Tablets "Hypothiazid" - instructions for use, composition and reviews

Tablets "Hypothiazid" - instructions for use, composition and reviews
Tablets "Hypothiazid" - instructions for use, composition and reviews

In the instructions in the description of the Hypothiazide tablets, the manufacturer indicates that this remedy is based on hydrochlorothiazide and has a pronounced effect on high blood pressure. Reasonable use of the drug helps to normalize the performance and bring the patient's condition back to normal. Also, "Hypothiazid" is taken for preeclampsia and edematous syndrome, some forms of diabetes and glaucoma. When prescribing the drug, at the appointment the doctor must explain to the patient what Hypothiazid helps in a particular case. For example, it may be chosen as a means to prevent the formation of stones in the urinary organs.

Product features

The instructions for use of the drug "Hypothiazide" indicate that the drug is based on hydrochlorothiazide. One tablet contains from 25 mg of this compound to four times the volume. Auxiliary components are also used to ensure the stability of the composition throughout the entire shelf life. The manufacturer in the instructions indicates the inclusion of talc and starch, lactose and gelatin, magnesium stearate in the preparation. Particular attention should be paid to persons suffering from hypersensitivity or intolerance to any substances used in the pharmaceutical industry. In particular, negative effects may be associated with the use of tablets for lactose intolerance.

The drug is available only in tablet form. In the instructions for use of Hypothiazid tablets, the manufacturer indicates that the drug belongs to the class of thiazide diuretics.

hypothiazide tablets instructions for use
hypothiazide tablets instructions for use

When will it help?

The indications listed in the instructions for use of "Hypothiazide" include edematous syndrome. This often haunts people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, liver, kidneys. Edema is possible shortly before the onset of menstrual bleeding or under the influence of medications taken. Thus, it is often necessary to correct the patient's condition with the help of diuretics if corticosteroids are prescribed.

In the full instructions for Hypothiazid, the manufacturer also indicates the effectiveness of the drug with increased pressure in the arteries. The tool can be used both as the main one and in combination with other drugs for pressure control.

In polyuria, the drug in question is suitable for symptomatic relief. The substance produces an effect based on a paradoxical mechanism. The most pronounced is observed in persons suffering from diabetes insipidus. Also, the use of tablets helps to relieve hypercalciuria.

Can it or can't it?

When studying the instructions for use and the description of "Hypothiazid", it is necessary to pay attention not only to indications for taking pills, but also to contraindications. Neglect of these restrictions leads to serious consequences - negative side effects and ineffectiveness of the therapeutic course.

It is forbidden to use tablets if hypersensitivity or resistance to any of the compounds present in the preparation is established. This applies to both the main component and additional substances. Do not use "Hypothiazid" with hypersensitivity to other drugs from the class of sulfonamides.

You can not use "Hypothiazid" with anuria and creatinine clearance less than 30 ml per minute, with insufficient liver function. The drug is not suitable for correcting the condition of patients who have a lack of potassium or an excess of calcium that cannot be treated with medication. Do not use the remedy for refractory lack of sodium. In the instructions for use and annotations to Hypothiazid, the manufacturer indicates the inadmissibility of taking pills for gout.

hypothiazide instructions for use
hypothiazide instructions for use

How to use?

The manufacturer in the accompanying documentation indicates the need to select the optimal dosage individually, taking into account the reaction of the patient's body to drug therapy. It is necessary to regularly monitor the patient's condition. The composition indicated in the instructions for use of "Hypothiazid"begins with hydrochlorothiazide, which provokes an increased activity of the process of leaching magnesium and potassium from the body. This obliges to regularly take analyzes of the patient's biological fluids to clarify the content of trace elements, and resort to replacement therapy, if necessary. More often, such a practice is necessary for patients suffering from insufficiency of the heart, as well as a weakening of the liver functionality. Increased risk of washing out too sick amounts of magnesium, potassium, if "Hypothiazide" is combined with digitalis preparations.

In the instructions for the use of "Hypothiazide" it is indicated that the tablets should be taken after meals.

Diagnosis and dosage

With edematous syndrome, an adult patient is initially prescribed 25-100 mg of the drug per day. Possible reception format - every other day. Based on the results, the dose is reduced or increased. Maintenance amounts are 25-50 mg per day. With severe symptoms, it is initially possible to prescribe 200 mg. For edema before menstrual bleeding, the drug should be used in an amount of 25 mg, taking the remedy as soon as the edema began to bother, and completing the course as soon as the bleeding began.

In the instructions for the use of Hypothiazid, the manufacturer indicates that with high blood pressure, the drug is prescribed in an amount of 25-100 mg per day. The entire prescribed volume is taken at one time. You can use the medication as the only one in the fight against hypertension, you can combine it with other means to correct the condition.

