The drug "Tenoten" instructions for use refers to a group of homeopathic drugs that have a characteristic anti-anxiety, antidepressant and antiasthenic effect. Regular intake of this remedy improves memory, strengthens the nervous system, increases the ability to concentrate, and also increases the body's resistance to intoxication, hypoxia or constant stress. At the heart of the action of the homeopathic preparation "Tenoten" (instruction for use, included in the kit, this confirms) is the regulation of the functional activity of the S-100 protein and the inhibition of lipid peroxidation. As a result of all this, there is a normalization of metabolic processes and mechanisms responsible for the activation and inhibition of the nervous system. Compared to similar drugs on the pharmaceutical market today, this remedy is absolutely safe, since it does not have any sedative effect on the patient's body and does not cause muscle relaxation.

The drug "Tenoten" is produced (instructions for use are in each package) in the form of flat-cylindrical tablets intended for resorption. As a main component, each vegetable dragee contains antibodies to the S-100 protein, which is localized in the brain and is responsible for reactions to various stressful situations. Additional elements are lactose, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate.
The instruction for use recommends prescribing Tenoten tablets mainly to people with psychosomatic and vegetative disorders, increased irritability, unreasonable anxiety and chronic stress. Also, this herbal remedy is perfect for patients with neurosis-like and neurotic conditions. In the case of organic lesions of the nervous system, for example, provoked by injuries, the appointment of the drug "Tenoten" is similarly indicated. This sedative is also excellent for those people who experience apathy and decreased activity.

The manufacturer does not recommend using this herbal preparation for patients with individual intolerance to any components contained in its composition, with lactase deficiency or galactosemia. Persons who have not reached the age of eighteen are also prohibited from prescribing Tenoten tablets. The instruction in this case emphasizes that for patients older than three years there is a special children's analogue of this plantfunds. Among other things, women who are carrying a child and mothers who are breastfeeding should not take this sedative drug. There is currently no data on the safety of taking Tenoten tablets by these categories of patients, which means that there is a certain risk of developing unwanted side reactions.