Ears hurt after the plane: what to do? Plugged up ears on the plane

Ears hurt after the plane: what to do? Plugged up ears on the plane
Ears hurt after the plane: what to do? Plugged up ears on the plane

What to do if your ears hurt after the plane? Beginners who use this transport for the first time often panic from such a state. Although in reality such a phenomenon is quite understandable and is not so rare.


If your head hurts, your ears are stuffed up, or it's hard to breathe after a flight, don't worry. You can resort to some simple ways to solve the problem.

Why is this happening? Rising too high, a person finds himself in a zone of high pressure. But his intracranial pressure remains unchanged. It is because of this difference that various symptoms such as ear pain and a feeling of congestion arise.

The eardrum, which acts as a kind of barrier between the skull and the environment, suffers the most. It is slightly pressed inward, which leads to a feeling of congestion.

Why do my ears hurt after a plane
Why do my ears hurt after a plane

How pronounced this sensation will be depends on the properties of the Eustachian tube. In cases where sheslightly narrowed, unpleasant symptoms appear more intensely. The size of the Eustachian tube is affected by a runny nose, swelling, inflammation of the middle ear, as well as the presence of a foreign object inside.

That is why doctors often advise against flying during colds and inflammatory pathologies. In such a situation, it is advisable to first recover, and only then go for tickets.

Packed ears on the plane: what to do?

If you encounter a similar problem after landing, don't worry, just do a few simple manipulations that are necessary to clear the auditory canal.

In some cases, to eliminate an unpleasant symptom, it is enough to simply pretend to yawn or take a sip. If this does not help, and the ears still hurt after the plane, use the recommendations of doctors:

  • Valsava procedure. This method is extremely simple. You just need to securely pinch your nostrils and clench your lips. Then try to blow gently so that the air does not pass through your mouth. True, this should be done very carefully so as not to inadvertently damage the membrane.
  • Toynbee exercise. This procedure usually helps those who have stuffy ears after the plane. For her, too, you need to close your nostrils and hold your breath for a while. Now try to make a few sips without changing position.
  • Ears hurt after flying
    Ears hurt after flying

Sometimes another simple method helps - open your mouth wide and freeze for a couple of minutes.

Traditional medicine

If you have a pawnears after the plane and does not go away, use some pharmacy remedy. Usually, doctors in such situations recommend the use of vasoconstrictor drops. Very effective in the fight against pain of this nature are the drugs "Tizin" and "Xymelin". The mechanism of action of these drugs is simple: they reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane, so that the feeling of congestion disappears.

What pharmaceuticals will help
What pharmaceuticals will help

True, you should keep in mind that such drugs can be addictive. So, if you have to regularly use the plane, try to solve the problem of congestion in a different way. Otherwise, very soon you simply will not be able to do without special medicines.

In addition, there are sprays that help to completely clear the nasopharynx from the developed mucus. One of the most popular means is "Afrin" - an inexpensive but effective medicine. True, it is desirable to apply it before the flight, and not after it.

If nothing worked

If your ears hurt after the plane, and the exercises do not help you, traditional medicine can come to the rescue. Sometimes a brewed tea bag held to your ear can help. True, during the procedure, care should be taken not to apply hot tea leaves to the skin.

At home, you can also use hydrogen peroxide or olive oil. To do this, lie on your side, drip the selected remedy into your left ear and freeze for a couple of minutes. Then you need to turn over so that the liquid flows outout. The swelling will also go away with it.

Folk remedies
Folk remedies

If an adult's ears hurt after the plane, you can apply a bandage soaked in warm water to his ear for a few minutes. Only from the fabric in this case should not drain water that can get inside. And under no circumstances should you use boiling water for this.

You can also use the method well known to everyone since childhood - to breathe over a hot potato. By clearing the nose, you can remove the puffiness of the Eustachian tube. Such inhalation should last no more than 5 minutes.

Do I need a doctor

According to otolaryngologists, it is quite normal for ears to hurt or feel stuffy after the plane. So most often there is no need to see a doctor. But if this symptom does not disappear for several days and no home remedies bring the desired result, it is still better to visit a specialist.

You should not endure intense pain, which is not eliminated even with the help of pharmaceutical preparations. Worry should cause other problems, such as severe sudden hearing loss. In addition, you should not delay a visit to the doctor if you notice even slight bleeding after the flight.


To prevent severe headaches and stuffy ears, you should refrain from flying when you have a cold. In such a situation, it is much better to change tickets and continue treatment at home.

Prevention of ear pain
Prevention of ear pain

Immediately before landing on the ground it is undesirable to sleep. Ask the flight attendant to wake you up about half an hour before arriving at the airport.

Before you get on board, buy special earplugs. They can be purchased at any pharmacy, as well as in nearby stores or directly at the airport. It is best to use them before takeoff and landing.

Also, it's best to take sour chewing gum or candy with you on the plane. Ordinary swallowing movements will quickly eliminate puffiness. If you don't have these with you, ask the flight attendant.

Among other things, be sure to stock up on a bottle of mineral water. Drinking in small sips can also prevent problems after a plane lands.
