"Ursosan" and "Ursofalk": purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, similarities and differences, effects on the body, indicati

"Ursosan" and "Ursofalk": purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, similarities and differences, effects on the body, indicati
"Ursosan" and "Ursofalk": purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, similarities and differences, effects on the body, indicati

In the article we will figure out which is better - "Ursosan" or "Ursofalk".

For the treatment of pathological conditions of the liver, a lot of medications are prescribed, which the specialist selects for each patient individually. Medicines from the category of hepatoprotectors are included in the mandatory treatment regimen for such diseases. There are some varieties of these medicines, and which one to choose, it’s quite difficult to decide on your own.

Medicines "Ursofalk" and "Ursosan" are considered one of the most popular medicines of this pharmacological group. They are prescribed more often than other drugs.

ursosan or ursofalk which is better
ursosan or ursofalk which is better

Properties of hepatoprotectors

In the treatment of hepatitis and other pathological conditions of the hepatic department, several types of choleretic agents are usedmedicines. It is necessary to treat such pathologies in a complex way, since one medicine will not have the necessary effect without the other.

What is the difference between "Ursosan" and "Ursofalk" is interesting to many.

Used medicines with choleretic properties:

  1. Hepaprotectors with deoxycholic acid. These are medications, the effect of which is aimed at improving the properties of metabolism in problem areas of the liver. Additionally, such medications increase the resistance of this organ to the influence of various pathogenic microorganisms, allow you to quickly restore the affected liver tissue after damage and normalize the outflow of bile.
  2. Cholinolytics are pharmacological agents that dissolve and destroy gallstones.
  3. Cholekinetics and choleretics. These medications are prescribed to increase the production of bile, which contributes to its speedy removal into the duodenum.

Which is better, according to doctors, Ursosan or Ursofalk?

Modern pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of diseases of this organ are quite effective, but not a single disease can be cured without restoring the functionality of the liver. For these purposes, hepatoprotectors are used - drugs whose effect is aimed precisely at achieving a similar task and protecting hepatocytes.

Functions of hepatoprotectors

Medications "Ursofalk" and "Ursosan" are restorers of liver cells, and their main tasks are:

  • neutralizing effects on the livertoxins that can enter its tissues from the outside or under the influence of various pathologies or metabolic disorders;
  • normalization of the activity of the liver departments and all metabolic processes;
  • normalization of the regenerative qualities of organ cells and strengthening their resistance to negative factors;


There are a huge number of indications for the use of these drugs. These medicines stop the negative impact that they have:

  1. Viral agents that can cause an inflammatory process in this organ, which can occur in the acute stage and become chronic. These diseases are called hepatitis.
  2. Toxins. When a person is exposed to chemicals for a long period of time, the liver begins to suffer from this more than other internal organs. The most dangerous factor of this type is high dosages of harmful compounds that enter the body at the same time, which can lead to total death of hepatocytes and tissue death.
  3. Medications. Sometimes specialists are forced to prescribe large amounts of drugs to patients, which adversely affects the liver. Hormones and antibiotics are considered the most harmful of all medications that have a negative effect on this organ.
ursosan or ursofalk which is better reviews
ursosan or ursofalk which is better reviews

General properties of medicines

Hepatoprotectors can be of several varieties. "Ursofalk" and "Ursosan" - medicines based onursodeoxycholic acid, and their effect is aimed at stimulating the production of bile and accelerating the processes of its excretion. Similar pharmacological agents are used in the fight against cholestasis, provoked by various pathologies - from hepatitis to gallstone disease.

The role of these drugs is extremely important, because they prevent the death of liver cells, increase immune defense, prevent the development of stagnant bile processes, which is extremely dangerous, and leads to an aggravation of the course of any pathological phenomenon in this area of the body.

Medicines "Ursofalk" and "Ursosan" are almost identical to each other. The main active element of each of them, as already noted, is ursodeoxycholic acid. This component is a natural component of bile, taken from the body of Himalayan bears. Such a substance is non-toxic and helps to increase the solubility of bile, as well as stimulate its rapid excretion.

