Drastop (injections): reviews, indications, instructions for use, analogues, side effects, contraindications

Drastop (injections): reviews, indications, instructions for use, analogues, side effects, contraindications
Drastop (injections): reviews, indications, instructions for use, analogues, side effects, contraindications

The drug is a highly specialized tool that has been developed for the treatment of joint destruction and other degenerative defects in the bones and spinal column.

In the article, we will consider reviews for Drastop injections, as well as detailed instructions for use.

Treatment using a medication is possible only after a complete examination and determination of an accurate diagnosis. It is desirable to take the drug in a course during which the influence of the active components is enhanced.

drastop injections reviews
drastop injections reviews

During the use of the drug "Drastop" in injections, you must adhere to medical recommendations, do not reduce or increase the dose on your own. If side effects occur, you should immediately contact a rheumatologist to adjust the treatment.

What is the composition of Drastop injections?

Form of release and composition of the medicinal product

The drug is produced as a solution for intramuscular injection at a dosage of 100 mg/ml. He is transparentyellowish tint, in a colorless transparent glass ampoule with a white break ring, 2 ml each, in a blister strip pack of five ampoules, one or two packs in a pack, along with instructions for use. One milliliter of the solution contains the active substance sodium chondroitin sulfate - 100 mg. The auxiliary substances are: 12 mg of benzyl alcohol, 1% sodium hydroxide solution or hydrochloric acid, up to 1 ml of injection water.

Pharmacological action of the drug

As indicated by the instructions for use, "Drastop" has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and chondrostimulating effect. Chondroitin sulfate takes part in the construction of the main component of bone and cartilage tissue.

The drug has chondroprotective features, enhances metabolic processes in fibrous and hyaline cartilage, as well as subchondria bone. The agent inhibits enzymes that cause the destruction (degradation) of the cartilage of the joint, stimulates the production of proteoglycans by chondrocytes. It helps to reduce the release of inflammatory mediators and pain factors into the synovial fluid, inhibits the secretion of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. There is a slowdown in the resorption of bone tissue and a decrease in calcium loss, the rate of bone tissue regeneration increases.

Chondroitin sulfate slows down the development of osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis, regenerates the articular surfaces of cartilage and joint capsule, prevents the collapse of connective tissue, normalizes the production of joint fluid.

drastop injections analogues
drastop injections analogues

When using the drug, the mobility of inflamed joints improves, pain decreases, while the therapeutic effect persists for a long time after the completion of the therapeutic course. In the treatment of articular degenerative changes that are accompanied by secondary synovitis, an effect is observed already after two to three weeks from the start of the course. The drug is structurally similar to heparin and can potentially interfere with the formation of fibrin clots in the subchondria and synovial microvasculature.

What are the indications for the use of Drastop injections?

When is the drug prescribed?

The drug is prescribed for the following degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the spine and joints:

  • osteoarthrosis of joints of peripheral type;
  • intervertebral osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis.

The doctor must prescribe the medication. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Contraindications to the use of medication

Contraindications for Drastop injections are as follows:

  • childhood (safety and efficacy not determined);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bleeding and tendency to it;
  • excessive sensitivity to the composition of the drug.

Instructions for using "Drastop"

The development of the course is made individually, determined by the symptoms. Instructions for use of the drug involves the introduction of one milliliter of solution into the muscle. Injections are made every other day. Recommended after 25-30injections to take a break, you can resume treatment after six months. The manufacturer says that re-treatment is necessary only for exacerbations. After a standard course, a positive long-term effect is usually observed.

When treating osteochondrosis with Drastop, a doctor can change the usual scheme by offering the patient more intensive therapy. For example, a short ten-day course may be prescribed, during which a person receives not one, but two injections every day. An increased dosage of the active ingredient makes it possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but such treatment is only suitable for physically strong patients.

drastop injections composition
drastop injections composition

Is an overdose of this drug dangerous?

Against the background of a large dose of the drug, the temperature may rise, nausea and weakness will appear. Unpleasant symptoms after the end of the course will pass, to alleviate the patient's condition, the simultaneous use of antipyretics is prescribed.

Interaction with other medications

If drugs that affect blood flow are used, platelets should be constantly monitored to prevent thrombosis or liquefaction.

