Causes of allergies to household chemicals. Methods of treatment

Causes of allergies to household chemicals. Methods of treatment
Causes of allergies to household chemicals. Methods of treatment

Paradoxically, many products designed to help people endanger their he alth and often cause serious allergic reactions. Almost any remedy that is usually attributed to a fairly broad category of household chemicals can cause the development of this insidious disease. And this applies to people of any age.

allergy to household chemicals
allergy to household chemicals

What household products are classified as allergens?

Products most commonly associated with allergic reactions include:

  • bleach;
  • washing powders;
  • Cleaning products for dishes and household appliances.

Allergy to household chemicals: causes

If you carefully study the composition of these funds, then you will surely pay attention to the many synthetic components that can cause an unusual reaction in the body. Aggressive elements include substances such as:

  • Chlorine. The most common componentwhich is certainly a part of almost all bleaches.
  • Refined products. They are included in cleaning products for better cleaning of various surfaces.
  • Phenols. They act as disinfectants.
  • Formaldehydes. Used in sanitary products to fight mold and mildew.
  • Phosphates and enzymes. Indispensable components of washing powders.
  • Ammonia. Used in mirror and glass cleaners.
  • Nitrobenzene. Used in furniture polishes.

Allergy to household chemicals quite often develops due to fragrances used in large quantities in most products. The main task of all kinds of fragrances is to mask the unpleasant smells of chemicals.

allergy to household chemicals treatment
allergy to household chemicals treatment

It must be admitted that to date, the causes of this type of allergy have not yet been fully studied, since each patient reacts to a separate provocateur that causes a negative reaction of the body. However, based on numerous studies, scientists have identified a number of provoking factors, which they attributed to:

  • imperfection or immaturity of the defense system;
  • hypersensitivity to certain substances;
  • prolonged contact with the allergen and its penetration into the body through microcracks, wounds, pores;
  • poor immunity;
  • excessively thin skin.

It must be understood that an allergy to household chemicals can occur not only with directcontact, but also by inhalation of its volatile compounds. Toxic substances that are part of industrial products are insidious: even after processing, they often settle on surfaces, continuing their destructive effect on the body. This is especially true for people predisposed to this disease. At the same time, especially strong reactions occur in children, including newborns, which is associated with the immaturity of their defense system.

Allergy to household chemicals: symptoms

Specific symptoms of the disease are formed after the penetration of chemicals into the body through the skin and into the bloodstream. It is in the blood that contact with a dangerous irritant of the cells of the immune system occurs. This type of allergy occurs with the following symptoms:

  • teary;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • coughing and sneezing.

Special symptoms include: catarrhal, skin, intestinal and other manifestations.

allergy to household chemicals symptoms
allergy to household chemicals symptoms

Skin symptoms

Allergy to household chemicals is manifested when the body has a defense system for toxic substances. Damage to the skin occurs against the background of severe dehydration, which, in turn, causes the formation of bruises and crusts. In this case, the integuments react with the following symptoms:

  • itch;
  • flaking;
  • small rashes;
  • redness;
  • chemical burns causing severe damage;
  • bruising;
  • puffiness.

Allergicdermatitis, as a rule, manifests itself in the form of separate, clearly defined areas of redness. The disease is accompanied by severe itching and hyperthermia in the affected areas. The most common skin symptoms of an allergy to household chemicals are on the hands.

Catarrhal symptoms

Often an acute allergic reaction is provoked not only by contact with a hazardous substance, but also by inhalation of its odors, particles of bulk substances. The compounds irritate the respiratory mucosa. In this case, the patient manifests:

  • rhinitis;
  • lacrimation;
  • sore throat;
  • spastic cough;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • bronchospasm;
  • migraine.

Intestinal manifestations

Allergy to household chemicals in people manifests itself in different ways, and this disease is dangerous. Some patients complain that the components of household chemicals cause them to have abnormalities in the work of the stomach and intestines. An allergen that enters the gastrointestinal tract can cause:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • profuse salivation;
  • sharp abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea.

At the same time, the duration of the reaction and the intensity of symptoms are often determined by the individual characteristics of the organism, the concentration of allergens and a number of other factors.

allergy to household chemicals on hands
allergy to household chemicals on hands

Manifestations in infants

Unfortunately, allergy to household chemicals in newborns is a fairly common phenomenon. It can manifest itself in different ways: redness and swelling, skin rashes and increased diaper rash. Often the baby has a runny nose, reddened and watery eyes, a noticeable general malaise.

