It's no secret that the older a person gets, the slower the metabolic processes in his organisms. With age, his activity decreases, he eats less food, as a result of which most people believe that the need for vitamins also declines. This is actually a delusion.
The need for vitamins is huge
Vitamins for the elderly are of paramount importance. People over the age of sixty should consume them daily. However, in our country, unfortunately, not everyone follows this rule, thus saving on their he alth, which, of course, leads to an increase in mortality. Moreover, a certain part of people mistakenly believe that vitamins for an elderly person are nothing but a whim, since their deficiency can be easily replenished with standard foods. This point of view also does not stand up to scrutiny. Absolutely everyone needs useful substances, and especially for older people. Why?

Yes, first of all, because they have a reduced "absorption" function of the intestine, which means that food is absorbed worse. In addition, redox processes slow down in people after sixty years, and the functioning of internal organs also deteriorates.
Increased use of medications in the fight against chronic ailments leads to a gradual deficiency of vital macronutrients and vitamins.
You can't do without them
As already emphasized, vitamins for an elderly person are not a whim, but an urgent need, they are needed like air. After all, they are able to increase vitality and slow down the aging process of the body.
First of all, water-soluble vitamins (groups B, C, P) are of value to older people. They must be present in the diet of a person of retirement age. What is their use? The fact is that they have an anti-sclerotic effect and help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is thanks to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system that the likelihood that a person will live as long as possible increases.

Don't know what other vitamins are good for the elderly? First of all, they are necessary for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. This function is performed by useful substances belonging to group C. They normalize the elasticity and strength of blood vessels and normalize blood cholesterol levels.
Food will not meet the needs of100% vitamins
Of course, there is a certain category of people who think that the best vitamins for the elderly are vegetables and fruits. Say, eat one apple a day, and many diseases will bypass you. However, such a position can also be considered a delusion. Fruits and vegetables make up for the lack of only two vitamins: folic and ascorbic acids. If the assortment of fruits eaten is varied, then you can also get rid of the deficiency of such a component necessary for he alth as carotene. It is noteworthy that in 100 ml. apple juice contains only 2 mg of ascorbic acid. To meet the body's daily requirement for this vitamin (60 mg), you will need to drink 15 glasses of juice daily!

If we talk about useful substances belonging to groups A, E, D, then vegetables will not be able to enrich the body with them - high-calorie foods will be required here: milk, eggs, meat, butter, cereals, bakery products.
Ascorbic acid is an indispensable component for strengthening blood vessels
Many people know that vitamins (except for groups A, E, D and partially B12) are not produced, but enter the body with food. Our brain is not able to store the above substances "for the future", so we must regularly eat foods that are rich in them.
First of all, we are talking about vitamin C. It is this antioxidant that people of age especially need. Lack of components such as ascorbic acid, carotenoids and tocopherol,leads to the development of oncological diseases and cardiovascular pathologies.
Those who are concerned about which vitamins for the elderly are of the greatest value should know that ascorbic acid is primarily one of them. It provides protection to the lungs, strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism. Ascorbic acid deficiency is replenished thanks to citrus fruits, sweet peppers, spinach.

Vitamin B is necessary for the smooth functioning of the stomach, and carotene improves the functioning of the organs of vision.
Vitamin B deficiency
People of the age category "60+" often suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that the body receives less vitamins B2, B6, B12, PP. The consequence of this is a slowdown in metabolic processes and a decrease in the activity of some enzyme systems of the body. Older people develop anemia due to a lack of folic acid.
Deficiency of vitamin B2 impairs vision, the work of the digestive organs, unbalances the nervous system, reduces immunity. Despite the fact that the need for the above substance in elderly people is much less than in young people, its absorption becomes so poor over the years that the recommended amount of riboflavin (B2) should be increased. Its lack can be filled with food such as cheese, cottage cheese, veal, cocoa.
The absorption of vitamin B12 also decreases with age. To eliminate its deficiency, you should regularly eat greens, salads, veal, beef andpork liver, spinach, seafood.

Better absorption of cyanocobolamin (B12) is helped by hydrochloric acid, so fruits and sour berries should also be eaten as an addition to the above products.
Vitamin A deficiency
If the body receives less vitamin A, then this contributes to the appearance of diseases of the duodenum, gastritis, weakening of the immune system. Retinol (vitamin A) is found in large quantities in such foods: eggs, carrots, spinach, pumpkin, calf's liver.
Vitamin D deficiency
It should be noted that vitamin D for the elderly is also very valuable. Deficiency of the above component leads to poor absorption of calcium, which is so necessary for strengthening bones. In addition, the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and the appearance of malignant neoplasms increases. Vitamin D can be replenished through ultraviolet light, so older people in warm weather need to stay in the sun for at least half an hour a day. However, too much time to expose yourself to UV rays is not recommended. In terms of food, vitamin D is found in egg yolks and fish oils.

But the need for minerals decreases over the years. Moreover, some of them (calcium s alts) are deposited in the joints and tissues. However, the content of magnesium, iodine, selenium, and iron in the body must be controlled. Today, in any pharmacy, in order to avoid the problem of nutrient deficiency, you can choose the bestcomplex of vitamins for the elderly. However, it is best to consult a doctor about this.
Vitamin complexes
Currently, there is a whole arsenal of drugs on the market, through which you can solve the problem of cyanocobalamin or retinol deficiency. It should be noted that vitamins for the elderly, reviews of which are mostly contradictory, also differ in degree of effectiveness. However, most of them are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. We list the most common.
Hexavit drug
So, today, many pharmaceutical manufacturers produce vitamins for the elderly. The names "Hexavit", "Gerovital", "Vitrum Century" are well known to the Russian consumer.

The first of the listed multivitamin complexes contains six vitamins that are vital for people over the age of 60 - A, B, B2, B6, C, PP. The drug "Geksavit" is recommended as one of the measures to combat beriberi.
Customer reviews contain information that this is an effective tool when it comes to the problem of lack of nutrients. Also, consumers note its effectiveness in the fight against ophthalmic ailments.
Means "Undevit"
Of course, the younger generation, who cares about the he alth of their loved ones, needs to regularly buy vitamins for the elderly. The names "Undevit", "Supradin", "Gerimaks" should be clearlythem in memory. "Undevit" is a drug that contains eleven important vitamins (B1, B12, E, P, folic, pantothenic acids, etc.). Moreover, one dragee is the daily need of the body for useful substances. The Undevit complex is also effective in combating such a disease as beriberi.
Reviews about this drug are mostly positive. Many buyers appreciate it because it does not cause allergic reactions and significantly increases the body's resistance to colds. In addition, consumers are attracted by the inexpensive price of the drug - only 45 rubles per pack.
Vitrum Centuri
Vitamins "Vitrum" for the elderly is a good choice. First of all, they help to strengthen the immune system, as well as increase mental and physical performance. In addition, this drug significantly reduces the likelihood of developing oncological and cardiovascular pathologies. Also "Vitrum centuria" slows down the aging process of cells. However, this is not all of its positive properties. It is prescribed as a drug that compensates for the lack of minerals, as well as a prophylactic for hypovitaminosis.

The majority of customer reviews about Vitrum Centuri are positive. After taking the drug, the elderly feel better, vigor appears. However, some are not satisfied with the price (500 rubles per package) and the possibility of allergic reactions.