At what age do girls start their periods normally?

At what age do girls start their periods normally?
At what age do girls start their periods normally?

The onset of menstruation is a sure sign that a girl has turned into a girl and, theoretically, can give birth. The timing of your first period varies by region, race, and hereditary factors. At

at what age do girls start menstruating
at what age do girls start menstruating

how old do girls start their periods normally? We will try to answer this and other questions below.

The age at which girls begin their periods is determined primarily by genetics. If mom and grandmother's "red days of the calendar" began at the age of 12, then the girl should also expect the onset of menstruation around this time. But still, in most cases, a girl turns into a girl between 11 and 13 years old, that is, 2-2.5 years after the mammary glands began to grow. If menstruation began at 9 years old or earlier, then this is considered early menstruation. If the female malaise has not visited the girl after 15 years, then you should consult an endocrinologist. Violationsmay be caused by malfunctions in the endocrine system or hormonal imbalances.

The age at which girls begin menstruation depends on a number of factors, including not only heredity, but also the level of physical development, illnesses that the girl had in early childhood, quality of nutrition, general emotional background, place of residence and origin. Menstruation in girls begins earlier if from childhood they overtake their peers in development. And vice versa, if the development is somewhat slowed down, then the "red days of the calendar" may come later. If during puberty and childhood, the girl did not get enough

when does the menstrual cycle start
when does the menstrual cycle start

amount of vitamins and malnourished, then menstruation will come with a delay. Therefore, in order to find out exactly what time girls begin menstruation, you need to take into account many factors and understand that this process is purely individual. For example, for girls who live in southern countries, the transformation into a girl occurs earlier than for their peers living in the northern regions. Meanwhile, in our latitudes, menstruation occurs in girls in winter. It is believed that in summer, in conditions of heat and a low-calorie diet, the body pushes the start of the first menstruation to the winter, since more calories are consumed in winter.

The impact of previous diseases on the menstrual cycle

menstruation in girls
menstruation in girls

The age at which a girl begins her period is also affected by past illnesses. For example, the reproductive system is negatively affectednot only meningitis and encephalitis, but also frequent colds, SARS, tonsillitis. Of the chronic diseases, diabetes mellitus, heart defects, and bronchial asthma have the greatest impact. All this slows down the development, leading to the fact that the girl's menstruation comes later.

How to prepare a girl for the onset of menstruation, and what day is considered the first day of the cycle?

First you need to explain that everything is normal and that menstruation is not a disease, but a natural state of the body. Many people cannot understand for a long time when the menstrual cycle begins, mistakenly believing that the first day of the new cycle is the day the menstruation ends. In fact, the first day of the cycle always coincides with the first day of menstruation. Regardless of how old girls start their period, you need to explain what changes occur in the body, as well as what consequences they entail.