Symptoms of the disease in children can be seen a few hours after contact with the irritant. In a newborn, symptoms appear throughout the body, and not just in areas that have come into contact with clothing. Mom should pay attention to such phenomena:

  • flaky and dry skin;
  • redness, itching and rash;
  • weeping bubbles that burst;
  • redness and watery eyes.

Noticing at least one of these symptoms, immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist will establish a diagnosis and prescribe the treatment that the baby needs. An allergy to household chemicals (we posted a photo in this article) in an advanced form can cause serious complications and disrupt the functioning of internal organs. Do not give your child medication without consulting a doctor. Most of the drugs that are successfully used to treat adult patients adversely affect babies.

allergy to household chemicals photo
allergy to household chemicals photo

The safest children's allergists consider the following medicines:

  • "Fenistil" (drops). Suitable for newborn from 1 month. They effectively relieve burning and itching, relieve tearing, but at the same time, the remedy causes drowsiness.
  • "Fenistil" (gel). Eliminates skin symptoms, but cannot be used for extensive lesions. Recommended for babies over one month old.
  • "Zirtek" (drops). Take offtearing and inflammation, but they have quite a few side effects, including sleep disturbance and nausea. Assign to children from six months.

Do not forget about traditional methods of treatment. When bathing a child, add a decoction of oatmeal to the water, which will reduce irritation. Regularly make lotions on the affected areas of the skin from a string, nettle, chamomile, hops. Brew dry herbs for half an hour in a thermos.

And one more important reminder for new moms: don't stop breastfeeding your baby. After all, it is it that forms immunity, which in the future will allow your child to fight various diseases.

Diagnosis of disease

The main way to deal with allergies is to avoid contact with an irritant. But first, it needs to be identified. Today, medicine has several basic methods that allow you to accurately identify the stimulus.

A set of activities begins with a consultation with a specialist. The doctor studies the anamnesis and only after that prescribes the necessary, in his opinion, procedures. Usually, to establish an accurate diagnosis, a set of procedures is used, which includes:

  • patient survey;
  • treatment response analysis;
  • lab research.

Skin tests

In this case, the disease is diagnosed with the help of special injections, the reaction to which reveals the allergen. This method is safe and painless. Injections are made in the forearm, introducing a small amount of the test substance under the skin. In one sessionno more than fifteen samples may be submitted. Swelling or redness at the injection site suggests that there is an allergic reaction to one of the components.

allergy to household chemicals in newborns
allergy to household chemicals in newborns

Study of specific antibodies

This method is used to detect antibodies that are responsible for the appearance of allergies, and to identify a group of dangerous substances. The procedure is very sensitive, which allows you to get all the necessary information. For research, the patient donates blood from a vein. If during the test an elevated level of immunoglobulin E and lymphocytes is detected, then this indicates a general allergization of the body.

Elimination and challenge tests

The above methods allow you to identify the allergens that caused the body's reaction. If they were ineffective, provocative tests are prescribed. Such procedures are carried out only in a hospital. The allergen is injected into the nasal cavity, and the body's reactions to it are examined.


Patients "with experience" know how unpleasant are the manifestations of allergies to household chemicals. The treatment of this disease is long and it gives a successful result only with constant contact between the patient and the doctor and strict adherence to all prescriptions.

The basis of therapy, as a rule, is the complete exclusion of contact with the allergen. Consider several ways to treat.


This treatment does not involve the use of drugs. It is based on the complete exclusion of patient contact withirritants. Elimination treatment is necessarily included in the complex therapy of allergies and has no adverse reactions and contraindications.


To improve the general condition of the patient, antiallergic drugs are used, which allow you to eliminate dangerous reactions as soon as possible. It can be ointments, gels, tablets. The most effective: "Suprastin", "Zodak", "Fenistil", "Claritin", "Edem". In especially severe cases, the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs "Hydrocortisone", "Prednisolone", "Dermovate".

allergy to household chemicals causes
allergy to household chemicals causes

Other treatments (medication)

We have already said that the reaction to household chemicals can cause disorders in the functioning of the digestive tract, as well as a significant decrease in immunity, a disorder of the nervous system. With intestinal manifestations, the intake of sorbents is indicated. Means with adsorbing properties reduce the level of intoxication, remove toxins from the body ("Smecta", "Enterosgel").

Itching that accompanies allergic reactions, with the presence of erosions and blisters, can cause neuroses and worsen sleep. In this case, drugs are prescribed that normalize the functioning of the nervous system ("Persen", "Novopassit"). To restore strength and strengthen immunity, the patient should take drugs that activate the defense system and multivitamin complexes.
