The human eye is a complex organ. Despite its small size, it performs an important function - the ability to visually perceive the world around us. The visual system works non-stop. Eye diseases are one of the most common pathological conditions. "Isotin" is an ophthalmic remedy that can effectively eliminate vision problems. The drug belongs to Indian medicine - Ayurveda. Ordinary people leave positive feedback about Isotin eye drops. The opinion of the medical community is mixed. Understanding who is right will help "acquaintance" with the drug.
Description of the ophthalmic product

Aysotin drops are an Ayurvedic remedy designed to restore vision and prevent ophthalmic diseases. Recommended as a non-invasive method of cataract therapy and to maintain eye he alth in the face of negative environmental factors.
Drops are produced by the Indian company Jagat Pharma. Jagat Pharma isone of the leading manufacturers in India. The company produces high-quality healing preparations for the eyes, made on a natural basis. Aisotin is also a uniquely selected complex of medicinal plants and metal ashes (bhasma) purified by a special technology. According to the manufacturer, the product is absolutely safe and suitable for long-term daily use.
The drug is available in a polymer dropper bottle of 10 ml.
Ingredients of eye drops

Ayurveda is an alternative Indian medicine. All products related to it are of natural origin. "Isotin" consists of phytocomponents that have a healing effect on the visual system. Plant extracts and bhasma are low concentrated, but quite effective. The instructions for eye drops "Isotin" contain the following composition:
- Punarnava, or Boerhavia sprawling (0.3%) - a plant belonging to the "golden row" of Ayurveda. Improves the structure and functionality of muscle and nerve tissues. It has anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties, promotes the rapid elimination of toxins.
- Butea single-seeded (0.3%). The plant belongs to the legume family. It is rich in a mineral important for vision - zinc, as well as vitamin A, which protects the retina from harmful radiation (ultraviolet, x-ray).
- Achirantes, or iron man (0.3%). Included in the pharmacopoeia of India and some Asian countries. It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties. In high concentrationscan cause allergies.
- Yashad bhasma (zinc oxide) has a drying, antiseptic, absorbent effect.
- Tankana bhasma (sodium pyroborate) – antiseptic.
- Potassium alum (0.4%). The component has enveloping properties, creates a thin film that protects the eyes from external irritants. The substance is actively used in cosmetology.
The product is water based.
Medicinal effect
Ayurveda does not promote its medicines as a panacea. The instructions for the Isotin drops clearly spell out the pharmacodynamics of the drug. The Indian drug is used for the treatment and prevention of most ophthalmic diseases. From the point of view of Russian and European pharmacology, Isotin is more biologically active than a drug. Active substances are contained in very low concentrations. Their main action is to stimulate natural healing functions.
One of the main components of drops is zinc. Without this element, vitamin A (retinol) is very poorly absorbed by the body. And retinol is the main component of rhodopsin, which is a chromoprotein protein in the retina. One of the reasons for the deterioration of vision is a lack of vitamin A.
The eyes cannot be hidden, they are exposed to pathogenic microflora more than other organs. As part of the drops, most of the ingredients have anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. The drug reduces the harmful effects and helps restore the visual organ.
Indications for use

The spectrum of action of eye drops "Isotin" is very wide. The drug is used in the following pathological conditions:
- glaucoma;
- darkening of the lens of the eye (cataract);
- reduced or complete inability to distinguish colors (color blindness);
- anomaly of refraction, in which a person sees clearly near, and the image is blurry at a distance (nearsightedness);
- age-related farsightedness (the opposite of nearsightedness);
- strabismus and amblyopia;
- bilateral inflammation of the retina of an infectious nature (retinitis);
- violation of the integrity of the visual organ;
- recovery period after ophthalmic invasive cataract removal;
- pre- and postoperative periods of laser coagulation, extrascleral sealing for retinal detachment and vitrectomy;
- vision impairment due to toxic effects, including insect and snake bites;
- high eye pressure;
- recovery from exposure to radiation.
The drug quickly relieves redness after a sleepless night, computer work, tears and exposure to other irritants.
The small number of negative reviews about Isotin eye drops is largely due to the absence (almost) of the drug's contraindications. It should be understood that the drug consists of certain components that are harmless to most, but not to all absolutely people. If a person is aware of the presence of hypersensitivityto one or more substances of drops, then it is better to refuse their use. If this information is not available, an allergy test should be performed prior to use.
Use during pregnancy and childhood

