Leukocytes in the blood: the norm, the reasons for the increase and decrease

Leukocytes in the blood: the norm, the reasons for the increase and decrease
Leukocytes in the blood: the norm, the reasons for the increase and decrease

Human blood includes several types of cells. One of them is leukocytes. They perform important functions. Therefore, in the course of a general blood test, their number is examined. There is a certain rate of leukocytes in the blood. This figure may change for various reasons. If the white blood cells are more or less than normal, this indicates certain deviations. The reasons for this phenomenon will be discussed in the article.

Cell functions

We have all heard that blood is made up of plasma and certain cells. They perform different functions and are produced by the bone marrow and lymph nodes. One of the essential components are leukocytes in the blood. What do these tiny cells mean to our body?

Increased leukocytes in the blood what does it mean?
Increased leukocytes in the blood what does it mean?

They are often credited with the name of white blood cells. However, this is not entirely true. When viewed under a microscope, these cells are purple with pinkishshade. Their color intensity may vary. Leukocytes react differently to dyes. According to this indicator, they are divided into eosinophils, neutrophils, and basophils.

The shape of these cells, as well as the structure of their nucleus, can vary significantly. Leukocytes protect our body from bacteria, viruses and other foreign substances. Each type of these cells has its own function. Some leukocytes find extraneous microorganisms, while others recognize them according to the principle of "friend or foe." The third types of leukocytes train new cells, transfer the received information to them.

However, killer leukocytes occupy a special place in this hierarchy. These are large, clumsy cells. They receive an order from other cells to destroy a harmful microorganism. The leukocyte surrounds the enemy, absorbs it and dissolves it. This is how the body's immunity works.


Leukocytes in the blood of an adult and a child have not only a certain amount, but also a structure. Any changes in these indicators require determining the cause of such a condition. As already mentioned, leukocytes are different.

Leukocytes in the blood are low
Leukocytes in the blood are low

Lymphocytes collect information about microorganisms, and also distinguish foreign cells from their own. They trigger an immune response. Their amount in the blood should be 20-45%. Most of all in our body are neutrophils. These are killer cells. They arise quickly, eat small cells of foreign tissue, and then disintegrate. There should be 40-75% of such cells in the blood.

Another type of white blood cells are monocytes. They areabsorb large pieces of foreign tissues, microorganisms, as well as dead brethren. They clean the site of infection. After that, the tissues become ready for subsequent regeneration. There are 3-8% of them in the blood.

Eosinophils are also aimed at destroying foreign cells. However, their competence includes the destruction of parasites, helminths and allergens. They are not more than 5% in the body. When biting insects, basophils are involved. They destroy poisons. They are in the blood in a normal state only up to 1%.

Norm for women and men

The number of leukocytes in the blood of women and men is different. This figure also changes with age. It is measured in billion/l. For men, the following norms exist:

  • 14-22 years - 3, 5-8;
  • 23-40 years - 4-9;
  • 41-60 years - 3, 5-9;
  • 60-100 years - 3-7.

In women, this figure is somewhat different. During pregnancy, menstruation, the indicator may differ from the norm. This is perfectly acceptable and natural. The norms for women are as follows:

  • 14-22 years - 3, 8-8;
  • 23-40 years - 4, 4-10;
  • 41-60 years - 4-9;
  • 60-100 years - 3-8.

This indicator is affected by hormonal levels. During pregnancy, the rate of leukocytes in the blood increases to 12, and by the time of delivery this figure reaches 15. This is a protective reaction of the body that neutralizes the negative manifestations on the body of the mother and child, which can be influenced from the outside.

Norm for kids

The level of leukocytes in the blood of children differs significantly from that of adults. This isnecessary to increase the body's resistance to various negative external factors. At different ages, the rate of leukocytes in the blood (also measured in billion / l) of children is as follows:

  • 1-2 years - 6-17;
  • 2-6 years - 4, 9-12, 3;
  • 7-9 years - 4, 8-12;
  • 9-12 years - 4, 5-10.

In newborns, this rate is even higher. They receive a large supply of white blood cells at birth. This allows you to develop full-fledged immunity.

The norm of protective cells for newborns

In the first days after birth, the number of leukocytes in the blood of a child is much higher than in adults. This is necessary to protect it from negative external factors. The baby's environment has changed a lot. Now there is no maternal protection that protected him from most viruses and bacteria. By the first year of life, the number of cells that protect the baby's body is significantly reduced. The norms for this age are as follows:

  • 1-2 days - 8, 5-24, 5;
  • 3-7 days - 7, 2-18, 5;
  • 7-30 days - 6, 5-13, 8;
  • 1-6 months - 5, 5-12, 5;
  • 6-12 months – 6-12.

In some cases, the number of these cells is increased. This condition is called leukocytosis.

What affects the result of the analysis?

In some cases, people have low or high white blood cells. What does it mean? The body is a system that constantly balances under the influence of various factors. Any deviations from the norm indicate the presence of some processes that require detailed diagnostics.

What do they meanelevated white blood cells
What do they meanelevated white blood cells

However, there are a number of cases when the test result is inaccurate. Several factors influence this. They need to be remembered when going to the hospital for testing. Deviations from the norm can cause taking a hot bath or shower. Also, food intake can affect the accuracy of the result. Do not eat before analysis.

Also, the presence of burns, cuts can affect the result. After vaccination, the analysis is also not carried out. Women do not take a blood test during menstruation. If the examination is carried out during pregnancy, other standards are chosen to determine the state of the body.

