One of the fairly common ailments of the respiratory system is sinusitis. There are different methods of its treatment. They are prescribed by the supervising physician. One of the effective methods is the use of homeopathic medicines. Doctors often include these drugs in their treatment regimen. How homeopathy is used for sinusitis, the features of this technique will be discussed further.
Description of pathology
Sinusitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the paranasal sinuses. It is treated in many ways, but in some cases traditional medicine is not effective enough. Therefore, one of the alternatives to drug therapy is homeopathy. Sinusitis is a serious disease, starting which, you can expect significant consequences.

An exceptionally experienced doctor is engaged in the treatment of such a pathologythe corresponding category. The sinusitis code according to ICD 10 can be J01 or J32. In the first case, we are talking about acute sinusitis. The sinusitis code according to ICD 10 J32 is described as a chronic form of the disease. Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the characteristics of the course of the pathology, as well as the characteristics of the patient's body.
Not every patient is suitable for homeopathic therapy. In most cases, it helps to remove unpleasant symptoms. But at the same time, a number of rules must be observed. With inflammation of the nasal cavity, which is called rhinitis, timely treatment is required. If it was carried out incorrectly, over time, a person may develop sinusitis. In some cases, the presented pathology begins without a runny nose.
Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis. Under this disease understand the inflammatory processes in the sinuses. In addition to sinusitis, sinusitis includes frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, and sphenoiditis. In each case, treatment is prescribed according to a specific scheme.
Distinguish between acute and chronic sinusitis. Homeopathy is used to treat both forms of the presented disease. There are certain symptoms of the disease presented.

If sinusitis occurs in an acute form, the patient has a severe runny nose. The disease is accompanied by a headache, which increases over time. Discomfort is expressed in the form of pressing sensations. At the same time, the patient feels weak, the body temperature rises.
Choosing a homeopathic remedy for sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, doctornecessarily takes into account the form in which the disease occurs. If the treatment was not carried out in a timely manner or correctly, the disease becomes chronic. At the same time, the patient has a stuffy nose, headaches occur periodically.
Since a focus of chronic inflammation develops in the body, with hypothermia, impaired immunity, the patient begins to have a severe runny nose. This is a serious risk factor for the development of polyps in the nasal cavity. Such neoplasms are removed surgically. Patients with chronic sinusitis complain of problems with smell. They may not smell at all as their nose is constantly blocked.
It often happens that the symptoms of sinusitis are blurred. Because of this, the patient feels only minor headaches. There may be discomfort in the face. Often patients in such cases are not even aware of the presence of inflammation in the sinuses.
Traditional Therapy Methods
Homeopathic remedies for sinusitis in adults and children are prescribed if traditional methods of treatment have been ineffective. However, some doctors may prescribe these medications right away. To understand their difference, you need to consider the approaches of traditional therapy. It can be of two types:
- local;
- general.
Topical treatment involves medicating the directly infected sinuses and nose. During general treatment, the patient is prescribed a course of antiviral drugs or antibiotics. They may be given in the form of tablets or injections.
With local treatment, the patient is relieved of the signs of the disease with the help of sprays or drops. Such drugs relieve swelling, kill bacteria or viruses. This improves the flow of mucus. Local therapy also involves washing the nose with special solutions. But these are most often just auxiliary actions that the doctor prescribes in parallel with general therapy.

To prescribe antiviral drugs or antibiotics, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive diagnosis. Only by establishing which pathogen develops in the body, it is possible to prescribe the correct treatment. The cause of the development of sinusitis can be an allergen, viruses, bacteria. Less commonly, the disease is provoked by fungi.
After laboratory identification of the cause of the pathology, the appropriate drug is prescribed. It is taken according to the scheme developed by the otolaryngologist. Any medication has a list of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, uncontrolled medication can cause significant harm to he alth.
In some cases, the diseased sinus is pierced. This procedure is carried out if drug treatment has not been sufficiently effective. But such an action is not shown to every patient. In some cases, it has to be repeated to achieve a good result.
As an alternative to standard methods, homeopathy is used. It allows you to get rid of the cause of the disease.
Homeopathic treatment
Treatment of sinusitis by homeopathy involves mainly the provision of a generalimpact on the patient's body. This technique has its opponents and supporters. The first argue that the concentration of the drug in the product is minimal. Supporters of homeopathy explain the healing properties of such drugs with the "memory of water." This is an interesting concept. In accordance with it, water "remembers" the substance that was dissolved in it. Upon subsequent application, the liquid transfers the corresponding effect.
Such a theory contradicts the modern understanding of matter. Therefore, it cannot be recognized officially. The effect of homeopathy is currently not fully understood. The mechanism of action of such drugs on the body is still beyond the understanding of mankind. But its effectiveness has been officially proven.
Over the past two decades, there have been clinical trials comparing placebo and homeopathy. Analyzes have shown that therapy using microdoses of the drug is effective. Homeopathy is 2 times more effective than placebo. At the same time, a certain regularity was revealed. So, placebo is effective in 50% of cases. Therefore, homeopathy is one of the most effective therapeutic methods of our time.
In 2009, studies were published that ran for 8 years. In the course of such an experiment, the effectiveness of homeopathy in the treatment of sinusitis was proven. The study involved people who had been suffering from sinusitis for several years. Standard treatment regimens for such patients were ineffective. When using homeopathic medicinesImprovements became noticeable after 3 months. All patients showed positive changes. But the treatment was long. It went on for 24 months. But the result was persistent, lasted for at least 6 years.
Basic Homeopathic Remedies