The body of a pregnant woman sometimes reacts inadequately to the usual products. Any drug is a complex of concentrated substances with therapeutic properties. Isotin drops are relatively safe, but their use during the gestation period should be carried out exclusively for the intended purpose and under the strict control of a gynecologist. Prior to this, the doctor must assess the possible threat to the fetus.
Reviews about Aisotin eye drops are often left by mothers of adults and not very children. Usually women write that they learn about the drug from forums where people express a positive opinion about it. The drug has no age restrictions, its use is indicated, including for children. But the manufacturer insists on the obligatory consultation of a pediatrician before using the drops. This is especially true for children with hereditary anomalies of the visual system.
Adverse reactions
Use of eye drops is infrequent, but there are side effects. Mostly they occur in the first days of therapy. The eye is equipped with a huge number of nerves, it reacts sharply to various stimuli. If an inflammatory process occurs in the visual organ, then when the components enter, a reaction occurs, usually in the form of redness of the eyeball or eyelids. Hyperemia also contributesrestoration of normal circulation. Similar symptoms disappear within 1-2 days. If the clinical picture does not change or worsens, stop using the drops and consult a doctor.
How to use

Before using eye drops "Isotin" you should read the instructions. It describes the treatment regimen, it is the same for all pathologies of vision. Failure to comply with recommendations on dosage and method of using the drug dramatically reduces its therapeutic effect.
- The substance is instilled alternately into each eye, 2 drops 3-5 times a day. On the first day, it is better to limit yourself to two procedures.
- The recommended duration of treatment is 3 months (continuously).
- Minimum course of application - 2 weeks.
- After completion of the therapeutic course, it is necessary to undergo an ophthalmological examination to assess positive changes.
- When using the drug for prophylactic purposes, one drop is dripped into each eye daily, before going to bed. Isotin is especially recommended for people who spend a lot of time driving or using a computer.
With constant use, compliance with the dosage, a person will need about 12 bottles per year.
Special Instructions
In some reviews of Isotin eye drops, you can read that the remedy is ineffective in certain ophthalmic diseases. The drug belongs to parapharmaceuticals, traditional medicine classifies it as a dietary supplement. None of the biologically active ingredientscan help with progressive dystrophy.
People using contact lenses before the instillation procedure remove the optics and put them on no earlier than 20 minutes after the manipulation.
In case of contact with the eyes in large quantities, rinse your face with plenty of running water. The worst option for an overdose of Aisotin is hyperemia of the visual organ. If the redness does not improve, see a specialist.
Keep the product in the room, away from small children. The shelf life of Isotin drops is 2 years, after opening - a month.
Isotin plus - new or improved drug?

Jagat Pharma has improved Isotin, resulting in new Isotin Plus drops. Components added to the improved drops:
- Leptadenia mesh, in Ayurveda called "giving energy of life." The plant normalizes blood circulation and improves immunity.
- Santal has a bactericidal, decongestant effect.
- Amalaki is the richest source of ascorbic acid. The vitamin plays an important role in retinol absorption and immune support.
Indications for use are the same as for Aisotin. But the way has changed a bit. According to the reviews of the Isotin Plus drop, it is more convenient to use, two procedures a day are enough.
The drug has no contraindications, approved for use in children.
All Ayurvedic remedies are unique, they have no analogues, let alone generics. Even"Isotin Plus", according to the manufacturer, is a continuation of "Isotin", and not a substitute. The main disadvantage of all Indian products is that they are not sold in a regular retail pharmacy chain. Most often, you need to order the funds and wait for the package to arrive.
An ophthalmologist who, in addition to his main speci alty, is well versed in homeopathy, will be able to choose a remedy that is similar in composition and mechanism of action. Pharmacy analogues of drops "Isotin":
- Taufon;
- "Igrelle";
- "Emoxipin";
- Catalin;
- Quinax;
- "Udjala";
- Khrustalin.
The listed drugs are medicines and should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.
Isotin eye drops: expert reviews
Ayurveda is an alternative medicine that the scientific community considers a parascience. Traditional medicine is mired in bureaucracy. If there is no document proving the effectiveness of the method (means), then it is ineffective.
Most doctors in the reviews of eye drops "Isotin" call a medieval potion. Experts say that some components not only do not benefit, they can harm the body.
But there are quite a few ophthalmologists who approve of the use of Ayurvedic drops. True, they are not advised to prescribe them to themselves. The composition of "Isotin", according to doctors, includes components that are not found in other drugs and which play an important role in restoring the visual system. The drug is best used as part of complex therapy or inpreventive purposes.
Isotine eye drops ("Isotin"): user reviews

The opinion of ordinary people about the ophthalmic remedy is positive. Safe and easy to use.
Reviews about drops "Isotin" leave people of different ages. The older generation likes the natural composition of the product. Middle-aged people note quick action as their main advantage. All, without exception, note the safety and ease of use. There is only one drawback - the product is not sold in all pharmacies, sometimes (in small towns) it can be purchased in only one way - order on the website.
All of the above recommendations are general. Before using the drug, even for prevention, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist. He will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, which will include Aysotin.