What is a pap test for men? In short, this procedure can be called a kind of analysis. Doctors call a urogenital swab in men a discharge from the urethra, which they examine, as a rule, to diagnose some kind of inflammatory process. For example, with urethritis of various etiologies (gonorrhea, bacterial urethritis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis).

When examining discharge from the urethra by specialists, as a rule, the composition and number of cellular elements always depend on the duration and severity of the inflammatory process. The very same inflammatory condition of the urethra (mucosa of the urethra) is expressed by the presence in the urogenital smear of more than four polynuclear neutrophils.

What diseases are detected, and what does a swab for infection that a doctor takes from men from the urethra show?
A urethral swab is typically done and used to detect serious urethritis, or the complex male disease prostatitis. If you suspect these diseases, the doctor immediately prescribes the delivery of tests. Also, a smear in men is taken in order to clarify the disease,which is sexually transmitted (identify its pathogen or its angigen)

If necessary, a simple microscopic examination of the urethra (smear) is supplemented by a special (cultural) study (determination of the quantitative composition of certain microbes in the genital tract) and the PCR diagnostic method. This method allows you to accurately determine the majority of infections that are transmitted through sexual contact.
How do men get swabs and does it hurt?
This question worries all guys and men who will have this procedure for the first time. As a rule, a smear in men is taken with a special probe or a medical swab. It is carefully inserted by the doctor into the urethra no deeper than three centimeters. To be honest, the procedure itself is somewhat unpleasant and can be quite painful. For several hours after the doctor took the material for the smear, the man may have various pain sensations. For example, burning or some discomfort in the penis (heads in particular).
In some cases, before taking a sample for a smear, the doctor may advise a special massage of the prostate gland. It is carried out directly through the rectum. Sometimes it is recommended to massage the urethra, which is done with a probe.
Before you go for the procedure, you need to:
1. Refrain from sexual intercourse at least two days before the eventsurvey.
2. Genital hygiene should be performed in the evening, and you do not need to wash before the examination in the morning.
3. It is recommended not to urinate two to three hours before visiting the doctor.
About a week before the planned examination, stop using any medication.