Sometimes a blood test shows that the lymphocytes in the blood of children are elevated. What does this mean? Before answering this question, you need to know what the term "lymphocytes" itself means.

What are lymphocytes?
These are the cellular elements of the immune system. Lymphocytes are formed in the bone marrow. The main function of these cells is to detect a foreign antigen and promote its elimination. Lymphocytes are responsible for cellular immunity. Most of them are located in the tissues, only 2% are in the blood. Increased lymphocytes in the blood in children and adults may be against the background of bacterial and viral infections. If the number of these cells is reduced, then this indicates a malfunction in the immune system. Some medications can also lower your lymphocyte count.
The norm of the content of lymphocytes
The normal number of lymphocytes in the blood depends on age. In an adult he althy person, they make up 19-37% of the total mass of milestones of leukocytes. In children, these indicators also depend on age. Their percentage looks like this:
- in 1 day - within 12-36%;
- in 1 month - within 40-76%;
- at 6 months - within 42-74%;
- in 1 year - within 38-72%;
- up to 6 years - within 26-60%;
- under 12 years - within 24-54%;
- at 13-15 years old - within 22-50%.

Why are lymphocytes elevated in the blood?
As mentioned above, the most common cause of increased lymphocytes are viral infections (adenoviral infection, parainfluenza, influenza), tuberculosis, in more rare cases, hypothyroidism, brucellosis, typhoid fever. With such a tumor disease of the bone marrow as lymphocytic leukemia, the number of lymphocytes can increase significantly. Symptoms of such a dangerous disease are weakness, swollen lymph nodes, spleen, liver, subcutaneous hemorrhage, bone ache.
Increased blood lymphocytes in children can be in the presence of such "childhood diseases" as chickenpox, whooping cough, measles, rubella, mumps, scarlet fever.
Also quite often, an increase in the level of these cells is observed during the recovery period, after infectious diseases.

Is it necessary to reduce the content of lymphocytes in the blood?
If there are no other signs of the disease besides the increased content of lymphocytes, then there is no reason to worry. After acute respiratory infections, an increased number of these cells can persist for 2-3 weeks. Sometimes this period can last 1-2 months. In any case, you should seek advice only from an experienced specialist,who knows what he's talking about. Lymphocytes can be increased when the body attacks the virus, and a strong immune system provides it with proper resistance. The body itself is able to cope with the problem. However, it should still be supported during illness. To do this, you must follow the rules of a he althy lifestyle: sound sleep, daily walks on the street, proper nutrition, rich in proteins and vegetable fats.
If the lymphocytes in the blood of children are increased, then, of course, a doctor's consultation is necessary. He, after conducting the necessary studies, will confirm or refute the presence of inflammation in the body. The sooner the doctor identifies the disease and prescribes the appropriate treatment, the sooner recovery will come.