There may be caseswhen at first a sufficient volume is 12.5 mg of the drug. Do not consume more than 100 mg per day. The optimal treatment format is the choice of the minimum effective dose with which it is possible to achieve an effect, as well as the minimum amount that allows you to maintain it constantly.

When combining "Hypothiazide" with other drugs to lower pressure, measures should be taken to prevent a sudden sharp drop in pressure. The probability of such a phenomenon is more characteristic of the moment when the two drugs are just beginning to be taken together. To avoid negative consequences, dosage should be reduced.

In the instructions for "Hypothiazid", in reviews of the use of tablets, it is indicated that a pronounced effect on pressure is observed on average four days after the start of the course, but a stable result is achievable only by the end of the first month. The manufacturer also draws attention to the fact that after the completion of the therapeutic course, the effect lasts for about a week. This is also confirmed by the experience of patients who used the described tablets.

hypothiazide instructions for use composition
hypothiazide instructions for use composition

Destination nuances

The manufacturer's instructions for use for "Hypothiazid" indicate that in diabetes insipidus, the drug can be used to smooth out polyuria. Normally, 50-150 mg is prescribed per day. The dosage chosen by the doctor is divided into several doses.

If it is necessary to prescribe the drug to children aged 2-12 years, take into account that on average 1-2 mg per day is enough for each kilogram of weight. Alternative calculation formula -30-60 mg per m2. There are 37.5-100 mg per day, used at a time.

Should I take it?

According to reviews, the price of "Hypothiazid" fully justifies the effectiveness of this medication. Currently, pharmacies ask for about 70-100 rubles for one package. Those treated with this remedy noted that with proper use and progress control by the doctor, the medication helped get rid of unpleasant symptoms and stabilize the condition.

Studying reviews, instructions for use for "Hypothiazid", prices for pills in different pharmacies, more and more people come to the conclusion that the drug is effective and safe, so they try to take it on their own without consulting a doctor. This practice often leads to side effects. To minimize the likelihood of undesirable consequences, self-treatment with Hypothiazid and any other diuretics (as well as other pharmacy products intended to be taken only after consultation with a professional) should be excluded. It can be seen from the reviews that it was the people who used Hypothiazid without medical supervision that more often faced negative consequences.

"Hypothiazide": analogues

The instructions for the drug in question indicate that the main component that ensures its effectiveness is hydrochlorothiazide. The medicines "Hydrochlorothiazide", "Hydrochlorothiazide", "Apo-Hydro" are also based on it. Despite the similarity of instructions for the use of "Hypothiazid" and analogues, it is impossible to independently decide on the replacement of the drug prescribed by the doctor. Poor choice of alternative easilymay cause undesirable consequences. In addition, such treatment may not be effective.

It is worth noting that the instructions for "Hypothiazid" and the analogues of the drug mentioned above are quite close: the funds are prescribed for the same he alth problems, they have a similar mechanism of influence on the human body. This is due to the similarity of the main active ingredient.

hypothiazide tablets instruction application reviews
hypothiazide tablets instruction application reviews

Negative consequences: what is possible?

In the instructions for the use of Hypothiazid, the manufacturer lists the likely (to a greater or lesser extent) negative consequences of taking the pills. In particular, the use of the drug is associated with the likelihood of thrombocyto-, leuko-, neutropenia, anemia and agranulocytosis, but such negative course results are quite rare.

The drug in question can affect the concentration of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium in the body, can cause the detection of glucose in urine, as well as an increased glycemic level. With an unknown frequency, there is a risk of arrhythmia, hypotension. Extremely rarely, patients complained that they were sick and dizzy, worried about convulsions, paresthesias. There are known cases of confused consciousness, loss of the ability to navigate in space. With an unknown frequency, while taking the drug, patients were drawn to sleep, mood swings, increased nervousness, and temporary disturbances in the visual system.

Tests show that the use of the described drug is associated with a risk of violationstool, nausea and vomiting, inflammatory processes in the salivary glands. Sometimes patients complained of dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and a constant desire to drink. There is a risk of jaundice, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, pain and spasms in muscle tissue, nephritis and kidney failure, alkalosis, liver coma. Under the influence of the components of the tablets, there is a risk of reducing the susceptibility of glucose, which in the case of latent diabetes is associated with the risk of an acute manifestation of the disease.

There are also known cases when vasculitis, angiitis, distress, pulmonary edema, pneumonitis, anaphylactic shock, epidermal necrolysis, urticaria, purpura, disorders of the reproductive system, exhaustion occurred while taking pills.