It is rather difficult to decide which is better - Ursosan or Ursofalk. Check out the reviews below.

Description of the drug "Ursosan"

The drug "Ursosan" contains some additional elements, for example, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. The drug is produced in capsules, the shell of which is made of titanium dioxide and gelatin. The dosage for the treatment of liver diseases is 10 mg / kg of body weight 1 time / day. (evening).

Scope of application

Scope of this medicinal product:

  • chronic formshepatitis (autoimmune, medicinal, toxic, viral);
  • degenerative and fatty changes in the organ of non-alcoholic origin, as well as steatohepatitis of the same variety;
  • uncomplicated cholelithiasis (dissolution of gallstones of a cholesterol nature, biliary sludge, as a preventive measure to prevent the recurrence of stones after cholecystectomy);
  • pathology of the liver in alcohol dependence;
  • relux esophagitis, biliary reflux gastritis.
  • JVP.

But which is more effective - "Ursofalk" or "Ursosan"?

You can use "Ursosan" only as prescribed by a specialist, self-administration of a medication without the recommendations of doctors can lead to a worsening of the situation, since the medicine has some side effects and contraindications.

Contraindications for the use of this medicine are:

ursosan or ursofalk which is better the opinion of doctors
ursosan or ursofalk which is better the opinion of doctors
  • inflammation of the gallbladder (acute forms);
  • inflammatory processes in the biliary tract;
  • presence of gallstones with a high concentration of calcium s alts;
  • cirrhosis of the liver in the decompensation stage with the replacement of liver cells with connective tissue;
  • insufficient liver and kidney function;
  • infectious pathologies of the biliary tract, gallbladder or liver parenchyma;
  • obturation of the biliary tract, of different nature of origin;
  • empyema of the gallbladder with purulent contents in its cavity;
  • intolerance to ursodeoxcholic acid or additional components of the drug.

According to doctors, "Ursosan" or "Ursofalk" - there is not much difference.

Description of the drug "Ursofalk"

This medical product is completely identical in composition to the one described above, its active element is ursodeoxycholic acid, and even additional substances are the same. The medicine is produced in the form of gelatin capsules, the dosage for taking is 10 mg / kg of body weight 1 time / day, at bedtime. In addition, this medication is available as a suspension.

Indications for taking this medicine are:

  • dissolution of cholesterol-type stones in the gallbladder;
  • biliary reflux gastritis;
  • biliary primary cirrhosis in the absence of symptoms of decompensation;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • sclerosing primary cholangitis, cystic fibrosis;
  • alcoholic liver disease;
  • non-alcoholic steatohepatitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

Contraindications to the use of this drug are absolutely identical to those indicated for Ursosan.

Ursosan and Ursofalk - what's the difference?

Many patients often ask this question, because they are trying to choose for themselves exactly the drug that will meet all their requirements - it must be the most effective, inexpensive and well tolerated by the body, on which the success of therapeutic measures largely depends. In order to answer this question, it is necessaryunderstand the specifics of each of these drugs.

what is better ursosan or ursofalk reviews of doctors
what is better ursosan or ursofalk reviews of doctors

The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on their high polar properties, due to which the drugs create non-toxic threads that are mixed with toxic compounds of bile acids that do not have polar qualities.

Drugs "Ursofalk" and "Ursosan" can prevent the aging process of hepatocytes and cells of the biliary tract, as they have a positive effect on their membranes and walls. In addition, these funds prevent the destruction of such cells, which occurs due to the reflux of bile into the stomach or stomach contents into the esophagus.

"Ursosan" and "Ursofalk" help to stimulate the dissolution of cholesterol in bile, reduce the processes of stone formation, help dissolve already formed cholesterol stones, prevent the formation of new ones.

The main active element of these funds is the same - it is ursodeoxycholic acid. It is also present in small amounts in the human body. Therefore, medicines produced on its basis are considered physiological and natural.

