Chin allergies are a fairly common problem, and many believe that it occurs most often in children. But in fact, such rashes can also bother adults.
There can be many reasons for such reactions. Sometimes it's a food allergy, sometimes it's a drug allergy. Cold or solar urticaria is not ruled out.
The appearance of a rash on the chin is caused not only by allergies. These can be skin diseases that have a viral (herpes) or bacteriological nature. Sometimes it is acne, caused by dysfunction of the endocrine system. The so-called chin allergy in men can be an irritation or reaction to shaving products.

Therefore, only a doctor can say what specifically provoked the appearance of a rash in a particular case. He will focus not only on the appearance of such rashes, but also on the symptoms that accompany them.
Chin allergy causes can be as follows:
- Reaction to food. Most often it occurs in children, but it happens that with age a person does notoutgrows. And then hyperreactivity to peanuts, strawberries, citrus fruits, seafood, etc. remains.
- Direct contact with allergens contained in cosmetics.
- Negative effects of external factors: frost or ultraviolet rays (cold or solar urticaria).
- Reaction to certain drugs. Many believe that we are talking mainly about antibiotics such as tetracycline or penicillin. But in fact, some drugs for the treatment of the cardiovascular system (for example, Amiodarone), cytostatics, aspirin, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also provoke such a reaction.
Thus, the direct cause of the disease is the body's hypersensitivity to certain substances that enter it through the respiratory system, skin, and gastrointestinal tract. There, these substances are recognized by the immune system as foreign, which triggers its reaction.
Other factors
Genetic predisposition also matters for the development of allergic reactions. In addition, provoking factors include:
- lack of vitamins, mainly A, E and ascorbic acid;
- impaired function of the immune system;
- stress situations, etc.
Only a dermatologist can determine the cause of a rash on the chin. And if it is really caused by allergic reactions, you will need to undergo additional tests to identify the allergen.
As a rule, a rash on the chin is not the only manifestation of an allergy. It all depends on the amount of the provoking substance and the severity of the reaction. In most cases, in addition to a rash, a person is worried about itching.
Depending on how exactly the allergen entered the body, a runny nose (if we are talking about irritants inhaled with the air, such as pollen) and increased lacrimation may occur. If it is a food allergy, then there may be a violation of the digestive function, most often this is manifested by a disorder.

In severe cases, angioedema and even anaphylactic shock are possible. The danger of such conditions lies in the fact that this is an internal swelling of the respiratory system, in which a spasm of the larynx can occur, and in the absence of adequate medical care, they can be fatal.
Contact dermatitis usually just appears as a red rash and swelling in a limited area of the skin where contact with the allergen (for example, with a cosmetic product) has occurred. Sometimes peeling occurs in this place.
Allergy to sun and cold
When you are allergic to cold, pimples on the chin are not the only symptom. For example, it can manifest itself as urticaria - when multiple blisters appear on the chin and above the upper lip, and sometimes on all open areas of the skin, resembling nettle burns. And this phenomenon is accompanied by itching. Sometimes symptoms of damage to the mucous membranes are added to it. This is a runny nose, and bronchospasm, and allergic conjunctivitis.
Sun allergies can look like red patches on the chin, often accompanied by itching and flaking.
If the chin itches with allergies, other symptoms of this disease are observed, it is urgent to stop contact with the allergen. Here everything, of course, depends on what exactly such a reaction develops. For example, with a cold allergy, you need to quickly warm problem areas of the skin - at least cover your face with a scarf or scarf, if it is not possible to go into the room and drink a cup of warm tea.
When it comes to food allergies, it is worth taking enterosorbents to remove irritant substances from the body as quickly as possible.
Topical treatment
In addition, doctors prescribe local treatment: ointments and creams with antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects. For children, for example, this is Fenistil, produced in the form of a gel. For adults - "Trimestine" and other ointments based on glucocorticosteroids.

However, it should be remembered that they have quite serious side effects, so you should not use such drugs for a long time.
And, of course, the most important part of the treatment is taking antihistamines. Previously, it was mainly Suprastin and Tavegil, today more advanced tools have appeared, which will be discussed below.

