There is no person on the planet who has not experienced an insect bite. The consequences were different … The reaction does not occur to a skin puncture, but to a substance that the insect injects.

Dangerous insects
When bitten by bloodsuckers, unpleasant sensations arise. But it's still half the trouble. Take the same mosquito bites: how to smear the affected skin is known to many. The danger is that some types of insects can carry infectious diseases: malarial mosquitoes - malaria; lice - relapsing fever; African mosquitoes - West Nile encephalitis; mosquitoes - leishmaniasis; tsetse fly - sleeping sickness; flies - typhus and dysentery; mosquitoes - dengue fever, yellow fever, equine encephalitis; ticks - Lyme disease; fleas - bubonic plague. A bite of spiders - the Brown Recluse or the Black Widow - can lead to serious illness and even death.
Allergic reaction
Before smearing mosquito bites with one or another remedy, it is necessary to assess the condition of the victim.
When bitten, a mosquito injects biologically active substances into the wound that provoke an inflammatory process. A normal reaction to this is reddening of the skin, an itchy papule. And hereif after a bite a large red spot appears that itches unbearably, it means that an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite has begun. This is a local form of the reaction, it is rated as mild in severity.

Severe itching, urticaria, redness, not only in places of bites, but throughout the skin, indicate the onset of allergic dermatitis. And it's also a mild form of allergy.
Shortness of breath, dizziness indicate that the inflammatory process has touched the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and internal organs. These are the symptoms of an allergy of moderate severity. With the transformation of shortness of breath into attacks of suffocation, and nausea into vomiting, one has to diagnose a severe form of allergy.
Suffocation, loss of consciousness, a sharp drop in blood pressure are signs of anaphylactic shock. With a mosquito bite, this complication is rare, but it happens.
Mosquito bites: how to smear the wound to get rid of itching
The itchy bite is treated with a strong solution of baking soda. The affected area of the skin can be lubricated with boric alcohol, alcohol tincture of calendula or tomato juice. A cold lotion soothes itching well. The preparations "Fenistil", "Fukortsin" relieve itching. An antihistamine should be taken for multiple bites.
Note that so far we are talking only about minor troubles that mosquito bites can deliver. How to smear the skin at the puncture sites is well known to folk healers. The affected areas of the skin are smeared with kefir or sour cream. You can apply a sheet to the bite siteplantain, bird cherry or treat this place with Asterisk balm.
Mosquito bites: how to smear the skin with allergies
For a mild form of allergy, it is enough to take an antihistamine. Local treatment involves the use of an ointment with corticosteroid hormones. You should also use alcohol or soda.

Severe form
If you have difficulty breathing, call an ambulance immediately. But anaphylaxis forces you to take immediate action - the injection of adrenaline. Usually the patient knows about this feature of his body - he has a syringe and an ampoule of adrenaline with him. The injection will have to be done without waiting for the arrival of the doctors.