When do girls get their first period?

When do girls get their first period?
When do girls get their first period?

In the modern world, many medical topics are widely covered. But menstruation is still very rarely talked about. She and the problems associated with her are ashamed. Even parents are afraid to talk to their children about this topic. Because of this, young girls who first heard about menstruation have a lot of questions - when do the first periods appear, how do they flow, what problems can arise later in the future. All of these questions deserve consideration. They are associated with the formation of the menstrual cycle, on which the reproductive function will depend in the future.

Monthly: what is it and how to determine their first approximation

The word "menstruation" is derived from the Latin word "mensis". It translates as "month". In medical terms, menstruation is regular bloody discharge from the vagina, which is observed monthly by teenage girls and adult women. This is not something terrible, some kind of disease or pathology. It's naturala biological process inherent in the female body.

"Herald" the beginning of puberty. This is what they call the first period. Signs of their approach can be observed in this way:

  • girls develop mammary glands, first pubic and axillary hair appear, a female figure begins to form;
  • intensively growing muscle and fat mass;
  • about a year before your first period, a whitish discharge (leucorrhoea) begins to come out of the vagina, which acts as a protective and moisturizing agent.
Harbingers of the first menstruation
Harbingers of the first menstruation

Mean age at onset of period

Menstruation does not occur at any particular age. For each girl, this process is individual. For some, the first menstruation begins at the age of 12, and for someone - at 14 years. Modern experts note that menstruation has become “younger” over the past few decades. In the past, girls started this biological process much later - at about 14.5 years old. Now at this age, almost 98% of girls have periods. The fact that menstruation is "younger" is explained by a change in living conditions.

Also, modern experts note that the average age of the onset of menstruation is determined by some factors. First, nutrition and body weight play an important role. The more adipose tissue a girl has, the earlier her period begins. Secondly, the start of a natural biological process is determined by race. Southerners tend to mature earlier. Thirdly, the importanceinherent in heredity. Girls adopt genes from their parents. If the mother's period came late (at the age of 14), then the daughter will most likely begin this process at the same age.

What causes the onset of menstruation: hormonal changes

The beginning of the first menstruation in a girl indicates that her reproductive system has matured. A number of anatomical and physiological processes lead to the first menstruation. Everything starts from the head. The level of hormones formed in the pituitary gland and controlling the function of the ovaries (paired gonads) increases.

Estrogen is produced in the ovaries due to exposure to substances. This is an important hormone that for 2-3 years contributes to the development of the girl's body. Under the influence of estrogen, the uterus grows, secondary sexual characteristics appear. This hormone also stimulates the growth of the endometrium, the lining of the uterus.

Changes in the body during the menstrual cycle
Changes in the body during the menstrual cycle

Formation of the dominant follicle in the girl's body

When a girl's body matures, a dominant follicle with an egg is formed in the ovaries. On a certain day, it breaks. A mature egg is released from it, which exists for about 24 hours. In place of the follicle, a "yellow body" is formed. It exists for about 12-14 days and produces another important female hormone - progesterone. It has a positive effect on the uterus, its mucous membrane.

When the "yellow body" ceases to exist, the hormonal background in the body changes. The endometrium, considered a target organ for hormones,is undergoing changes. The functional layer of the uterine mucosa begins to be shed. This process causes temporary bleeding, which is called menstruation.

It is important to note that monthly egg maturation occurs in adult girls and women. In young girls, during the early first menstruation, this process may not be, since their body has not yet been formed, puberty is just beginning. Menses in the first year are mostly anovulatory, which means that the egg does not mature and is not released from the ovary.

What happens during menstruation

The beginning of menstruation is a signal that changes have occurred in the body, the hormonal background has changed. First, there is bloody discharge from the vagina. As a rule, during the first menstruation, they are not very plentiful. Secondly, on the first day of menstruation, the lower abdomen aches. This is a natural symptom. It occurs due to contraction of the muscles of the uterus. The first day of menstruation is always painful. Thirdly, the mood deteriorates. Girls, like adult girls and women, note irritability and tearfulness.

What is the first period in terms of duration? The duration is individual. On average, it is from 2 to 7 days. The volume of blood lost ranges from 30 to 50 ml. With each passing day, the abundance of bloody discharge decreases. In the last days they can be spotty. As a result, spotting stops.

Signs of menstruation
Signs of menstruation

What you need during your period

If a girl observes a whitish discharge, thenShe needs to get ready for her period. You will need to buy pads - hygiene products that are sold in pharmacies and stores in a wide range. At the first menstruation, girls can entrust the purchase to their mother or make it on their own.

