The essence of any allergic disease manifests itself in the form of an immune response to an allergen that does not cause any reactions in a he althy body. For such a situation to arise, a combination of an external stimulus that triggers a defense mechanism and an internal propensity of the immune system is needed. Internal factors are divided into acquired and congenital.
Allergies are now common. To a lesser extent, there is an allergy to the labia, which refers to inflammatory diseases. It manifests itself in the form of rashes on the genitals and is provoked by various allergens. They are recommended to be identified in order to prescribe effective treatment and prevent future relapses.

Currently, the allergy to the labia, the photo of which is provided, is of various kindsrashes, accompanied by itching, in the genital area. This disease is often referred to as genital allergy. It can also develop in children under one year old, often observed in newborns. The disease is also manifested by swelling of the mucous membranes.
Today, many allergens are known that can cause a negative reaction on the genitals. In women, an allergy to the labia has various causes. In most cases, the reaction occurs upon contact with linen made from poor-quality materials. Inflammation occurs in the vagina and labia. Also, a reaction is often observed when using creams, vaginal suppositories, tablets. Especially often, allergies are provoked by nonoxynol and propylene glycol. These substances are part of contraceptives and cosmetics for the intimate area. Also, allergies can develop in combination with fungal infections, which act as the strongest irritant. Let us consider in more detail the reasons for the manifestation of negative reactions.
- Contraceptives. There are many women who use contraceptives after intercourse to suppress the activity of spermatozoa, which include nonoxynol, which causes severe burning and itching. Negative reactions to latex are also possible. In this case, inflammation is observed on the clitoris and labia. They are characterized by redness, rash and itching.
- Drugs. Also, an allergy to the labia can be the result of drug treatment. This is especially true when using products that contain iodine and sulfanilamide.
- Clothes and itemshygiene. Poor-quality linen, sanitary pads can also cause rashes and itching. There is discomfort in the genital area.
- Fungal diseases. Ailments such as athlete's foot or candidiasis are strong allergens because they contain yeast-like fungi.
- Insect bites can cause allergies, because in this case, toxic substances enter the body, which provoke the formation of swelling and itching.
Allergy to the labia in a child

Very often, negative reactions occur in girls who are under one year old. Untimely treatment leads to long remissions. The main causes of allergies include:
- Personal hygiene items or diapers made of poor quality materials;
- infections and fungal diseases;
- an allergy to the labia in a baby may be due to heredity or candidiasis in the mother;
- drug treatment for a long time;
- disorders in the activity of the intestines or worms;
- complementary foods that contain allergens.

Symptomatics of an allergy on the labia in girls and women is as follows:
- swelling and redness on the genitals;
- erythema formation accompanied by itching and burning;
- appearance of rash with watery blisters, development of vulvitis.
Women developing allergies can have the same symptoms asinfectious diseases, so it is important to correctly diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. In this case, an allergic rash can manifest itself in two forms: acute and chronic.
Sharp shape
This includes allergic reactions such as contact dermatitis, diaper dermatitis, allergic urethritis, vulgovaginitis. Contact dermatitis has pronounced symptoms that are observed on the perineum and perineal area. Unbearable itching, swelling, burning in the affected area appears. Children often develop an allergy to the labia in the form of diaper dermatitis, when skin functions are impaired. This disease presents at one year of age with itching and diffuse erythema and requires specific treatment.
In severe cases, there is epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome), in which the blistering rash is constantly opened, and the top layer of the skin is exfoliated. With urethritis, the allergic reaction stops when the irritant is removed. Such a disease is observed after the use of drugs intraurethral. Vulvovaginitis is today the most common disease resulting from the use of contraceptives.

Chronic form
This form of allergic disease includes chronic allergies and persistent erythema. Erythema is a disease of the genitals due to the use of medicines. Patients have hyperemic spots that have clear boundaries. Painfulthere are no feelings. Chronic allergy to the labia is caused by high sensitivity to certain substances, it occurs due to prolonged exposure to these substances on the body. There is a thickening on the labia, dryness and itching.
To make an accurate diagnosis, it is often necessary to conduct various studies, as allergies are often confused with infectious diseases. Physicians first examine and study the history of the patient and his relatives, and then colposcopy. A swab is taken from the urethra and vagina for analysis, which will help to identify both allergies and dysbacteriosis and the inflammatory process. Blood serum is often taken for testing to detect antibodies Lg E.

First of all, it is recommended to eliminate the effect of the stimulus. If this does not give any results, you must contact a medical institution. For the treatment of an infant, Fenistil drops are often prescribed, as well as Enterosgel or other sorbents that can remove all toxins from the body. Almost always, doctors prescribe antihistamines, for example, "Cetrin", "Suprastin" and so on. For external use, an allergy ointment on the labia is prescribed, for example, Afloderm. As an additional means, various baths with medicinal herbs can be used. Chronic allergies are very difficult to cure and tend to show symptoms for a very long time.
Treatment by folk methods
Manyclaim that it is possible to fight the disease with the help of folk recipes. This may be in addition to medical treatment. So, they often make a tincture of nettle, capra, mountaineer, chamomile and calendula, as well as bear's ear and oregano with Veronica. All these components are poured in equal parts with water (one spoonful of herbs per four hundred grams of boiling water) and boiled for about six minutes, and then set aside to infuse for one hour. After that, the infusion is filtered and drunk before meals four times a day.

Collection for douching is prepared from nettle and celandine, currant leaves, string and violets. Everything is mixed in equal parts. Two spoons of this collection are poured with boiling water (one glass) and set aside for one hour to infuse. This tincture is filtered and douched with it three times a day.
Suppositories and tampons
For the manufacture of medicinal candles, propolis (ten grams), glycerin and vegetable oil (one hundred grams each) are used. First, propolis is crushed, the remaining components are added to it and heated for twenty minutes. The mass is then filtered and put in the cold. Before use, candles are made from the mass, which are placed overnight. Tampons are easy to make. To do this, five grams of fir oil is mixed with fifty grams of butter and cocoa powder. This is all put on the stove and boiled until smooth, then cooled. They take a cotton swab and dip it in this mass, apply it in the same way as candles, it is recommended to douche before use.

Preventive measures should be carried out comprehensively. First of all, it is necessary to avoid contact with the irritant. The immune system of a woman must be he althy and protected. You can have a spa treatment once a year in a boarding house that specializes in the treatment of allergies. If a chronic form of the disease is observed, therapeutic treatment is necessary. An allergist should be examined twice a year, which will help eliminate the development of dangerous complications.
Now we know what a labia allergy looks like and how to treat it. Recently, the disease has become more common. This is due to poor ecology, and low-quality products, clothing and intimate hygiene products.