Even simple laboratory tests can tell a lot about our he alth. For example, a routine blood test can indicate the development of pathological processes in the body. This is a fairly informative method for diagnosing inflammatory processes or more serious diseases. A general blood test involves the study of many indicators, one of which is lymphocytes, which are responsible for the body's immune system. If the lymphocytes are elevated, what does this mean, we will analyze below.

Lymphocytes are white blood cells from a subspecies of leukocytes. Their formation mainly occurs in the bone marrow. Also, a small amount is produced in the lymph nodes, tonsils and spleen. The main function of lymphocytes is to protect the body - they produce antibodies and play an important role in the formation of cellular immunity, helping the body to recognize pathogens.
Types of lymphocytes
Lymphocytes accepteddivided into several types:
- T-lymphocytes. This species makes up the vast majority of the total mass - about 70%. With the help of T-lymphocytes, tumor and own cells that are damaged are destroyed. Also, with their help, antiviral actions are carried out
- B-lymphocytes. These cells are responsible for humoral immune responses. They can move from the blood stream to the tissues, carrying out a local protective reaction. Also, this species is able to transform into plasma cells that produce antibodies.
- NK are natural killers. These are cells of the innate immune system, the main function of which is to identify and destroy defective body cells - infected with viruses or other bacteria, as well as tumor cells.
Norms of lymphocytes

The number of lymphocytes in the blood is usually displayed as an absolute and relative value. Absolute - this is the number of lymphocytes themselves per a certain volume of blood. The relative indicator is the percentage of lymphocytes relative to leukocytes.
In adults, the rate of lymphocytes in the blood is in a constant framework. But in children, rates vary with age.
Consider the table of normal values.
Age | Absolute indicator, | Relative indicator |
Adults | 1–4, 910^9 | 20–37% |
Babies under one year old | 2–1110^9 | 45–70% |
Fromone to two years | 3–910^9 | 37–60% |
2 to 6 years old | 2–810^9 | 35–55% |
6 to 10 years old | 1, 5–710^9 | 30–50% |
10+ and teenagers | 1, 2–5, 210^9 | 30–45% |
The norm of lymphocytes in the blood does not differ by gender. But for physiological reasons, the limits of the norm in a woman may increase slightly. In men, lymphocyte counts decrease with age. Therefore, if after 45-50 years there is a jump in the level of white blood cells, you should consult a doctor.

Some patients, having received the result of the analysis, ask themselves: if the level of lymphocytes is 40, what does this mean? A condition in which there is an increase in the number of blood cells relative to their norm is called lymphocytosis. This may indicate the development of a pathological process in the body that requires an immune system response. The reasons for the increase can be both physiological conditions and dangerous diseases. Lymphocytosis can be diagnosed through a complete blood count. Below we consider the main causes of deviations from the norm.
Causes of lymphocytosis
There are many factors that can cause lymphocytosis. Consider why lymphocytes increase in the blood?
Non-dangerous physiological causes include the following conditions:
- Level of lymphocytes 40 in a woman may appear due to pregnancy, during menopause orduring menstruation.
- Smoking.
- Stress.
- Strong physical activity.
- Lymphocytes of 40% and above also appear after taking certain drugs.
If the increase was provoked by the above symptoms, then after a while the lymphocytes return to normal. No additional treatment required.
But most often, deviations from the norm in blood tests occur due to the development of diseases of varying severity.
Viral infections:
- flu;
- herpes;
- hepatitis;
- windmill;
- measles;
- rubella;
- mononucleosis and others.
Bacterial infections:
- whooping cough;
- tuberculosis;
- toxoplasmosis;
- syphilis;
- chlamydia;
- ureaplasmosis and others.
Endocrine Disorders:
- ovarian disease;
- pathology of the adrenal glands;
- thyroid disease.
Autoimmune processes:
- bronchial asthma;
- arthritis;
- eczema;
- psoriasis;
- lupus erythematosus.
Malignant blood diseases:
- lymphocytic leukemia;
- lymphoblastic leukemia;
- lymphosarcoma;
- lymphoma;
- distribution of metastasis.
The level of lymphocytes 40 in an adult is observed after removal of the spleen and in diseases of the cardiovascular system. Deviations from the norm in the direction of increasing the number of blood cells are also observed during the recovery period. Atafter some time, the level of lymphocytes returns to normal.
If a pregnant woman has 40% or more lymphocytes, the doctor prescribes additional tests to determine the cause. Additional diagnostics are required due to the fact that during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, the mother's immune system may perceive the fetus as a foreign element, thereby increasing the risk of miscarriage. Also, an increase in indicators may indicate the development of a pathological process in the body.
Smoking can also provoke lymphocytosis. Therefore, at the doctor's appointment, it is necessary to tell about it. As a rule, after getting rid of a bad habit, the level of lymphocytes quickly returns to normal.
Symptoms of elevated lymphocytes

Lymphocytosis is not a separate disease, but an indicator of the state of the blood, indicating the possibility of developing a pathological condition. For this reason, the symptoms in which lymphocytes are enlarged will depend on the concomitant disease that caused the abnormality. The increased growth of these blood cells may be accompanied by characteristic signs, upon noticing which it is recommended to contact a medical institution.
Possible manifestations of increased lymphocytes include:
- increased body temperature;
- increased and sore lymph nodes;
- tuberosity of the lymph nodes and their redness on palpation;
- feeling generally unwell;
- loss of appetite;
- sweating may increase;
- worried about headaches.
- an enlargement of the spleen is also observed.

