Injections "Diclofenac": indications, instructions for use, dosage, analogues, contraindications, reviews

Injections "Diclofenac": indications, instructions for use, dosage, analogues, contraindications, reviews
Injections "Diclofenac": indications, instructions for use, dosage, analogues, contraindications, reviews

Drug "Diclofenac" - a modern anti-inflammatory drug, designed primarily to eliminate inflammation in case of damage to the joints and muscles. Besides? the medicine is also used to reduce fever in the treatment of sore throats.

The mechanism of action of the drug is to block the synthesis of prostaglandins. In the presence of arthritis, arthrosis with severe pain, taking Diclofenac makes it possible to reduce painful manifestations.

Feature of the drug and composition

Often, various diseases provoke symptoms such as inflammation, pain, burning, swelling. There are many medications available to help relieve one or more of these symptoms. It is worth noting that Diclofenac injections, which are anti-inflammatory drugs, are quite popular. This drug has a wide range of actions, namely:

  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • analgesic;
  • antipyretic;
  • antirheumatic.
The drug "Diclofenac"
The drug "Diclofenac"

Injections "Diclofenac" are intended for intramuscular injection. The main active ingredient is diclofenac. One 3-milliliter ampoule contains 75 milligrams of the active ingredient. Additional components include sodium hydroxide, benzyl alcohol, acetylcysteine, mannitol, propylene glycol.

Indications for use

Diclofenac injections are used as an anti-inflammatory drug in such cases:

  • arthritis and arthritis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • sports injury;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • myalgia, neuralgia;
  • fever.

It is worth noting that this drug can only be used under the supervision of a doctor. The drug is used to eliminate inflammation and various manifestations of this process.

Among the main indications of Diclofenac injections is the elimination of inflammatory reactions in the affected area. It is worth noting that this medicine prevents the recurrence of painful sensations, and also helps to normalize blood circulation, protects cells from damage. This restores the functionality of the joints and reduces stiffness in the affected area.

Indications for use
Indications for use

The drug reduces the risk of complications, thereby reducing the likelihoodrelapse.

The advantage of using Diclofenac injections is the speed of the onset of the therapeutic effect, however, it should be noted that along with this, the likelihood of side effects increases somewhat. According to the instructions for use, injections are much less irritating to the gastric mucosa.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It is possible that a woman who is prescribed a long course of therapy with Diclofenac injections may become pregnant. In this case, be sure to inform your doctor about it. According to the instructions, treatment with Diclofenac injections can be carried out in the first and second trimester, but only after consulting a doctor. The decision to use this medicine should be made based on the balance between the possible risk to the baby and the benefit to the mother.

Since there is a fairly high probability of complications in the fetus and woman, it is strictly forbidden to use the drug during the third trimester. Taking this drug can provoke a weakening of labor, as well as disorders in the baby (premature closure of the arterial duct).

It is worth noting that the drug and its decay products can pass into breast milk. If necessary, the appointment of the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

How to give injections

It is imperative to correctly inject Diclofenac into the buttock, as the drug must get into the thickness of the muscle. There are also some important rules for using this remedy in the form of injections.

Before injecting "Diclofenac" intramuscularly, it needs to be slightly warmed up to body temperature. Basically, the ampoule is held in the palms of the hands for several minutes, or you can hold it in the elbow bend of the arm. It is worth noting that the heated solution relieves pain much faster. When administering the drug, it is advisable to lay the patient on his side, as this will achieve the maximum possible relaxation of the muscles.

The introduction of the drug
The introduction of the drug

Before you start the procedure, you need to wash your hands. The drug is injected deep intramuscularly into the upper outer part of the buttock, as there are no nerve trunks and large vessels in this area.

It is strictly forbidden to inject medicine under the skin or into a vein. Diclofenac injections are mainly alternated with other types of analgesics. With hepatic and renal colic, injections can be combined with antispasmodics. It is desirable that the patient during the therapy was in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Drug dosage

According to the instructions for the use of Diclofenac injections, the dosage should not exceed 150 mg. The drug in the form of an injection solution is mainly used at a dosage of 75 mg, which is equal to one ampoule. To obtain a faster result, it is permissible to use the maximum dosage, which is 150 mg per day. The course of Diclofenac injections lasts for 1-5 days. If treatment for some reason requires continuation, then the doctor mayprescribe the drug in tablet form or in the form of suppositories.

This drug is mainly prescribed by doctors in traumatology and rheumatology. In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, the drug has many advantages over other types of drugs, as it helps to eliminate morning stiffness, reduce joint swelling, pain and improve motor activity.

Dosage of the drug
Dosage of the drug

According to the instructions for the use of Diclofenac injections, the dosage for especially severe course of the disease can be two injections of this drug, or is the combination of injections with other forms of this medicine, in particular? with rectal suppositories or tablets. With migraine attacks, intramuscular injection of one ampoule of the drug in the form of injections is required, and if necessary, the use of a suppository at a dosage of up to 100 mg can be added on the same day. The total dosage of the drug should not exceed 175 mg.

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, this medicine must be used very carefully. If the course of therapy continues for four weeks or more, then the dosage of Diclofenac injections should not exceed 100 mg.


In case of an overdose of the drug, urgent medical care is required, as it depresses the activity of the nervous system, affecting the respiratory centers, provokes respiratory depression. In addition, with the introduction of a large dose, renal failure, necrosis of the renal tubules or theirsclerotherapy.

