Hypoallergenic menu: diet, allowed and prohibited foods and sample menu for the week

Hypoallergenic menu: diet, allowed and prohibited foods and sample menu for the week
Hypoallergenic menu: diet, allowed and prohibited foods and sample menu for the week

In recent years, allergies have become a common disease throughout the world. This disease affects people of all ages. But how to defeat this insidious allergy? Experts say that it can be cured only if you strictly adhere to the hypoallergenic menu. But what is this food? How can you get rid of this disease for young children, nursing mothers, as well as people who suffer from atopic dermatitis and eczema? Features of a hypoallergenic diet, the menu for the week will be described in our article below.

For kids

An allergic reaction in a baby can appear absolutely at any age, but it is often observed during the first year of life. During the transition to complementary foods, the child may experience an allergic reaction to the food consumed. In this case, it is necessary to organize the baby's diet according to the principle of a hypoallergenic menu. Such a systemfood suitable for babies of different ages, as well as for adults.

meat and vegetables
meat and vegetables

The essence of the hypoallergenic menu is that all highly allergenic foods are excluded from the diet for a while. After 2 weeks, gradually eliminated foods are returned to the diet about one every three days. If a repeated allergic reaction to a particular product is observed, then it should be excluded from the hypoallergenic menu again. The following foods are introduced after the disappearance of all symptoms of an allergic reaction. This is how the products that cause allergies in the children's body are determined.

If a child has a tendency to an allergic reaction, then, in addition to following a hypoallergenic menu for children, you must follow some tips:

  1. Don't overeat.
  2. Eat less protein.
  3. Minimize or eliminate fried, fatty, spicy and sour foods from your diet.
  4. Eat protein foods with vegetables that keep allergens out of the bloodstream.
  5. You can't eat allergens from the same group on the same day.
  6. The menu should include as many vegetables as possible, as they minimize the risk of a second allergic reaction.

For nursing mothers

If the baby is breastfed, then when he has an allergic reaction, the mother must necessarily review her menu for a week. A hypoallergenic diet is essentialmothers if the child has an allergy. This suggests that highly allergenic foods are excluded from the diet. Babies, from the age of three weeks to six months, may experience colic. The main reason for them has not yet been elucidated. However, some experts say that they are associated with the nutrition of the mother.

hypoallergenic menu for the week
hypoallergenic menu for the week

That is why a woman should stick to the hypoallergenic menu for the week, which will be discussed below.

You should not include in your diet those foods that provoke increased gas formation. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid colic in the baby. These products include: corn, eggs, citrus fruits, nuts, chocolate, coffee, soybeans, peanuts, crayfish, sweets, sweet peppers, various types of cabbage. Adhering to a hypoallergenic menu, cooking recipes should include the use of a double boiler. The menu should be diversified with boiled and stewed vegetables, sour-milk products and lean meat.

For atopic dermatitis

This disease is accompanied by itching and rashes on the skin. The reason for this can be both external factors and the products used. As for the hypoallergenic menu, the following foods should not be on the table: milk, nuts, eggs, fish, wheat, brightly colored fruits and vegetables. With the help of an allergy test, you can determine individual intolerance to other products. The formation of redness during an allergy test indicates the presence of an allergic reaction to one or anotherproduct. The Ado diet is effective for this disease.

What to exclude?

What foods should be removed from the diet to keep the body of adults and children he althy? The Ado hypoallergenic diet menu includes the exclusion of the following foods:

  1. Citrus fruits: tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, lemons.
  2. Nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts.
  3. Fish products and fish: s alted fresh fish, fish broths, caviar, canned fish.
  4. Poultry: duck, goose, turkey, chicken.
  5. All chocolate products.
  6. Smoked products.
  7. Coffee.
  8. Mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar and other spices.
  9. Radish, horseradish, radish.
  10. Eggplant, tomatoes.
  11. Eggs.
  12. Mushrooms.
  13. Milk.
  14. Strawberry, strawberry, pineapple, melon.
  15. Butter dough.
  16. Honey and bee products.
  17. Alcoholic drinks.
girl having breakfast
girl having breakfast

What to include on the menu?

So, we have considered what products should not be used in the menu of a hypoallergenic diet for nursing and people suffering from dermatitis. The menu also implies the use of certain foods. These include the following:

  1. Lean boiled beef.
  2. Secondary beef broth soups: vegetable, cereal, vegetarian.
  3. Olive, butter, sunflower oil.
  4. Boiled potatoes.
  5. Porridge: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat.
  6. One-day dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese, curdled milk.
  7. Parsley, dill, fresh cucumbers.
  8. Watermelon, baked apples.
  9. Tea.
  10. Compotes from plums, apples, dried fruits, cherries, currants.
  11. White lean bread.

For eczema

Filled with liquid or red dry spots on the skin indicate the development of eczema in an adult or child. In babies, this disease can develop due to the use of milk mixtures. In such a situation, they are replaced by special baby food, which is intended for use in eczema. For older children, it is necessary to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, the weekly menu with recipes for which will be presented below. Such a diet also implies giving up the use of spicy foods, colored fruits, canned food, sweet and smoked foods. The menu is allowed to include fermented milk products, vegetable soups, bone broths, vegetable stews, diluted juices, carrots, potatoes, cabbage.

