. Nettle, rose hips can be added to such drinks.
However, it should be understood that all the described recipes cannot suit every person, most likely, you will have to go through trial and error, trying different options and choosing the most effective option for yourself.

Despite the fairly large number of prescriptions, medicines that solve the issue of how to quickly raise white blood cells after chemotherapy, there are still no special measures that would avoid such a phenomenon.
It is recommended to adhere to the rules of a he althy lifestyle, if possible, give up bad habits and regularly undergo a medical examination. Carefully monitor your body, respond to the signals it gives, do not leave even the simplest diseases untreated.
Regularly replenish the supply of vitamins in your body, they will not only increase the number of leukocytes, but will also be an excellent prophylactic against colds and viral diseases. It is necessary to replenish the supply of vitamins not only at the expense of synthesized drugs, but also by eating fruits and vegetables. Go in for sports and try to be less nervous, if notIf so, see a therapist or take herbal-based anti-anxiety medications.