If you treat an allergy to the sun, then, in addition to antihistamines, local treatment is necessary. Basically, these are ointments based on glucocorticosteroids.(prednisolone, hydrocortisone, etc.) Doctors also recommend starting taking antioxidants, of which vitamins C and E are the most important. In addition, nicotinic acid is prescribed.
Other measures
You can't limit yourself to just one after-sun cream or oil. The fact is that if such an allergy is not treated, then relapses will already be much more difficult. And instead of the initial rash, eczema may develop. Therefore, if photodermatitis (the so-called allergy to the sun) occurs for the second time, then further contact with ultraviolet rays should be avoided in every possible way.
And not just give up sunbathing, but even going out in the summer, wear a hat or cap so that a shadow falls on your face.
Today there are new allergy drugs that are much more effective than Suprastin and other previous generation drugs. In addition, they cause fewer side effects. Basically, these are second-generation products.
Second generation benefits include:
- quick onset of the desired effect;
- high duration of action, which allows them to be taken once a day (residual effect may be observed for another week after their withdrawal);
- no side effects that were typical for first-generation drugs (drowsiness, sedation, etc.);
- complex action, since they have not only antiallergic, but also anti-inflammatory properties.
To the number of drugsthe second generation includes "Fenistil", "Loratadin", "Allergodil" and a number of others. Also in this group of funds is "Cetrin". Although confusion sometimes arises here - it is better known as "Cetirizine" or "Zyrtec", since for a long time it was distributed under this trade name.

From what "Cetrin" can be used? From any symptoms of allergic reactions. For example, it can be not only a rash, but also rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and other diseases. It is allowed to be given to children from the age of six months, but only with medical supervision.
True, and these drugs are not ideal, since almost all of them have a cardiotoxic effect.
Third generation drugs
Considered a more advanced version of the described means. Indications for their use are the same as for other antihistamine drugs. That is, from what "Tsetrin" is prescribed, from that and these. For example, Alersis, Feksadin, Telfast.

However, doctors believe that the use of third-generation antihistamines is more appropriate when it comes to long-term therapy. That is, it is chronic urticaria or atopic dermatitis, as well as allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis, in which the duration of a seasonal exacerbation is more than two weeks. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect and do not adversely affect the liver.
"Suprastin" and its properties
Today, many patients are still interested in the instructions for the use of Suprastin for allergies, as well as other issues related to it, because doctors still continue to prescribe it.
In fact, first-generation drugs will remain in the arsenal of physicians for a long time to come. On the one hand, during the use of such drugs, a lot of experience has been accumulated, which allows us to predict the mechanism of their action and all possible side reactions. On the other hand, it is relatively inexpensive and therefore accessible to most patients.

In addition, "Suprastin" is often used in urgent therapy for the relief of acute allergic reactions. Its important advantage is that it is approved for use by young children. Therefore, it would be advisable to consider this drug in more detail.
The active substance of "Suprastin" is chloropyramine. Other classical antihistamines of the first generation are also produced on its basis. In addition to the fact that it has an antihistamine effect, the drug also has an antiemetic effect. In addition, "Suprastin" has moderate antispasmodic activity.
The therapeutic effect of this drug appears within 15-30 minutes after taking it, which is why many doctors prescribe it - because of the speed of its action. The maximum effect occurs within an hour after ingestion.
Unfortunately, "Suprastin" does not have such a long-term effect as second-generation drugs. The effect of it lasts only 3-6 hours. Whereinit is well distributed in the body, and its excretion is carried out through the kidneys, that is, with urine. It should also be remembered that in children it is excreted faster than in adults. Please note that this drug is not given to babies under the age of 3.
Adults are prescribed one tablet 3-4 times a day, children 3-6 years old - half a tablet twice a day. And at the age of 12 years - half a tablet, but already three times a day.
Side effects and contraindications
Side effects when taking "Suprastin" occur quite rarely, in any case they are temporary, so after discontinuation of the drug they quickly disappear. However, do not forget about such adverse reactions as drowsiness, dizziness, tremor, cardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia, various dyspeptic symptoms, urinary retention, etc. If such reactions occur, you should inform your doctor.
Contraindications to taking it are lactose intolerance (it is part of the drug as an auxiliary component), an acute attack of bronchial asthma, and hypersensitivity to the main substance.
Although there are no direct contraindications to taking this drug during pregnancy, doctors emphasize that studies have not been conducted regarding its safety for the expectant mother and child. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to look for a safer drug among the second and third generations.
With caution, this remedy is prescribed for certain types of glaucoma (due to the ability to increase intraocular pressure), hyperplasiaprostate gland, chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys, the presence of cardiovascular diseases.
Allergy treatment requires an integrated approach, so it is recommended to contact a specialist in a timely manner for a full examination and effective therapy.
It is not recommended to take various drugs on your own, as they can only aggravate the situation. Yes, and drugs are prescribed depending on the diagnosis, which can only be made by a doctor, based on the results of tests and examination of the patient. Therefore, before starting treatment, be sure to consult with your doctor.