One of the most excruciating sensations that is hard to endure is when shooting in the ears. Such symptoms do not always indicate an ear disease, so you can not self-medicate. It is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible to diagnose the disease, and then proceed to its treatment. After all, self-medication can lead to partial or complete deafness or other complications.

For what diseases does it shoot in the ears?
Most often, these symptoms indicate an ear disease - otitis media. It can be inflammation of the middle, inner and outer ear. It is impossible to diagnose the disease on your own, especially in children, since they cannot accurately explain their feelings and complaints. Despite the fact that adults clearly understand where and how they hurt, it is impossible to determine the type of otitis media without consulting a doctor, since the symptoms in many diseases of the ears are similar. And depending on the localization of inflammation, the treatment is radically different. For example, with pain inthe outer ear can be de alt with with Otipax drops and therapeutic tampons. But with the localization of the inflammatory focus outside the eardrum, especially if the process of suppuration has begun, antibiotics are almost always prescribed in combination with hygiene and medical procedures in the form of washing the ear and instilling drugs.

With internal otitis, the head hurts and the ear shoots, the body temperature rises sharply, it is impossible to sleep or eat. To alleviate the patient's condition, the doctor uses the imposition of paracentesis - this is a slit-like puncture in the eardrum, through which the outflow of accumulated pus occurs inside. After such a procedure, relief comes, and the patient can safely continue treatment.
Sometimes it shoots in the ears because of a banal carious tooth. Therefore, do not neglect regular visits to the dentist.
A stiff facial nerve can also provoke backaches.
With arthrosis of the joint of the facial nerve, the patient experiences pain similar to the symptoms of otitis media.
And this is not a complete list of diseases in which it shoots in the ear. How to treat? Naturally, the key to successful treatment is always timely and correct diagnosis. Therefore, it is very important not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist.

Prevention of otitis media
You should always wear a hat in the cold season and do not go out in windy weather immediately after washing your hair. If youcolds and you have associated symptoms (cough, runny nose, sore throat), try to stay in bed and make sure that there is no accumulation of mucus in the nose. Use a vasoconstrictor to keep the airways well ventilated, as a stuffy nose often causes inflammation in the inner ear.
If you are still shooting in your ears, do not use dry heat without a doctor's prescription, because the process can be purulent and heating will aggravate its course. Remember that your task is not only to get relief from pain, but also to prevent possible complications.