Properly prepared food from fresh and natural products is undoubtedly rich in vitamins. But it is impossible to get them in full every day only with food - for this you need to eat a lot. Therefore, doctors around the world have long agreed that a course of vitamins is shown to each person several times a year.

You can take them at any time, but there are certain periods when it is most relevant. It is, of course, spring and winter. Choosing the best vitamins is not easy. To do this, you should carefully study the composition and dosage of the components on the package, read the reviews of those who have already taken such drugs.
It is often at the doctor's office that people find out that there is a need to start taking certain vitamin complexes. In this case, the appointments can be completely different. After all, the choice in the pharmacy of such drugs is huge. It is not always possible to independently figure out which are the best vitamins. You can use the help of a pharmacist or ask a doctor for a prescription. This eliminates the long and painful search for the right package of vitamin preparations.

Sufficient demand for such vitamin complexes as "Vitrum", "Alfavit", "Active". They all contain varying doses of mostly water-soluble vitamins. The latter are quickly absorbed by the body, but are slowly excreted. This sometimes threatens with hypervitaminosis if the dosage has not been observed. After reviewing the composition, you can see that the content of some components is quite low, so these drugs are unlikely to be the best vitamins. But the drug "Supradin" is rich in fat-soluble vitamins, which is much better for the body.
Children belong to the group that especially needs a constant amount of vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, many babies do not want to eat he althy food, thereby reducing the likelihood of the right substances entering the body. That's why you should periodically give them the best vitamins for children. According to many, these are the various complex preparations of Vision. They not only strengthen the child's immunity, but also contribute to proper physical and mental development.
The company's products have been in existence for over 12 years. They have won the trust of parents and the love of children from all over the world. The manufacturer claims that it is even possible to prevent the development of a child's drug addiction in the future after periodic use of these drugs. You can choose any suitable vitamin complex, for example, Lifepac Junior Be Big, which contributes to the proper formation of the skeleton in children over 6 years old. Having studied its composition, we can say with confidence that these are the best children's vitamins ontoday.

What are the best vitamins in the world? To answer this question and choose the most worthy product, you should evaluate the content in the preparation of the most important vitamins - C, group B (in particular B1, B3, B6), vitamin D. They rightfully occupy a leading position among the rest due to their unique qualities and integral good for the body.
You need to choose the best vitamins carefully, carefully studying their composition and contraindications for use.