It is not recommended to use analogues of "Drastop" at the same time, regardless of the form of release of the drug, which several times increases the likelihood of side effects and overdose.

When used simultaneously with anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs, a strong increase in the effect of the drug does not appear.

PossibleAre there any side effects from Drastop injections?

Adverse reactions of the body to the use of this medication

Any drug can cause an adverse reaction. The medication we are describing is no exception.

According to reviews of Drastop injections, the main side effects of the drug are as follows:

  • severe swelling of the injection site and redness;
  • temperature increase;
  • urticaria and severe itching of the skin;
  • dyspepsia;
  • angioneurotic shock;
  • pain at injection site;
  • extensive pain syndrome throughout the spine;
  • profuse bleeding, most often with a tendency to this condition.
  • drastop injections side effects
    drastop injections side effects

It should be noted that in some cases, due to the influence of the active ingredient in patients, symptoms of anaphylactic shock were noted. Such reactions are very rare, they are stopped in a hospital setting.

This is confirmed by the instruction for the use of Drastop.


Overdose cases are almost impossible, even if treatment is started immediately with maximum volumes of two milliliters. When such a reaction occurs, the patient experiences the side effects described above.

Reviews of "Drastop" in injections will be considered below. In the meantime, let's talk about analogues.


The drug has a number of analogues, which are available in various forms. It is forbidden to replace the drug yourself, as this may causethe appearance of side effects, a poor result of treatment or a complete lack of its effectiveness.


This is a safer drug compared to Drastop, since it does not require oral administration. The drug in the form of an ointment or gel should be applied 2-3 times a day to the inflamed areas. Rub the active substance with massage movements for three minutes to achieve a greater effect. The duration of the course can be up to several months.

medicine drastop injections
medicine drastop injections


Produced as a solution for intramuscular injection and capsules. When using capsules, you need to apply twice a day for 0.75 grams of the active substance for the first time. After three weeks of treatment, the dosage should be reduced to 500 mg in the morning and evening. Injections are taken in the same way as Drastop. To achieve a result, it will take from 25 to 30 injections of the drug.


The drug is more affordable. It is also available in the form of injections for intramuscular injection. The drug is prescribed every other day in the amount of 100 mg. With good tolerance, it is prescribed at a dosage of 200 mg every day. The duration of the course is at least twenty-five procedures. Before you enter the active substance, you need to dilute the solution with injection water. Repeated courses are done only after six months.


This is a cheap analogue of Drastop injections, while it is relatively well tolerated by patients, causing side effects with the same frequency as Drastol. The drug is produced in the form of a solution and capsules. Dosage of capsules - in the morning and in the evening, 750 mg, after three weeks - twice a day, 500 mg each. The dosage of the solution is equal to one milliliter every other day of administration the first four times, then two milliliters. The treatment course is 30 injections.

If necessary, you can replace Drastop with drugs such as Chondrolon, Artogistan, Mukosat, Chondroxide Forte.

drastop injections contraindications
drastop injections contraindications

Reviews about injections "Drastop"

Many medical forums are full of reports that the drug "Drastop" with high speed eliminates a pain attack, restores joint mobility. But it should be noted that over time, such an effective result only weakens, as the body becomes addictive. To avoid this, it is desirable to alternate drugs of this pharmacological group. Doctors generally note the effectiveness of Drastop, strongly recommending ampoules for various articular degenerative changes.

The opinions of patients were divided into several groups. So, some of them say that "Drastop" should always be in the family first aid kit and used at the first symptoms of progressive osteochondrosis. Unpleasant sensations will decrease after 15 minutes, after 30 you can forget about them for a long time. There are enough positive reviews of this kind, so you should not ignore this medication when treating this problem.

Patients from the second group consider the drug useless. Even if it is administered intramuscularly, the pain does not go away. How to get rid of osteochondrosisimpossible.

drastop injections indications for use
drastop injections indications for use

Patients from the third group talk about side effects in the form of severe itching, skin rash. People had to refuse the prescribed treatment, although some still experienced temporary relief.

To determine the real effectiveness of the remedy, you need to coordinate everything with your doctor. If side effects appear, you need to stop the injections, and then consult a doctor.