Too much

In clinical practice, there are references to cases of diuretic overdose. Symptoms point to dehydration and electrolyte leaching. The frequency and speed of the heartbeat go astray, the pressure drops, a state of shock is observed. The patient vomits and vomits, wants to drink, the mind is confused, the patient is weak and complains of dizziness. Muscle spasms, emaciated state, paresthesia, an-, olig-, polyuria are possible. When examining liquid samples in the laboratory, a non-standard level of potassium, sodium, chlorine is revealed. Possible alkalosis and excess urea in the circulatory system.

When detecting the fact of an overdose, it is necessary to initiate a gag reflex. The drug has no antidote. The patient is shown gastric lavage and taking drugs to inhibit the absorption process. Activated charcoal is effective.

When shockedstate, reduced pressure requires the introduction of electrolytes, liquids. Stabilization of the condition requires regular monitoring of the content of these substances, as well as renal functionality.

"Interesting" position

Currently, scientists have limited information about the possibility of using "Hypothiazide" during childbearing. The least useful data is about taking the drug in the first three months of pregnancy. There is a certain knowledge base that has been formed from the study of animal reactions, but such information is not enough to assess the risks to which a person will be exposed.

It is known that the active substance contained in Hypothiazide is able to penetrate the placental barrier. The use of the drug in the second and third parts of the term can cause disruptions in the fetoplacental blood flow. As a result, the embryo may develop jaundice. The baby is also at risk if the mother used a diuretic. Possible dangers for the child associated with the use of tablets by the mother - thrombocytopenia, electrolyte imbalance.

hypothiazide instructions for use abstract
hypothiazide instructions for use abstract

It is not allowed to use "Hypothiazid" to eliminate swelling, high blood pressure, preeclampsia during the period of bearing a child. There is no positive effect from taking in this state, but the likelihood of a decrease in plasma volume, a deterioration in the blood supply to the placenta and uterus increases significantly.

With essential increased pressure in the arteries during pregnancy, the unwinding drug is used extremely rarely– only if there is no adequate alternative.

During the period of bearing a child, hydrochlorothiazide tablets are generally prohibited. When recommending such treatment to a patient, the doctor must be aware of all possible dangers, as well as explain why the benefits of therapy outweigh the risks.

Mother and child

During lactation, "Hypothiazid" is incompatible with breastfeeding, since the active compound of the drug is able to penetrate into mother's milk. If medication is required and there is no safer alternative, the baby should be switched to artificial feeding.

Do not use "Hypothiazide" in relation to children under two years of age. In the period of 2-12 years, the drug is allowed, but the dosage is chosen individually, taking into account the weight of the patient. For a day, it is calculated as 1-2 mg per kilogram of live weight. An alternative option - you can proceed from the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe body: 30-60 mg are taken per square meter. The total amount received should not exceed 100 mg.

hypothiazide instructions and analogues of the drug
hypothiazide instructions and analogues of the drug

Usage nuances

The use of any means to reduce pressure can cause hypotension. These risks are also associated with the therapeutic course of Hypothiazid. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is important to regularly monitor the patient's condition. The use of the drug can cause a disorder in the balance of s alts and water in the body. Only constant monitoring of the condition allows you to timely determine the signs of such a deviation. Most common reflectiondisorders - vomiting, accompanied by loose stools. In the presence of such a phenomenon, it is necessary to check blood samples for the content of electrolytes in the plasma. It is taken into account that in warm seasons, with a tendency to edema, patients may lose sodium from the blood, due to the dilution of this fluid.

The use of thiazide diuretics may cause a decrease in glucose tolerance. In some cases, people who are forced to take drugs to control diabetes must adjust the dosage. This also applies to insulin. The latent form of diabetes can manifest against the background of the use of diuretics on hydrochlorothiazide.

Pay attention

Thiazide diuretics can cause calcium to be excreted too slowly in urine. A temporary increase in the content of this electrolyte in the blood plasma is possible. A significant excess of calcium may indicate latent hyperparathyroidism. The use of "Hypothiazide" must be stopped, then a full study of the patient's condition should be carried out in order to identify the specifics of the parathyroid glands.

The increase in cholesterol in the circulatory system, the concentration of triglycerides in some cases due to the use of diuretics. In some patients, the use of the described tablets can cause gout, hyperuricemia.

what does hypothiazide help with?
what does hypothiazide help with?

In case of violation of the liver, with progressive diseases of this organ, diuretics based on hydrochlorothiazide are hung only under conditions of exceptionally attentive, careful use. Consider that suchmedications can cause cholestasis. Even a relatively small adjustment in the balance of s alt and water can lead to liver coma. The remedy in question is strictly prohibited in severe liver failure.