From the side of the nervous system, there may be a complete loss of orientation in space, memory loss, headache, fainting, hallucinations. In addition, in case of an overdose, a violation of the digestive system may occur. In particular, the risk of drug-induced hepatitis or internal bleeding increases significantly. Long-term treatment with this drug greatly outweighs the risk of heart attack.


There are several absolute contraindications for Diclofenac injections, which include:

  • individual intolerance to the constituent components;
  • peptic ulcer with severe defects on the mucous membrane;
  • violation of the process of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow;
  • internal bleeding;
  • pregnancy in the third trimester;
  • Children's age up to fifteen years.
Contraindications for use
Contraindications for use

With extreme caution, you need to use the drug in case of relative contraindications, which include:

  • pathology of the digestive system;
  • violation of the functional activity of the kidneys and liver;
  • old age;
  • pressure increase;
  • heart failure.

Taking this drug can provoke asthma attacks, local swelling on the mucous membranes and skin. If the patient was scheduled for surgery or dental procedures, then he must notify the attending doctor.

Before prescribing a drug to elderly patients, they must undergo a comprehensive examination.

Side effects

After the start of the use of "Diclofenac" on the part of various organs and systems, various kinds of side effects may occur. The very first signs of a hematopoietic disorder should include the following:

  • sore throat;
  • temperature increase;
  • erosion in the oral cavity;
  • depression;
  • bleeding.

If all these manifestations occur, it is imperative to stop taking the medicine and inform the doctor about the presence of violations. With prolonged use of the drug, it is necessary to regularly conduct blood tests. On the skin, sometimes there are reactions of excessive sensitivity to the components of the drug, which manifest themselves in the form of rashes and itching. In some cases, hives and hair loss may occur. The immune system is able to respond to the drug with manifestations such as:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • impaired consciousness;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.
Side effects
Side effects

On the part of the liver, there may be an increase in enzymes in the blood, and in some cases b a violation of the functioning of this organ, which manifests itself in the form of inflammation with or without jaundice.

Among the side effects of the nervous system, the following should be highlighted:

  • irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • depression;
  • feeling fear;
  • disorientation in space;
  • limb tremor;
  • convulsions.

A local inflammatory reaction can be observed at the injection site, which is accompanied by painful sensations, redness of the skin, and the development of an infiltrate. If all these disorders occur, you should immediately stop the administration of the drug.

Results of using the product

Many patients are interested in how long the Diclofenac injection works, how it is absorbed and excreted from the body. Based on the instructions, the maximum concentration is observed approximately twenty minutes after the administration of the drug. It is excreted by liver cells - hepatocytes, which are characterized by the fact that they bind and remove metabolites. The period of action of the drug is approximately three to six hours, it all depends on the severity of the course of the disease.

It is worth noting that this medicine in the form of an injection helps to eliminate negative symptoms very quickly, but has no effect on the underlying disease. It is intended solely to relieve inflammation and pain.

Interaction with other drugs

When combined with antibiotics, the risk of toxic damage to the kidneys, liver and intestines is significantly increased. When taken together with gold preparations, convulsions and severe signs from the digestive and respiratory systems may develop.

It is not recommended to use "Diclofenac" simultaneously with diuretics, as this leads to fluid retention in the body. It provokesthe occurrence of swelling and signs of intoxication. The combination with "Aspirin" somewhat reduces the anti-inflammatory effect and increases the risk of side effects, mainly from the digestive system. Besides? exacerbation of gout is possible, as well as an increased risk of developing allergies and bronchial asthma.

Special Instructions

Before using the medicine, be sure to read the instructions, and additionally consult with your doctor regarding the dosage and frequency of administration. To avoid side effects, do not immediately take the maximum allowable amount of the drug.

When prescribing "Diclofenac" to patients with diseases of the liver, kidneys and heart, it is necessary to control their condition in order to avoid the development of pathology and aggravation of well-being. Diclofenac injections and alcohol do not combine at all, which is why it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol during the treatment period. The use of alcohol during therapy can cause:

  • deterioration of the liver;
  • development of complications and side effects;
  • reducing the effectiveness of the drug;
  • hypertension.

Injections of "Diclofenac" and alcohol are completely incompatible, since the injectable form of the drug leads to stimulation of the nervous system, and alcohol, on the contrary, inhibits it. Besides? there is an increase in congestive manifestations in the circulatory system, which leads to intoxication of the body. As a result of the combination of anti-inflammatorydrugs with alcohol may cause dangerous neurological disorders. It can also provoke the development of allergies, toxic coma and anaphylactic shock.

In cases of using the drug, it is not recommended to drive a car, as well as perform work that requires increased attention. This is due to the fact that the drug can provoke fatigue, drowsiness, blurred vision, fatigue. All this can lead to very dangerous consequences. In addition, abrupt discontinuation of the drug is not recommended, as this can provoke an increase in symptoms.

Analogues of the drug

Analogues in terms of their main active ingredient and therapeutic effect are drugs such as Dicloberl, Voltaren, Ibuprofen. Another substitute is Movalis, although it contains a different active ingredient.

The drug "Voltaren"
The drug "Voltaren"

It is worth noting that Ibuprofen is much better tolerated by pregnant women and children. Voltaren is much more tolerable, as it undergoes more thorough cleaning during manufacture.

Drug reviews

Be sure to study before using Diclofenac injections reviews (analogues are presented above). There are a lot of positive opinions about "Diclofenac" in the form of injections, since this drug helps to quickly eliminate discomfort, when unbearable pain literally hampers movement, and a person is able to return to his usual way of life.

However, manypatients note the occurrence of side effects that can be very dangerous for the patient's he alth.