Now let's take a closer look at hypoallergenic recipes.

hypoallergenic products
hypoallergenic products

Menu for the week

An approximate list of dishes would look like this.


  1. Breakfast: tea, rice porridge, apple.
  2. Lunch: meatballs with pasta, low-allergenic vegetable soup, compote.
  3. Dinner: tea without sugar, vinaigrette.


  1. Breakfast: tea, apple, wheat porridge.
  2. Lunch: mashed potatoes, pearl barley soup, chop, compote.
  3. Dinner: jelly, cottage cheese pudding.


  1. Breakfast: tea, buckwheat porridge.
  2. Lunch: meatballs with stewed cabbage, cabbage soup, compote.
  3. Dinner: milk soup with noodles, kissel.


  1. Breakfast: semolina porridge, bun with marmalade or cottage cheese, tea.
  2. Lunch: milk vermicelli soup, cutlet with stewed carrots, fruit compote.
  3. Dinner: sour cream, cheesecakes, kissel.


  1. Breakfast: wheat porridge, tea.
  2. Lunch: vegetable soup, meatballs, boiled potatoes, compote.
  3. Dinner: muffin or cake, cocoa.


  1. Breakfast: rice porridge, low-fat cheese, tea.
  2. Lunch: stewed cabbage with minced meat, borscht, compote.
  3. Dinner: boiled potatoes with sour cream, jelly.


  1. Breakfast: milk soup with vermicelli, tea.
  2. Lunch: vegetable barley soup, vegetables stewed with meat, compote.
  3. Dinner: natural jelly, vinaigrette.

Casery recipe

It is necessary to prepare barley, rice or liquid oatmeal. In a greased form, lay out layers of brown bread in cubes, as well as slices of a green apple. All this must be poured with ready-made porridge. Bake the casserole for 40 minutes.

vegetables on the table
vegetables on the table

Vegetable bun recipe

Boiled vegetables should be ground in a blender, add sugar, s alt, olive oil and flour to them. Form cakes from the resulting mass and bake for 30 minutes on special paper.

Baked recipeapples

It is necessary to grind the pulp of apples, removing the core in advance. However, the shape of the apple, consisting of a peel with a small top layer, must be preserved. Combine the resulting mixture with sugar and cottage cheese. Place the curd-apple mixture in the green apple that remains after cutting out the core and pulp. Bake fruit in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Vegetable soup recipe

To prepare this dish you will need: 300 g of cauliflower, 50 g of hercules, 1 liter of water, 100 g of diluted milk mixture, two quail eggs, butter to taste.

Cauliflower should be boiled, then grind the vegetable with a blender or grater until pureed. Boil the hercules in the remaining vegetable broth. Groats should be cooked for 10 minutes. Then add mashed cabbage and quail eggs to the broth. Butter and diluted milk mixture are added after the soup boils.

Recipe for turkey with buckwheat

Please note that you can change the recipes of cooking, replacing some hypoallergenic products with other similar ones. To prepare this dish, you will need turkey fillet, onions and buckwheat. Buckwheat must be left in boiling water for one hour. Then you should boil the turkey fillet, and then fry the already boiled meat with onions. In conclusion, buckwheat is combined with the resulting meat mixture.

vegetables on a plate
vegetables on a plate

Cheese casserole recipe

To prepare this hypoallergeniccasseroles you will need a few potatoes, 300 g of broccoli, and low-fat hard cheese. You can change the number of components depending on your taste preferences. At the bottom of the form, thinly sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes are placed. Then you need to lay the broccoli. Top vegetables sprinkled with hard cheese, grated on a fine grater. Bake the dish in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Diet Cake Recipe

Few people know, but with a hypoallergenic diet, you can also eat various desserts, but on the condition that they are prepared from the right ingredients. For example, to make a diet cake, you will need biscuits, fruit puree, low-fat cottage cheese, bananas.

First, you need to beat fruit puree in a blender, for example, apple, as well as cottage cheese. Put the resulting mixture on a layer of cookies, which is placed in a baking dish. Bananas are cut into circles on top of all the ingredients.


A hypoallergenic diet is a diet that excludes the use of potentially dangerous allergenic foods. It is prescribed for a food allergic reaction for unknown reasons or in case of a reaction to some unknown substance, such as atopic dermatitis.

The essence of such a diet is quite simple: it is necessary to exclude a food allergy product that causes a similar reaction in the body. A hypoallergenic diet means following the rules of nutrition until the symptoms completely disappear.allergic reaction. You should also gradually introduce products to identify potentially dangerous to the body. In the end, you need to correctly compose an individual diet, which the doctor will help you with.

red fish
red fish

The principle of such a diet is quite simple: you must completely remove those foods from the menu that provoke a reaction. Then they are gradually introduced into the diet. Those foods that worsen a person's condition should be completely excluded from the menu for life or for some time.

For prevention purposes, experts recommend dieting for nursing mothers and women during pregnancy. Thanks to this, you can avoid the occurrence of an allergic reaction in a child or the appearance of intestinal colic during lactation.
