Eye drops "Mezaton": composition, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, side effects

Eye drops "Mezaton": composition, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, side effects
Eye drops "Mezaton": composition, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, side effects

Eye drops "Mezaton" is a common sympathomimetic agent that is used in the treatment of various diseases, as well as in some ophthalmic procedures. For example, during postoperative examination and examinations. This is a fairly strong remedy, so it is not recommended to use it without a doctor's prescription, be sure to read the instructions first. This article details the composition of this drug, indications and contraindications, existing side effects.

About the drug

Drops Mezaton
Drops Mezaton

Eye drops "Mezaton" have an effect that contributes to a significant increase in the pupil. This is necessary for doctors. After all, it greatly facilitates the process of studying the fundus. Therefore, ophthalmologists regularly use them during the examination phase, as well as after operations, to evaluate whether it has been effective. After all, the studyfundus is an important step in a detailed study of the back of the eyeball. Without this, the examination will be incorrect.

This effect is manifested due to the main component of this drug - phenylephrine hydrochloride. What is it in simple words, all patients who are going to use these drops strive to understand. According to its mechanism, the substance has an effect very similar to adrenaline.

The main difference from adrenaline is that phenylephrine eye drops act on the pupil for several hours. When adrenaline has a short-term effect. Here's what phenylephrine hydrochloride is in simple terms.

Also, this drug is often used in the treatment of iritis of various origins and in the prevention of iridocyclitis.

Treatment of iridocyclitis

Symptoms of iridocyclitis
Symptoms of iridocyclitis

This disease is worth telling in more detail. It must be understood that iridocyclitis is an eye disease. It is with him that these drops are most often used.

In fact, iridocyclitis is an inflammation of the iris and ciliary body. As a rule, their joint defeat is explained by the common blood supply and common nervous innervation. An isolated inflammatory process develops only in rare cases.

What is iridocyclitis becomes clear when provoking factors become known. As a rule, this is physical or mental overwork, diseases of the endocrine system, severe hypothermia. In this case, to establish the true cause of the disease is oftensometimes impossible.

Often, patients learn that this eye disease is iridocyclitis when it develops against the background of other ailments. Then it is called endogenous. Experts believe that the reasons that cause it are:

  1. Infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. In this case, tuberculosis, measles, herpes, influenza should be most of all to be feared.
  2. Systemic connective tissue diseases are rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, psoriasis, gout.
  3. Presence in the body of foci of a dangerous chronic infection - caries, basal cysts of teeth, sinusitis, sinusitis.

In some cases, iridocyclitis can develop against the background of other eye diseases. For example, scleritis or keratitis, as well as due to surgical interventions on the eye, wounds and damage to the eyeball.

Due to iridocyclitis, photophobia appears, vision decreases, pain and lacrimation appear in the eye, which can spread to the temporal region of the head. The classic symptoms of this disease are:

  • changing the color of the iris;
  • expansion of blood vessels around the limbus;
  • fuzziness and smoothness of the iris pattern;
  • reducing pupil diameter, accompanied by a sluggish reaction to light. Pupil format may become incorrect when adhesions appear between the iris and the lens.

To diagnose this disease, an examination of the anterior chamber of the eye is performed using a special microscope, as well as palpation of the eyeapples. The indications for these procedures are the patient's complaints.

When examining the anterior chamber, the doctor should pay special attention to clouding of moisture and accumulation of cells. At the bottom of the chamber, pus appears in the form of a crescent, which is called a hypopyon. If a blood vessel ruptures, the exudate turns rusty or red.

In the treatment of the disease before hospitalization, drugs that dilate the pupil are actively used. For example, eye drops "Mezaton". It must be emphasized that it is strictly forbidden to use them without a doctor's prescription.

At the stage of inpatient treatment, therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the causes that caused this disease. For example, if an infection has become the main iridocyclitis, then antibiotics are prescribed, and if it is an allergy, then corticosteroids or antihistamines.

The disease can be severe due to an accompanying autoimmune disease. Then immunomodulators and cytostatic agents are required. Often it is required to achieve resorption of the inflamed exudate as soon as possible. Enzyme preparations are used to prevent adhesions.

Physiotherapeutic methods have proven to be highly effective. If secondary glaucoma appears, then drugs that can lower intraocular pressure cannot be dispensed with.

Due to active inflammation, it is contraindicated to wear contact lenses. And with further vision correction, you should consult a doctor, taking into account the clinical picture of this disease and the likelihood of relapses.

It is important that you canprevent iridocyclitis. It consists in the timely treatment of chronic infections that occur in the body. You should also strengthen the immune system, timely deal with systemic diseases of the connective tissue, that is, rheumatism, gout.

Useful properties of the drug

Eye drops
Eye drops

These eye drops are based on phenylephrine, a chemical that can activate alpha-adrenergic receptors.

Because of this, there is a narrowing effect on the blood vessels, increasing blood pressure, which leads to the expansion of the pupil.

In parallel with this, the smooth muscles of the conjunctiva contract. Due to this, the effect is so long-lasting. The action occurs within 30 minutes, and lasts about 5-6 hours. Children may have dilated pupils even longer.

Instructions for use

At the appointment with an ophthalmologist
At the appointment with an ophthalmologist

Eye drops "Mezaton", as a rule, are instilled by a specialist. The need to instill them in the patient himself is extremely rare.

