As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. But sometimes an illness overcomes a person, and then the only way out is to see a doctor as soon as possible. The key to a successful recovery is the correct treatment, which, in turn, depends on the correct diagnosis. Science does not stand still, and more and more modern equipment for examination and treatment comes to the aid of doctors. One of the most common such devices is an ultrasound machine. Today we will talk about this research method, learn more about abdominal ultrasound, what is included in the study, how it is carried out and how to prepare for it.
Historical background

Interestingly, for the first time ultrasound was used not entirely for medical purposes: with the help of the apparatus, the military searched for the sunken ship "Titanic". In the 1930s in Americadoctors used a new device to detect a tumor in a patient's brain. Due to the fact that ultrasound is not able to penetrate the bone structure, they did not succeed, however, this case gave impetus to the introduction of the ultrasound machine into medicine.
Since the 60s, almost all hospitals and hospitals could boast of having an "ultra-modern" device for conducting research. Now it has become much easier for doctors to examine patients and make diagnoses. Since the 90s, the equipment has changed significantly: modern scanners have appeared that allow you to examine the smallest details of the image.
What am I seeing?
One of the most common examinations is abdominal ultrasound. What is included in this procedure? Why do doctors prescribe this study so often? With the advent of such a method of examining internal organs in medicine, the probability of making an accurate diagnosis has sharply increased. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity helps to establish the exact dimensions of the internal organs, their location and structure, to examine inflammatory foci or to see neoplasms. Examination of the abdominal cavity includes the diagnosis of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen. The method allows you to detect congenital anomalies in the development of internal organs or identify polyps, stones in the kidneys and gall bladder and other organs. Before conducting the study, it will be useful for the patient to learn about abdominal ultrasound, what it shows and how the procedure is performed.
Liver ultrasound

The liver is the most important organwhich performs a detoxification, that is, a “cleansing” function: it removes toxins from the body, neutralizes harmful substances entering the blood. This is the only organ that is able to “grow”: in some diseases, doctors are forced to “cut off a piece” of tissue, and the liver eventually takes on its original size.
An ultrasound examination of the liver can detect abnormalities such as:
- Liver enlargement.
- Fatty cysts.
- Dilation of liver vessels.
- Enlarged portal vein.
- Presence of neoplasms in the liver and blood vessels.
- Cys.
- Abscesses.
- Focal changes.
If, after the examination, abnormalities in the liver are detected, then it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis with the help of additional tests or other procedures. It can be computed tomography, biopsy, angiography, laparoscopy.
The doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the liver when laboratory data do not show damage to the organ, but there is a high probability of its damage. If it is necessary to clarify the pathological focus detected by other methods, to assess the localization of liver metastases and their number, in case of liver injuries, the doctor prescribes the procedure. Ultrasound is used to monitor the condition of hepatitis and other chronic diseases.
Ultrasound of the gallbladder

Indications for an ultrasound of the gallbladder are:
- suspected gallbladder or biliary tract disease;
- changes in theseorgans previously identified;
- assessment of secretory function;
- presence of abdominal pain;
- presence of stones.
Using an ultrasound of the gallbladder can detect acute and chronic cholecystitis, cholesterosis, stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts, cancer.
Ultrasound of the pancreas
Ultrasound of the pancreas helps to see the organ in different projections and assess its condition, identify acute and chronic pancreatitis, cancer, the presence of fatty infiltrations. Your doctor recommends a pancreatic exam if:
- pain in the upper abdomen, in the hypochondrium and left side, which are regularly repeated;
- changes in the function of the organ, which were revealed when taking a biochemical analysis;
- jaundice;
- disturbed stool;
- drastic and unjustified weight loss.
Spleen ultrasound