Usually, patients who took both drugs did not notice a difference between them, since the effect of their use is the same. Considering the properties of these medications, it is very difficult to find out which one is more effective. Some clinicians, based on their own observations, argue that Ursofalk is tolerated by patientsmuch easier. In addition, it begins to act on the liver somewhat faster, and against the background of treatment with this pharmaceutical agent, the functional and physiological state of the liver normalizes earlier.

ursosan ursofalk urdoxa
ursosan ursofalk urdoxa

When considering the difference between "Ursofalk" and "Ursosan", it is necessary to dwell on the dosage form of these medicines. "Ursosan" is produced only in capsule form, and "Ursofalk" - also in the form of a suspension, which makes it convenient for use in childhood.

The difference between these medicines is also in their cost - the Urosafalk medicine costs twice as much as the Ursosan medicine.

Ursosan, Ursofalk and Urdox are also often compared.

Urdoksa drug

This drug is an absolute analogue of the drugs discussed above. Despite the absolutely identical chemical content, the list of indications for the appointment and contraindications to it, this medication is considered the most effective among all similar drugs, as evidenced also by its higher cost - it varies within 700 rubles per pack. Natural substances in the composition help to quickly and effectively restore not only the functional qualities of the liver, but also its structure.

This medicinal product is produced in the form of gelatin hard capsules for oral administration in blisters of 10 pieces. The capsules contain 250 mg of the active element - ursodeoxycholic acid.

Capsules are prescribed to patients as part of the complex treatment of the following pathologies:

  • biliary cirrhosis of the initial stages of development in the absence of decompensation;
  • presence of fine suspension and stones in the gallbladder, the diameter of which is not more than 5 mm;
  • reflux gastritis;
  • alcohol liver intoxication;
  • cholangitis with sclerotic changes;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • atony of the gallbladder;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

Also, this medication has some restrictions for admission, the list of which includes:

  • stones in the gallbladder and its ducts larger than 5 mm, confirmed by x-ray;
  • state after cholecystectomy;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder of an acute nature;
  • decompensated cirrhosis of the liver;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • reactive pancreatic inflammation;
  • drug intolerance.

Unlike the drugs "Ursosan" and "Ursofalk", this drug does not have multiple side effects, and is most easily tolerated by patients. Among the side effects in extremely rare cases, there are dyspepsia, diarrhea, liver enlargement, attacks of biliary colic and allergic reactions.

So, which is better - "Ursosan" or "Ursofalk"?

ursosan or ursofalk which is better opinion
ursosan or ursofalk which is better opinion


Numerous clinical and statistical studies prove that some or other liver diseases in the modern world suffer fromabout 20% of adults. This figure is very high, which indicates the need for everyone who has been diagnosed with these pathologies to resort to the use of hepatoprotectors, that is, medical products designed to restore the structure of this organ, improve its functioning and reduce the risk of negative consequences, which often become irreversible.

There are a lot of reviews about "Ursosan" or "Ursofalk". They were left by patients who used these medicines both in the treatment of hepatic diseases and for prophylactic purposes. Many of them contain quite positive information about their effectiveness, while others, on the contrary, are negative. Nevertheless, the above drugs are currently the main means for protecting the liver from the negative effects of internal and external factors, as well as the most prescribed hepatoprotectors.

Which is better - "Ursosan" or "Ursofalk", according to consumers?

So, in positive reviews, patients describe the mild effect of both medicines, devoid of adverse reactions and helping to restore the liver. Such an effect has been repeatedly confirmed by the experience of patients who used them, who also note a significant improvement in well-being, which was manifested during treatment by the normalization of digestive processes, the elimination of pain in the hypochondrium on the right, which caused a lot of discomfort and discomfort. Some patients preferred to take the drug "Ursofalk", because, according to their observations, the drug acts somewhatfaster and easier to carry.

ursosan or ursofalk reviews of doctors
ursosan or ursofalk reviews of doctors

Which is better - "Ursosan" or "Ursofalk", according to doctors?

Negative reviews of specialists contain information that these drugs helped patients, but their effectiveness was negligible. At the same time, complaints of discomfort associated with impaired digestive functions and pain syndrome were noted. Some adverse reactions were also observed, for example, in many patients this manifested itself in the form of nausea and stool disorders.

We found out which is better - Ursosan or Ursofalk.
