Why stuffy ears and how to help solve this problem

Why stuffy ears and how to help solve this problem
Why stuffy ears and how to help solve this problem

Everyone has experienced ear pain at least once in their life. In particular, the question of why the ears are stuffed up can bother us from childhood. Let's figure it out.

why are ears plugged
why are ears plugged

First of all, the cause of this disease can be very prosaic. So, for quite natural reasons, such a state occurs when a person climbs mountains, rides in an elevator, in the subway, as well as during takeoff and landing of an airplane. In this case, why are the ears stuffed up? And everything lies in the differences in atmospheric pressure, to which the hearing aid is quite sensitive.

However, often the cause of this condition is an infection or a cold. Sometimes congestion is directly related to problems in the eardrum or inflammation in the Eustachian tube.

It turns out that infections are caused by the presence of fluid and mucus in the ear canal, resulting in a feeling of pressure. The inflamed ear begins to lay, because there is a narrowing and blockage of the auditory canal. The patient may in this case lose some hearing, that is, it will become worse to hear.

If your ears are stuffy, what could be the reason? First of all, the presence of sulfur plugor the development of any disease. The thing is that only an otolaryngologist can establish the unambiguous cause of discomfort, who then prescribes the appropriate treatment or a number of special procedures.

stuffy ears
stuffy ears

If the ears are blocked, the treatment in this case includes an initial consultation with a specialist. If the cause is a traffic jam, the doctor will easily and painlessly eliminate it. As for inflammatory diseases, a complex of drugs with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties is recommended here.

Very often the cause of stuffy ears is the presence of sinusitis or a prolonged runny nose. In this situation, traditional medicine advises rinsing the nasal passages with a solution of sea s alt.

It should be noted that today the issue of using boric alcohol for the treatment of ears is quite controversial. Many factors argue against the use of this method of treatment, so it is best to use it only as a last resort and only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Some possible causes of ear congestion should be looked into in detail:

  1. If the cause is a runny nose, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. In particular, experts recommend the use of vasoconstrictor drops that will help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane.
  2. If the answer to the question of why stuffy ears is inflammation, this is easy to install. The main symptoms are a sharp increase in body temperature and acute pain in the ear. As a rule, along with the use of drugs, a course is also prescribed.physiotherapy and taking immunomodulators.

    ears stuffed up treatment
    ears stuffed up treatment
  3. After bathing, ear congestion is felt quite often. In this case, you should lie on your side, pull your earlobe with your fingers, while making swallowing movements. In the event that water has entered the middle ear cavity, it is best to use anti-inflammatory ear drops.