Above normal

What do high white blood cells mean? This may be indicative of various conditions. Since leukocytes are “smart” cells, an increase in their number indicates the development of an infectious process, foreign microorganisms. For example, leukocytosis appears with a cold, flu. This is quite normal for such a state. It's just that when the level of these cells increases, the doctor must find the reason that provokes the production of leukocytes.

Leukocytes in the blood
Leukocytes in the blood

If these cells are produced in significant quantities in the body, then the immune system is fighting viruses, microbes, allergens or parasites. However, there are other factors that contribute to the increase in leukocytes. These are the wrong lifestyle, insufficient rest and stress.

The main reasons for the increase in the number of cells

Leukocytes in the blood increase in the presence of various diseases. However, there are some physiologicalconditions that affect this indicator. So, the level of leukocytes rises after eating (especially protein). This is a normal phenomenon that allows the body to fight various bacteria and toxins that are contained in food.

The level of leukocytes in the blood
The level of leukocytes in the blood

After playing sports, the level of these cells in the blood also increases. Another reason could be a reaction to a vaccine. In this case, the causative agent of a certain disease is introduced into the body in a small amount. The immune system begins to actively fight it.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, white blood cells also begin to increase. During menstruation, the body also produces more of these cells. This helps prevent infection. After burns and injuries, immunity is also activated.

In the postoperative period, white blood cells fight infection. Therefore, normally there should be more of them. If a neoplasm (benign or malignant) develops in the body, white blood cells may also be elevated.

With increased emotional, physical stress, the immune system also works more actively.

What will the doctor advise?

There are various reasons for the increase in the level of protective cells. Leukocytes in the blood increase under the influence of various factors. The doctor will prescribe a second test after a while. In doing so, he will prompt the patient to perform certain actions.

White blood cells in women
White blood cells in women

You need to go to bed at the same time, and sleep at least 8 hours. Physical and emotional stressreduce as much as possible. You need to walk in the fresh air, and strength exercises in the gym should be abandoned.

Eat at the same time. At the same time, exclude spicy, fried, fatty. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. After that, the analysis is given again. If the cause is the development of a certain pathology, it must be identified and cured.

If left untreated leukocytosis

If the white blood cells are elevated, this is not normal and requires some treatment. Their number needs to be reduced. Otherwise, it will cause serious damage to he alth. In children, this phenomenon leads to a gradual decrease in neutrophils or anemia. In this case, the child will not be able to develop harmoniously, will be weak and painful.

In adults, prolonged leukocytosis also leads to a number of negative consequences. Immunity will decrease over time. The body spends too much energy on the production of these cells. There are malaise, constant fatigue and headaches. Chills and fever may appear. In rare cases, anemia develops, vision deteriorates, anorexia occurs.

The body becomes weakened. In parallel, various pathologies develop. This requires immediate diagnosis and treatment. Only by establishing the cause of the appearance of leukocytosis, you can undergo a course of treatment.

Leukocytes are low

Reduced white blood cells cause serious concern about the patient's condition. This is a serious illness. It's called leukopenia. This condition occurs when the number of protective cells is less than 3.5 billion / l. This isindicates insufficient resistance of the body to various pathogens, infections and foreign microorganisms.

Leukocytes in the blood of an adult
Leukocytes in the blood of an adult

This condition is corrected with proper nutrition. The patient's diet needs to be revised. You need to eat a large amount of dairy products, animal and vegetable fats, as well as vegetables and fruits. Citrus fruits are especially useful in this case.

It is good to eat honey and ingest other bee products. It can be royal jelly, perga, pollen and more. These substances include vitamins and microelements important for proper metabolism. They stimulate the immune system.

Reasons for the decrease in the number of protective cells

If the leukocytes in the blood are low, this may be the result of various pathologies. The main ones are damage to the bone marrow that produces these cells, its oncology. Also, a similar situation is observed in people who have received a significant dose of radiation. With radiation sickness, the number of leukocytes decreases.

A number of infectious diseases affect the number of leukocytes in the blood. These include typhoid, measles, hepatitis, and influenza. In oncology, patients are prescribed a number of specific drugs. Their side effect is a decrease in the number of leukocytes.

Another serious disease that affects the production of white blood cells is AIDS. Therefore, regular examinations and blood tests reveal a number of serious pathologies. The sooner they are diagnosed, the easier and more effective it will be.follow-up treatment.

Consequences of leukopenia

If the leukocytes in the blood have been low for a long time, this leads to a number of serious disorders. The body's defenses are falling. He becomes subject to various adverse influences. The person becomes susceptible to viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.

To cope with leukopenia, patients are prescribed immunostimulating drugs. Treatment is supplemented with folk recipes. If you do not take timely action, the likelihood of developing oncology, dangerous ailments, increases. The functions of hematopoiesis of the bone marrow are impaired due to damage to the bone marrow. Also, deviations relate to the phase of maturation of leukocytes.

Leukopenia is often asymptomatic. Therefore, it is extremely important to undergo periodic examination. In some cases, a person feels fatigue, a general weakening of the immune system. He becomes susceptible to various diseases. Body temperature rises, headache appears. An urgent need to see a doctor to find out the causes of this condition.

Having considered the features and functions of leukocytes in the blood, you can understand why it is so important to monitor their number. The he alth of a person, the protective functions of his body depend on them. Therefore, the level of leukocytes must be constantly monitored. When deviations from the norm appear, the cause of such conditions is established, complex treatment is carried out.