Medications for sinusitis, which belong to the field of homeopathy, are prescribed by doctors of the corresponding specialization. You can buy such a medicine at a special pharmacy with a prescription. Breeding of such funds occurs according to a certain pattern.
Homeopathic tablets for sinusitis are usually in the form of balls or granules. Several basic drugs can be prescribed at once for the treatment of the inflammatory process. These tools include the following:
- Arsenicum. It's arsenic. On its basis, a remedy is made that can relieve burning, throbbing pain in the maxillary sinuses. It can be aggravated by light, movement, noise, and other stimuli. The pain often radiates to the teeth of the upper jaw. It is also effective if sinusitis is accompanied by vomiting or nausea.
- Belladonna (belladonna). The indication for this type of homeopathy is a feeling of fullness in the maxillary sinuses. With such a pathology, pain can occur, which sometimes radiates to the region of the superciliary arches and eye sockets when the head or eyes are tilted or moved. The indication for the use of belladonna in homeopathy is also with the sudden onset of a cold. In this case, the disease is accompanied by pulsating painsensations in the head, photosensitivity, high fever.
- Sulfur. This preparation is also called sulfuric liver, Hahnemann's calcium sulfide or hepar sulfur. Indications for the use of homeopathy of this type are specific. The medicine is effective if the disease develops due to hypothermia. In this case, the patient has a thick purulent discharge from the nose. The presented remedy is effective for headaches, which can increase when moving the head or even scratching.
Some more popular remedies

There is a list of other drugs that are homeopathic remedies that are effective for sinusitis. These include the following medications:
- Potassium bichromate. The drug is prescribed if the patient has thick purulent discharge from the nose, severe pain in the maxillary sinuses.
- Mercury. This is mercury. Preparations based on this substance help with severe, constricting pain and sensitivity when touched. Discharge from the nose with a greenish tint. The pain can radiate to the teeth.
- Aconite. The indications for this type of homeopathy are less serious. The drug is prescribed in the initial stage of the disease. Indications for the use of aconite in homeopathy are the first signs of the disease. They cause moderate concern, but require quality, timely treatment.
- Shoot. Helps if the headache gets worse in a warm room. In the cold, discomfort decreases. The discharge from the nose is thick,may have a yellowish or greenish tint.
Drugs of the presented type can be produced not only in the form of granules, tablets. There are products made for local infection control. One of the popular drugs is a homeopathic ointment for sinusitis. It is much safer than traditional medicines. One of the most famous preparations of this type is Fleming's Ointment. It is made on the basis of vegetable raw materials. But it cannot be used uncontrollably.

The presented drug is a multicomponent complex, which includes witch hazel, calendula, esculus, menthol, zinc oxide. The ointment has a mild antibacterial effect, restores normal breathing, improves the outflow of mucus.
The product is injected with cotton swabs. The ointment has a mild effect, which eliminates the occurrence of capillary bleeding. The tool is shown to patients of different ages. The ointment has a complex effect on the body, acting mainly at the site of the development of the inflammatory process.
Before using the product, the nose is washed. Then you can enter the ointment. The procedure is repeated several times a day.
Nose drops
Homeopathy for sinusitis can be applied in different forms. It can also be Kali for the nose. One of the popular means of this type is Delufen. It is manufactured by the Austrian company Richard Bittner. The composition includes several specific components. Among themthere are the following well-known homeopathic remedies for sinusitis:
- meadow backache;
- euphorbium;
- merculis;
- loofah.
Each component has a certain degree of dilution. The drug is administered 2 injections into each nostril four times a day. The course of treatment is up to a month.

The presented remedy is used as part of complex therapy. It may include standard medications. It is worth noting that doctors of appropriate qualifications are strongly advised to use only homeopathic remedies during treatment. But at the same time, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the patient's body, the course of the disease, etc.
Sinusitis in children
Homeopathy for sinusitis in children has a number of features. In this case, special means are used that can improve the condition of a small patient without harming his body. Most often, children aged 1.5 to 6 years are sick. During this period, the immune system is just being formed. This can lead to sinusitis.

It is very important to choose the right medicine for such a patient. It is necessary to entrust the solution of this complex task to an experienced homeopathic doctor. Treatment is required in the following cases:
- the baby feels unwell, as the clinical picture is pronounced;
- child suffering from chronic rhinitis or sinusitis;
- need to go to a school or kindergarten event.
Medicinal choicethe drug, as for adults, is done in accordance with existing symptoms.
Varieties of remedies for treating children
Homeopathic medicines improve the excretion of mucus from the maxillary sinuses in children. This will make breathing easier for the young patient. Most often, the doctor prescribes the following drugs:
- Medicines based on onions. Such compounds are effective in combating colds and inflammation. They will help reduce discomfort if the soreness increases in warmth. Medicines relieve headaches, especially in the front of the skull.
- Gelmesium (yellow jasmine). It is used if watery discharge comes out of the nose, frequent sneezing and congestion are observed. Also, a drug based on this substance removes body aches, fever, weakness. It is also effective for sore throat and back of the head.
- Hepar sulfur. Indications for the use of homeopathy of the presented type is the sneezing of a child even from a slight exposure to cold air. In addition to the common cold, the drug removes the headache. Children who have these symptoms are irritable. They are extremely sensitive to touch.
- Pulsatilla (blackish anemone). The drug is used to treat newborns. It eliminates yellow or green purulent discharge from the nose.