The modern pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs designed to quickly treat a wide variety of diseases. However, few people know that these drugs for the most part do not cure ailments, but only remove their obvious symptoms or put one organ or system in order, gradually incapacitating others. Most often, the liver and kidneys, as well as the heart, suffer from such treatment. Unfortunately, over time, modern man is increasingly moving away from nature. The miraculous medicinal recipes of our grandmothers are forgotten. Of course, it is much easier to go to a pharmacy and buy a pack of pills. But still, knowing at least a few recipes based on quite affordable products does not hurt.
Benefits of rose hips

Who hasn't heard about the benefits that brewed rose hips bring to the body? Bright and juicy scarlet berries ripen every autumn on the bushes, bending the branches almost to the ground with their weight. But what is curious, in addition to the red, familiar to everyone, there is also blackrose hip. It is less popular and widespread, but in terms of external beauty it is not inferior to its bright counterpart. The medicinal properties of these two species are identical. The only difference between them lies in the color of the berries. Of course, black rose hips are rare: their berries have a relatively exotic appearance and are somewhat similar to shiny, oily ripe olives.

Useful trace elements of wild rose
Both black and red rose hips contain a lot of vitamins: groups B, P, as well as vitamin K, which is responsible for good blood clotting. In addition, the fruits contain natural sugar, carotene, organic acids, pectin and simply a record amount of vitamin C: its rosehip with black fruits contains as much as 72%. Thus, even black currants and citrus fruits pale in front of such a unique storehouse of useful ingredients. But it must be taken into account that such a high percentage corresponds only to slightly unripe fruits. Overripe or, even worse, frozen berries lose a huge amount of vitamins and, accordingly, all their beneficial properties along with them. However, a green, completely unripe black wild rose will be just as empty. Thus, it does not make sense to pick green berries before the moment of full ripening of the fruit. It is also inappropriate to wait until they are completely soft, or freeze them for storage.
Not berries alone
The seeds and flower petals of this plant may also be useful. For example, grains contained in the pulpfruits also contain ascorbic acid and carotene, useful for vision. Petals also include essential oil, similar in quality to rose. After all, the black rosehip is a relative of the rose and the ancestor of many of its modern varieties.

When is the harvest?
Estimated collection time - mid-late autumn. In order to preserve all the qualities of the fruit in the best possible way, rose hips should be harvested before the onset of cold weather. The reason for this need is the sensitivity of berries to frost: even the slightest hypothermia is fraught with a complete loss of medicinal qualities. In order not to prick your hands with sharp and tenacious needles sticking out of the branches, you can put on tight gloves, which, nevertheless, would not interfere with picking berries, and you can proceed. It is necessary not to be lazy and collect black rose hips as soon as possible. Useful properties obtained from it will fully pay off the time and effort spent.

How to prepare berries correctly?
Being on time (not too early, but not too late) to collect rose hips is only half the battle. Another important point is proper storage. Black rose hips, the benefits of which have been known since ancient times, are deprived of their healing properties if stored improperly.
Dry the berries immediately after picking. For this, an oven or dryer is used, where the dogrose is dried at a temperature of about 90 degrees. In the process, it is imperative to ensure that the fruits do not burn, otherwise all the work will be in vain. After making sure that the berries are ready, they are left to cool for a while, and then poured into a dry container with a lid or a tight cloth bag. If the above recommendations are followed, they can be stored for approximately 2 years. Black rosehip does not lose its useful properties.

What does a rosehip look like?
Outwardly, it is an ornamental shrub that looks like a rose. Its height can vary from one to five meters. There are also very small bushes. Rosehip leaves are oblong, their petiole is short. Flowers in diameter are about 5 mm, their color can be pale pink or, on the contrary, bright crimson. The flowering period occurs at the end of spring - mid-summer, and the berries ripen by September, sometimes later. Thus, thanks to its bright decorations (flowers in spring and summer, berries in autumn and winter), the black rosehip remains attractive throughout the year.
Features of growing plants
Fortunately, wild rose of any kind is very unpretentious to the conditions of its life. If the bush has already managed to take root on any piece of land, it will grow there for a long time. The ideal soil for wild rose is oily clay or loam. But the prospect of growing on sandy soil will not be a problem for him, you just need to feed him with a small amount of organic fertilizer. A hard frost or a debilitating drought will also not be a problem for a strong and resistant plant.
Decorative varieties are quite capable of blooming the whole summer with short breaks. Rose hips grow well and fairly quickly, which is an excellent quality if a hedge is in the plans. The main thing is to watch its stems. Infrequently, only once every 4 years, the old, dried parts need to be removed so that they do not draw strength and nutrition that could go to young and juicy stems. Otherwise, instead of a lush fence, you can get an exhausted, dried wattle fence.

- Infusion of wild rose. You should know that when boiling, the main volume of vitamin C is destroyed, and therefore it is undesirable to do this. Of course, this significantly reduces time costs, but such a drink will not bring any benefit either. Therefore, it is better to grind dry fruits or crush them in a mortar and, pouring boiling water, cover tightly with a lid. Proportions - for 2 tablespoons of berries 2.5 cups of water. After a few hours, the infusion can be passed through a sieve and taken.
- Infusion in a thermos. In the evening, you need to put whole fruits in a thermos, pour hot water in the same proportions as in the previous recipe. In the morning, the infusion is filtered. By the way, it is convenient to take a thermos with you to work.
- Infusion of petals. Dry flower petals are taken in the amount of a couple of spoons and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Strained infusion wipe the face and neck.
Despite the abundance of useful qualities of black rosehip, there are a number of contraindications when its regular use as a medicine is undesirable. For example, you can not drink rosehip broth for those who have a high acidity of the stomach,because as a result of such treatment, its rate may increase.

The high acidity of the drink can also provoke the destruction of tooth enamel, therefore, after drinking a cup of broth, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with clean water. In addition, it contributes to thickening of the blood and bloating (you can neutralize this effect by combining the use of wild rose with herbs and parsley). And, of course, those who are allergic to this plant should definitely not be treated with black rose hips.
Thus, wild rose is an incredibly practical and useful plant on the site. It is unpretentious and requires minimal care, but all year round it pleases with its elegant appearance and tasty, and most importantly - useful, fruits. You just need to use it wisely, without getting carried away, so as not to turn the treatment into an aggravation of the disease.