To achieve the desired effect during research, one drop in each eye is enough. Additional instillation is required in some cases when the pupil begins to narrow before an hour later.

In case of ophthalmic diseases, the patient will have to instill drops on their own. It is important that the dosage should not exceed one drop in each eye three times a day. The course of treatment is determined individually. It depends on how the body reacts to the drug, to whichstage is the inflammatory process.

Indications for use

Treatment of eye diseases
Treatment of eye diseases

In ophthalmic treatment "Mezaton" for the eyes is used for the following diseases:

  • iridocyclite;
  • complex treatment of accommodation spasm that occurs in childhood;
  • anterior uveitis;
  • irritability associated with dry eye syndrome;
  • reduced activity of exudative processes in the iris.

In addition, the drug is recommended for use as a diagnostic tool. The indication for the use of Mezaton eye drops is the suspicion of angle-closure glaucoma. Also, the drug is used when adhesions appear in the back of the eyeball or asthenopia.

Side effects

Mezaton composition
Mezaton composition

Eye drops "Mezaton" is quite a powerful tool. Therefore, it should be used with extreme caution. There are certain side effects of Mezaton that may occur depending on how the body reacts to the drug.

Among them are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • high blood pressure;
  • irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • excessive sweating;
  • feeling "fog" before the eyes;
  • too pale complexion;
  • headaches;
  • increased heartbeat;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • out of controltearing.

Also, in many patients, Mezaton eye drops cause reactive miosis, which can manifest itself during the day. Since there are really a lot of side effects, you should always consult with a specialist before using the drug. In this case, you cannot self-medicate.

When not allowed?

Be aware of the contraindications. Eye drops "Mezaton" are forbidden to use for the following problems and pathologies:

  • progressive glaucoma in any form;
  • individual intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels, especially if they appear in old age;
  • hepatic porphyria;
  • regularly elevated intraocular pressure;
  • violation of the integrity of the eyeball;
  • excessive tearing;
  • increased activity of the endocrine system, which leads to unstable conditions.

Incoming components

Indications for use
Indications for use

In the composition of "Mezaton" phenylephrine is the main active ingredient. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, decamethoxin, distilled water, polyethylene oxide are also used as auxiliary.

You can find the drug on the pharmacy shelves in 5 mm bottles. They are equipped with a special pipette dispenser, which greatly facilitates instillation.

The drug is advised to store in a dark and dry place only when closed. The room temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.

Be sure to make sure that children and pets do not have access to the drug. Otherwise, it can turn into serious trouble.

Unopened eye drops are stored for three years. An opened bottle can be used for a maximum of one month.


There are several analogues of Mezaton eye drops, which are often used by ophthalmologists as alternatives.

First of all, it is known to many "Atropine". It is, perhaps, more often than other medicines, instilled when it is necessary to achieve pupil dilation. The effect occurs within 30 minutes. As a rule, this drug is used when examining damaged organs of vision, as well as when there is a possibility of blood clots in the eyeball. It should not be used in children under 7 years of age or in adults with glaucoma or iris synechia.

Another medicine for pupil dilation is Cyclomed. It can lead to dryness around the eyes, inability to navigate in space, dry eye syndrome.

"Irifrin" is prescribed not only for studying the pupil, but also for diseases such as iridocyclitis and uveitis. If there are no contraindications, it can be an effective remedy to help prevent dry eye syndrome. It is produced in two dosage forms, which differ from each other in the degree of concentration of active substances. One of them is used for adult patients, the second - forchildren, including newborns.

The basis of the drug "Vistosan" is also phenylephrine. Its action is almost identical to the effect that Mezaton produces. These drops are also prescribed in the treatment of iridocyclitis, as well as a concomitant diagnostic tool. Depending on the purpose, different concentrations are used.

The widespread domestic analogue of "Mezaton" is "Neosynephrine-POS". It is based on phenylephrine hydrochloride. It is used to dilate the pupil during diagnosis. One drop of the substance is enough for an ophthalmologist to achieve the desired effect. After about an hour, the instillation should be repeated if it turns out that the pupil is not dilated enough. The main thing is not to overdose. Its symptoms are nausea, anxiety, vomiting, pressure surges, dizziness, general nervousness, excessive sweating.

Like "Mezaton" itself, all its analogues can be used only after prior consultation with a doctor.

Note that this drug is quite inexpensive. Its average price in the country is 30 rubles.

Tips & Tricks

If you are prescribed Mezaton drops, you should remember that they cannot be instilled if the patient is wearing lenses. Before using the drug, they must be removed. It is allowed to put it back on at least a quarter of an hour after instillation.

Use the drug with extreme caution. With repeated instillation, the pupil will expand even more, and the effect will pass no earlierthan in five hours.

If pregnant or lactating women have to use the drug, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. Categorically in such cases, it is not contraindicated, but there may be adverse consequences due to the characteristics of the organism, the stage of development of the disease.

When the drug enters the bloodstream, some patients may experience general malaise, feeling exhausted and tired. This condition is considered normal. After a while, these sensations will pass by themselves without a trace.

Remember that "Mezaton" is forbidden to combine with "Atropine". Even after a considerable amount of time. Each of the drugs will enhance the effect of the other. This will lead to adverse effects on the body. In this case, you will only make the situation much worse.
