Types of bleeding: causes, symptoms and treatment. Types of bleeding according to Barkagan

Types of bleeding: causes, symptoms and treatment. Types of bleeding according to Barkagan
Types of bleeding: causes, symptoms and treatment. Types of bleeding according to Barkagan

Bleeding can occur on its own or as a result of various provoking factors, pathologies. In modern medicine, five types of bleeding are distinguished: petechial-bruising, hematoma, mixed, vasculitic-purple, angiomatous. Each of the presented species has its own characteristics, symptoms, causes. Emergency care for bleeding will depend more on the type of disorder. Do not forget that bleeding gums are separately characterized, the causes and treatment of which differ from each other.

types of bleeding
types of bleeding

Petechial bruising type

This type of disorder has its own characteristics that help in making a diagnosis. This type of bleeding is characterized by the appearance of painless or small spots on the skin, in the form of hemorrhage, which may resemble bruises. Appear as a result of minor bruises, due to wearing uncomfortable clothing, after injections, and also aftermeasurement of blood pressure, at the bend of the elbow.

This type is combined in patients with increased bleeding of mucous surfaces, such as bleeding from the nose or menorrhagia. The petechial-bruising type of disorder is very often observed in various pathologies and blood diseases that disrupt blood flow and plasma composition. It can be diagnosed even in acute leukemia, various types of anemia and uremia.

If a patient has this type of bleeding, it is urgent to call an ambulance and apply local methods of stopping the blood before the arrival of a specialist. The patient is compulsorily hospitalized and treated in a hospital setting.

Hematoma type

This type of bleeding is characterized by large and at the same time painful effusions of blood into the subcutaneous tissue, as well as muscles, joints, and periosteum. With a hematomal type of disorder, hemorrhages occur after injuries and surgical intervention. It can be diagnosed with minor cuts, after tooth extraction. It is very often observed in nasal, renal and gastrointestinal bleeding, so its elimination will be the envy of concomitant factors.

Also, this type of bleeding is characterized by a lesion that affects the musculoskeletal system, that is, a change in the articular tissue occurs, movements become limited, atrophy of the muscles of the lower and upper extremities is observed. The hematoma type of disorder is diagnosed with hemophilia.

Hemophilia is a disease that is transmitted throughinheritance, is associated with impaired blood clotting function due to genetic abnormalities. May develop suddenly or within hours of an injury, even a minor one.

Mixed type of bleeding

A mixed type of disorder, or, as it is also called by experts, petechial-hematomal, is characterized by minor formations of specks and bloody bruises, which can be combined with volumetric hematomas and outpourings of blood under the skin. They are even in the area of retroperitoneal tissue, in parallel with intestinal paresis. In this case, the patient will not be diagnosed with damage to the articular and bone tissue, which is always present with a hematoma type of disorder. But with a mixed form, single hemorrhages in the joints can be noted.

Very often this type of disorder develops in parallel with serious diseases and pathologies, such as von Willebrand disease, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. Only a specialist can help with a mixed type. Independent actions should be completely excluded. The patient is advised to inject antihemophilic plasma or cryoprecipitate intravenously.

Vasculitis purple type

All types of bleeding have their own characteristics, including this type of disorder. It is characterized by a uniform papular-hemorrhagic rash, which has a diameter of not more than 10 mm.

bleeding gums causes and treatment
bleeding gums causes and treatment

Most often occurs on the surface of the lower extremities, but there are exceptions,when formations are observed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hands. Also, the patient may notice small bloody dots in the buttocks. They are formed due to diapedesis of erythrocytes through the vascular walls, as their increased permeability occurs.

In parallel with the vasculitic-purple type of bleeding, the patient may be diagnosed with urticaria, arthralgia. The patient also notes acute pain in the abdomen, intestinal bleeding is observed, there are symptoms of glomerulonephritis. This type of disorder can develop simultaneously with hemorrhagic vasculitis and with other systemic vasculitis that are of an immune and infectious nature.

A distinctive feature of this deviation is that for a long time the patient has bluish or brown pigmentation at the site of the rash. Other types of bleeding do not have residual hyperpigmentation.

Angiomatous type

types of bleeding according to barkagan
types of bleeding according to barkagan

This type of disorder is characterized by bleeding that occurs from time to time, and also has a permanent asymmetrical arrangement due to angiomas of small vessels. Very often, the angiomatous type of bleeding is diagnosed in parallel with disorders such as Rando-Osler disease. This pathology is accompanied by an impaired ability of the vessel wall to activate hemocoagulation factors and form blood clots. But at the same time, there is no violation of the formation of blood clots when in contact with a foreign surface.

If the patient was diagnosed with this typebleeding, it is recommended to immediately provide first aid and consult a specialist. Independent actions in this situation should be completely excluded, as this can lead to serious and irreversible consequences, as well as complications. It is impossible to determine without a specialist what provoked this or that type.

angiomatous type of bleeding
angiomatous type of bleeding

Bleeding gums: causes and treatment

This gum disease is diagnosed in most patients and occurs as a result of many precipitating factors. In most cases, it is accompanied by an inflammatory process, at the initial stage of the disease it is mild and has certain symptoms, which will intensify as the pathology of the gum tissue progresses.

Provoke bleeding gums can diseases such as:

  1. Gingivitis. A common inflammatory process that damages the surface of tissues. It develops due to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity. Treatment is based on the removal of plaque and calculus, complex therapy and maintaining hygiene.
  2. Periodontitis. It can destroy gum tissue deep enough to cause tooth loss. It also develops due to pathogenic bacteria that multiply on plaque. Surgical or neurosurgical treatment, drug therapy is carried out.
mixed type of bleeding
mixed type of bleeding

Also in modern medicine, there are types of bleeding according to Barkagan, which are very similar tothe above types of violations.