The spleen works in the human body "tirelessly": it regulates the function of hematopoiesis, ensures the continuous production of antibodies and lymphocytes that fight diseases. Ultrasound of the spleen can detect cysts, heart attacks, abscesses, torsion of the leg of the organ, developmental anomalies, enlargement, tumor-like formations. The doctor prescribes an examination in cases where there is a suspicion of:
- organ malformations;
- injuries;
- some infectious diseases;
- chronic liver disease;
- tumor-like neoplasms of the abdominal organs;
- leukemia.
Mosta simple study that allows you to diagnose the organs of the digestive tract - ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. What is included in it besides the examination of the above organs? During the examination, the doctor receives information about all parts of the abdomen and retroperitoneal space.
Preparing adults for examinations
The most common diagnostic method is abdominal ultrasound. What is included in the preparation for the survey? For a reliable result, it is important to properly prepare for an ultrasound examination. Since gases, fecal masses create "interference" during examination, it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet before the procedure. 3 days before the ultrasound, legumes, rich bread, flour sweets, fresh fruits and vegetables, fatty, fried foods should be excluded. The best food these days is oatmeal, barley or flaxseed porridge, lean fish and meat. On the day before the ultrasound, the last meal should be no later than 19.00.
Those who suffer from increased gas formation, older people are advised by doctors to take drugs that improve digestion: drugs "Festal", "Mezim". Patients with constipation should take a mild laxative or a cleansing enema before the ultrasound. Any drug should be taken only as directed by your doctor.
You must not chew gum, smoke, drink carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee before the procedure, as this contributes to the deterioration of visualization during examination.
Preparing children for ultrasound

Children under one year of age should skip one feeding before the study. Older children can be patient and not eat 4 hours before the procedure. Before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, a child over 3 years old should be excluded from eating food for 7 hours. If there are results of a previous study, then they need to be shown to the doctor.
To get a complete picture of the state of he alth, often the doctor prescribes an ultrasound scan for the child: the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space and all parts of the abdomen.
Survey progress
On average, the duration of the study is 20-30 minutes, during which the doctor fully assesses the condition of the abdominal organs. The patient lies on his back, exposing the abdomen. The doctor applies a gel to the part of the body to be examined, which increases the conductivity of ultrasonic radiation and improves the visibility of the device. With a special sensor, the doctor examines the organs of the abdominal cavity, leading along the surface of the abdomen. The patient during the study is not disturbed by any sensations. After the procedure, the sticky gel is easily washed off with water.
Indications for the procedure

When and for what symptoms do doctors recommend an abdominal ultrasound? There are some signs in the presence of which the doctor may refer the patient to the procedure:
- bitterness in the mouth, especially if it is repeated from day to day;
- appearance after taking spicy or fatty foods of paroxysmal pain in the right hypochondrium, as well as in the event of dull pain, not relatedwith food;
- flatulence, increased gas formation;
- any abdominal pain;
- persistent itching or skin rashes that do not heal for a long time.
There are other reasons why a doctor may prescribe this procedure: an allergic reaction, increased thirst, yellowing of the sclera of the eyes, and others.
Patients who have had hepatitis, patients with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, people who have received abdominal injuries, or those who are undergoing preventive examinations need to undergo mandatory ultrasound. An examination is prescribed when it is necessary to clarify or identify any deviation in the abdominal cavity. It is important to know that the norm of abdominal ultrasound is a relative concept, and in rare cases there are people with structural and developmental features of internal organs.
Contraindications for examination
The research method has practically no contraindications, which makes it affordable and completely safe. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys will allow you to quickly determine the presence of a pathological site and organ and start treatment in a timely manner.
Advantages of ultrasound

The examination method is non-invasive, that is, the integrity of the skin is not violated during the examination, which completely eliminates the risk of infection. Modern equipment allows you to examine the patient right in the ambulance, which significantly speeds up the diagnosis and affects the favorable outcome of the disease. Proved thatthe patient receives a minimal dose of radiation, which does not affect his condition in any way: if necessary, it is safe to perform repeated ultrasounds. It is possible to conduct a study on a patient in serious and critical condition. Another advantage of abdominal ultrasound is the price, which is low compared to, for example, magnetic resonance imaging.
The only feature of the method: decoding of ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and other organs and systems must be carried out by a qualified doctor.
Where to do it
You can conduct an ultrasound examination in all clinics, hospitals, maternity hospitals. Some ambulances are equipped with portable ultrasound machines, which can carry out not only the examination of a certain organ, but also the examination of the fetus in "marching" conditions.

Private clinics, medical centers also have in their arsenal an apparatus for performing abdominal ultrasound. The price for an examination in a non-state institution is higher than for a similar procedure in a public clinic. The result depends entirely on the competence of the doctor: the more experienced he is, the better he diagnoses.
Now you know everything about abdominal ultrasound: what the examination shows, how to prepare for it, how the examination is carried out. Remember that the method is completely safe, which means that you do not need to be afraid of it. Stay he althy!