Pain in the lower abdomen and chest pain: possible causes, symptoms, features and methods of treatment

Pain in the lower abdomen and chest pain: possible causes, symptoms, features and methods of treatment
Pain in the lower abdomen and chest pain: possible causes, symptoms, features and methods of treatment

All women at least once felt such an unpleasant symptom as pain in the chest and in the lower abdomen. Many different ailments cannot be identified and determined without resorting to the help of doctors. These sensations can cause a lot of discomfort and be signs of more dangerous phenomena. There are many reasons for this kind of pain. For example, if pain in the lower abdomen occurs infrequently during breastfeeding, then this may be due to a change in hormonal levels.

The normal state of the body

Everyone knows that every month women have periods, they can appear up to a certain age. If a woman's menstrual cycle is normal, it helps her to conceive a child if she wants to become a mother in the future. For some women, critical days pass with soreness. This is due to the fact that they eat a lot of cold foods, dress inappropriately for the weather, or have colds of the ovaries, hypothermia, and for other reasons.

sore chest and lower abdomen
sore chest and lower abdomen

Ovulation Discomfort

It's normal for a woman to have bigger breasts, likeswelling, and there is a slight soreness. Along with this, a pulling pain appears in the lower abdomen, which indicates that the uterus is in tension and is preparing for hormonal changes in connection with the upcoming menstruation. During the ovulation period, pain and a pulling sensation may be felt in the lower abdomen, pain radiates to the chest when the egg matures, the follicle bursts and the egg is released.

Pain during menstruation

Slight period pains do not require any intervention, but it would be better to protect yourself from possible troubles. What should a lady do if her chest hurts all the time and heaviness in the lower abdomen? In this case, there is already reason to think. One of the reasons may be endometriosis of the genital organs. With this ailment, a woman is constantly worried about aching pains in her chest and lower abdomen, and they have no connection with critical days.

sore chest pulls in the lower abdomen
sore chest pulls in the lower abdomen

Only the help of a specialist and a thorough diagnosis will make it possible to clearly and timely determine why the disease occurs. In addition to the previously indicated reasons why the chest and lower abdomen may hurt, this sensation can occur if a woman is pregnant. She may not know about this right away, because the first period of bearing a child passes in the same way as menstruation, when it comes into tension and swells the chest, the lower abdomen hurts.

pain in the chest, heaviness in the lower abdomen
pain in the chest, heaviness in the lower abdomen

This lasts for several weeks until the embryo is attached to the uterus. painin the lower abdomen can be due to problems with the digestive tract, ranging from the most common ailments (such as poisoning or indigestion) to very significant problems (such as tumor formations).


Most often, the main signs of a woman's he alth problems are the following:

  • Irregularities in the menstrual cycle (it can be both critical days that have come ahead of time, and delayed menstruation).
  • Painful sensations in the chest (it swells or hurts).
  • Pain of any strength in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, which may or may not have a connection with the menstrual cycle.

The multiplicity of symptoms may be different, but the first thing the doctor will ask at the consultation: "When did the last critical days come?" Of great importance is the exact division of all symptoms into those that are the norm, and into deviations from the norm: if the chest hurts and pulls in the lower abdomen against the background of the absence of critical days, then this is a completely normal situation associated with the possible presence of a desired pregnancy.

swollen chest and pain in the lower abdomen
swollen chest and pain in the lower abdomen

Diseases that cause pain

Manifestations of a pathological condition after menstruation are characteristic of diseases of the breast and genital organs. If the critical days are over, and the chest and lower abdomen are noticeably sore, then you need to go to the doctor. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the following diseases and phenomena can be identified:

  • mastopathy;
  • mammary fibroadenomagland;
  • various types of benign neoplasms in the breast;
  • combination of uterine tumors and breast disease;
  • mastalgia;
  • undetected pregnancy.
abdominal pain radiates to chest
abdominal pain radiates to chest

If you experience pain in the abdomen and mammary glands that are felt after menstruation, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Ideally, after critical days, there is no pain in the chest and should not occur, which is why it is extremely necessary to get the advice of a doctor: most often, all manifestations in the mammary glands and pelvic organs can mean the presence of female he alth abnormalities.


The female body sharply and rapidly affects various pathological changes. Pregnancy is considered normal, the first signs of which are changes in the breast (swelling and soreness), problems with the digestive tract (nausea, unwillingness to eat, loss of appetite, acute dislike for smells). With the appearance of pain in the chest and lower abdomen, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic studies determined by a specialist to exclude gynecological pathology. Therefore, if the chest is swollen and pains in the lower abdomen visit a woman from time to time, then you should think about an interesting situation.

breastfeeding lower abdominal pain
breastfeeding lower abdominal pain

Pain during sex

Often, such unpleasant sensations as pain in the chest and lower abdomen appear during intercourse. The pressure of the penis on the uterus is quite significant ifthe speed of the sexual act is swift. This puts pressure on the gastrointestinal system. If there are deviations from the norm or chronic diseases in these organs, spasmodic phenomena and pain invariably accompany lovemaking.

If sex itself can cause various pain sensations, then it is necessary to determine other ailments in a woman's he alth. In such a situation, the chest and lower abdomen hurt, soreness puts the pleasure of having sex with a beloved man by the wayside. Specialists in almost all cases determine the unpleasant disease "endometriosis". To get rid of it, various therapeutic procedures are used - physical exercises, the right psychological attitude, relaxation, non-steroidal drugs that protect against inflammation, and in addition, paracetamol.

lower abdominal pain and chest pain
lower abdominal pain and chest pain

After intercourse

Another fairly well-known and trivial reason why there is soreness and aching in the lower abdomen after intercourse may be a special biological structure given to a woman simply by nature. In this situation, pain does not appear in all cases, but when a man and a woman take a specific position in sex. It is then quite possible to eliminate these symptoms, you just need to find special positions for yourself that will not cause pain to the woman.


If the chest hurts, it pulls in the lower abdomen tolerably, without causing much discomfort,nothing needs to be done. Usually the first day is considered the most unpleasant, then the discomfort decreases. But sometimes in girls and women, the pain is so felt that they do not allow them to live a normal daily life. In this case, it is necessary to drink an anesthetic antispasmodic (for example, No-Shpu) in order to reduce pain and stabilize the condition. Critical days are accompanied by soreness for various reasons. In most cases, this is fatigue, disturbed sleep patterns, nervous overload, negative emotions.

Thus, in order to understand how and what causes pain in the lower abdomen and chest, you need to carefully listen to your own body and determine if such a condition is supplemented by side symptoms. For other suspicious signs, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist in order to avoid adverse consequences. And the sooner this is done, the better for the woman's he alth.