It is important to remember that choosing a gasket is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because there are a lot of features to consider:

  1. The gasket must be hypoallergenic. Only then will it create comfort, will not cause irritation and itching.
  2. Absorbency is very important. They are evaluated by the number of drops indicated on the package. For example, if you have heavy discharge, the best option would be pads that have the most drops on the package.
Pads for menstruation
Pads for menstruation

Using tampons instead of pads

In modern pharmacies and stores, among hygiene products for critical days, there are tampons. They resemble small cylinders that are designed to be inserted into the vagina and hold menstrual blood. Tampons can be used at any age. When used correctly, they do not cause discomfort, pain, do not violate the integrity of the hymen, since their maximum diameter is about 1.3 cm.

Tampons are easy to use. Experts do not argue with this, but recommend taking into account one feature of this hygiene product. The tampon should not be in the vagina for more than 6 hours. After 4 hours of use, it is recommended to replace it with a new one. Due to untimelyremoval of a contaminated tampon in the vagina, bacteria begin to multiply rapidly. Menstrual blood with microorganisms flows back into the uterus. The infection is spreading. As a result, serious complications may develop.

The use of tampons by girls during menstruation
The use of tampons by girls during menstruation

Lifestyle during menstruation

From the first day of menstruation, a girl should pay special attention to hygiene in order to always feel comfortable and not face irritation. A shower is required both in the morning and in the evening. In addition, regular washing is necessary, because the blood decomposes very quickly under the action of air and microbes, and an unpleasant odor arises that people around can feel. The minimum allowable number of washes is 2-3 times a day. Ideally, water treatments should be after every change of pad, tampon or visit to the toilet.

During menstruation, as a rule, he alth worsens, so girls are allowed not to attend physical education classes on critical days, not to participate in sports competitions. Experts also recommend during this period to refuse swimming in the pool, river, sea.

The concept of the menstrual cycle

The concept of "menstrual cycle" is inextricably linked with menstruation. This term refers to the period of time from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation. Normally, the duration of the cycle in a he althy girl and woman is from 21 to 35 days.

At the first menstruation, the duration of the cycle may differ from the norm. The World He alth Organization notes thatThe very first menstrual cycle in 38% of girls lasts more than 40 days, in 10% - 60 days, and in 20% - only 20 days. All this is considered quite normal during the first menstruation. It's just that girls don't have their menstrual cycle right away. This may take 1 or 2 years. With age, the duration of the cycle becomes within the normal range.

Lifestyle of girls during menstruation
Lifestyle of girls during menstruation

SOS signals

The process of puberty does not always proceed normally. Some girls have problems that require medical attention. Here are a number of symptoms that indicate that the reproductive system is not all right:

  • first period too long (more than 8 days) or too short (less than 3 days);
  • excessively heavy discharge, due to which you have to change the gasket almost every hour;
  • menstrual irregularities (long first missed period or too short period between first and subsequent periods).

If you have the above symptoms, you just need to consult a doctor, because the girl may have serious problems that in the future will lead to sad consequences (for example, infertility or miscarriage). The causes of an irregular cycle can be malnutrition, improper hygiene. The doctor will give the necessary recommendations, if there are the first signs of a delay in menstruation, he will recommend herbal remedies to correct menstrual function.

Consultation with a doctor for problems with menstruation
Consultation with a doctor for problems with menstruation

Whatimportant to know about pregnancy

Unfortunately, many modern girls begin to live sexually too early. Due to the lack of important knowledge, some people have unwanted pregnancies. Young girls should remember that menstruation indicates puberty, but they do not yet mean the body is ready for pregnancy. At this age, conception is undesirable. Girls who are sexually active should first of all take care of contraception. Doctors warn that without contraception, pregnancy can occur at any time, even with an irregular menstrual cycle.

If conception occurs, then the girl can understand this by the presence of the first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. As a rule, the chest becomes painful, there is an aversion to certain foods, nausea is tormented in the morning. You should inform your parents about the presence of such symptoms and consult a doctor in the future. Pregnancy at a young age is a serious stress for the body, so consultation with a specialist is necessary.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the beginning of menstruation is an important event in the life of any girl. By this time, you need to be prepared. It is important to know about the features of menstruation, and about deviations from the norm, and about a possible pregnancy. If you have any problems, you should not be afraid to contact mothers and specialists, because menstruation is natural. They happen to every woman.