To diagnose lymphocytosis, a blood test taken from a finger on an empty stomach is used. Before the procedure, you must stop smoking, drinking alcohol and eating spicy, s alty smoked foods.
In life-threatening situations, blood samples are taken several times a day. In other cases, it is recommended to conduct an analysis before the appointment of therapy or 2 weeks after its completion. It is worth noting that it is very important to donate blood in the same laboratory for the most accurate values.
The result may be affected by physiotherapy performed shortly before blood sampling, x-rays. It is not recommended to lie before the analysis.
The main task of this procedure will be to determine the causes that caused an increase in the level of blood lymphocytes of 40% or more. Deciphering the analysis, the doctor draws attention to the change in all indicators. This allows you to identify which category the disease that provoked deviations from the norm belongs to.
There are such combinations:
- If lymphocytes and leukocytes are enlarged. This can indicate both a viral infection and dangerous blood diseases.
- Simultaneous increase in lymphocytes and platelets indicates that two unrelated pathological conditions can develop in the body. But a decrease in platelet levels against a background of an increase in white blood cells points to autoimmune processes.
- If neutrophil counts are reduced, and the number of lymphocytes is 40% or more, this is a signthe presence of the virus in the body.
- Decrease in monocytes during lymphocytosis may indicate oncological processes.
In any case, additional diagnostic methods are prescribed for a more accurate diagnosis. These include:
- urine and blood tests;
- ultrasound;
- radiography;
- MRI or CT;
- gynecological examinations and others.

When diagnosing lymphocytosis, it is necessary to identify the source of this condition as soon as possible. Sometimes a repeat blood test is ordered to confirm the result.
Treatment will be given based on the cause of the increase in lymphocytes. Anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs, antibiotics or antihistamines are prescribed. Probiotics, antacids, and corticosteroids may be recommended. For more serious diseases, a chemotherapy procedure and other treatment methods recommended for each patient individually are used.
Since only the attending physician can correctly decipher the result of the analysis, it is not recommended to self-medicate. After all, the wrong therapy can lead to the development of complications and loss of time.
Increased lymphocytes in children

Immediately after birth, the baby has very few lymphocytes in the blood. But after 4-5 days, their level rises sharply relative to other leukocytes. This continues until about 4-5 years, then gradually the number of lymphocytes begins todecrease and reach the level of an adult. This is due to the fact that in young children the immune system and the hematopoietic system are not yet fully formed.
This condition is called physiological lymphocytosis, in which there are no changes among other indicators. Lymph nodes do not enlarge.
Despite this, in case of any deviations in the results of the analysis, it is worth contacting the pediatrician for clarification.
Possible Complications
With untimely treatment of concomitant diseases, serious complications may develop, such as:
- Accession of a bacterial infection. This often happens in the absence of therapy during a viral illness.
- The development of an acute form of the disease into a chronic one.
- The occurrence of additional diseases, which in the future may make it difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis.
- The development of oncological diseases, in which late diagnosis reduces the chances of recovery.
Prevention of lymphocytosis will consist in strengthening the body and maintaining the circulatory system in good condition. To do this, follow the following recommendations:
- take vitamins during beriberi. But you should remember that your doctor should prescribe them;
- not be in crowded places, especially during epidemics;
- drink about 2 liters of water a day;
- do sports;
- do not neglect protein foods;
- try not tosupercool and not overheat;
- give up bad habits;
- walk more outdoors;
- to have a good rest;
- treat their diseases on time and to the end;
- donate blood about twice a year, since lymphocytosis can be a reaction of the body to a disease that occurs in a latent form;
- introduce red vegetables and fruits into the diet.

Having found out why lymphocytes increase in the blood, it is worth noting that not always a small deviation from the norm will be a sign of any disease. For many people, a slight increase in white blood cells is normal. An increase in lymphocytes up to 40% is considered insignificant for an adult. Therefore, you should not worry and look for signs of serious diseases. Even a doctor will not always be able to make an accurate diagnosis based on a single blood test. Therapy, if necessary, is prescribed only after collecting an anamnesis and additional diagnostic measures that can detect the true cause of the deviation from the norm.