Benign neoplasms on the eyelids are called papillomas. But they do not only spoil the aesthetic effect. Papillomas are viral in nature. Moreover, they do not grow at the time of infection, but sometimes even several years after it.
Why do papillomas occur? By what symptoms can they be identified? Why is it necessary to remove papillomas on the eyelid? What other ways are they treated? Is it possible to get rid of papilloma at home on your own? Why is such a neoplasm dangerous? We invite you to find out together.
Nature of disease
As for the eye, papillomas can appear on both the lower and upper eyelids. As we have already noted, the nature of such formations is infectious. They arise as a result of infection with papillomavirus. It is dangerous because it does not make itself felt for a long time.
Why do people turn to the removal of papillomas on the eyelid? Such formations on the eye, and especially their accelerated progression, lead to a number of negative consequences, among which deterioration (and insome cases and complete loss) of vision. In this case, the cause will not be ophthalmic, but dermatological.
By its nature, papilloma will be a benign formation. According to medical statistics, the disease affects the elderly. It can be provoked by weakened immunity, chronic stress.

Forms of pathology
In the article we will analyze the causes and treatment of papilloma on the eyelids. But it is also important to know about the forms of this pathology. The most common variant is a neoplasm on the upper eyelid. On the bottom, it appears less frequently.
Pathology can take two forms:
- Keratoma. This is a somewhat elongated outgrowth with a characteristic bumpy relief. Any touch to it returns painful sensations. Similar formations are just localized on the upper eyelids. According to medical statistics, mainly elderly people suffer from keratomas.
- Fibropapilloma. Such a formation is outwardly flat, but dense to the touch. As for the shape of the growth, it can be very different. The color of the formation also varies. It can be light, almost flesh-colored. Or maybe dark brown.
Reason for development
Such a formation grows, as we have already said, when the human papillomavirus enters the body. I must say that they have enough ways of infection. This is both contact with the patient himself, and with his things.
For a long time the virus can "sleep" in the body of the infected. Until he weakens as a resultillness, stress or other reason that suppresses the immune system. Then the symptoms of infection already begin to manifest themselves clearly.
Since we are considering the causes and treatment of papillomas on the eyelids, we list the factors that provoke an active, open form of papilloma infection:
- Poor personal hygiene.
- Ophthalmic diseases.
- Serious general, systemic diseases affecting the organs of the genitourinary, digestive, endocrine systems.
- Severe hypothermia.
- Immune suppression for both external and internal reasons.
- Intoxication of the body. Like food poisoning, so is alcohol and drug abuse.
- Hormonal failure.
- Long course of antibiotic treatment.
But these are just the main reasons. Perhaps a particular patient will be identified individual. Or the impact of several negative factors at once.

Removal of papillomas on the eyelid is also indicated for the reason that the symptoms of the disease are rather unpleasant, cause a lot of inconvenience to the patient, worsen his quality of life.
Of course, the main symptom of the disease is the appearance of a characteristic growth either on the upper or lower eyelid. In addition, the following is noted:
- Or permanently closed eyelids, or, on the contrary, their incomplete closing. Depending on the localization of the build-up, its location either on the right or on the left eyelid.
- Violation of the lacrimal gland. This may manifest as profuse and/or persistent tearing.
- Persistent feeling as if there is a foreign body in the eye.
- Drying of the mucous membranes of the eye.
- Itching where the growth appeared.
- Redness of the sclera of the eye.
Complications and consequences of the disease
Patients turn to the removal of papilloma on the eyelid and for the reason that this disease is fraught with a whole list of complications. In the absence of adequate treatment, papilloma will only grow. Reduces the view available to the eye, which is why visual impairment develops.
Often this pathology is accompanied by infectious ophthalmic diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis. Their danger is especially great in the case when the patient touches or rubs the papilloma with his hands.

Treatment directions
Surgical removal of papilloma on the upper eyelid of the eye is just one of the methods of therapy. In general, in this case it is divided into conservative and operational. Which method is effective in a particular case, can only be determined by the attending physician.
In most cases, patients recommend complex treatment to patients. First, the patient takes, uses medications that weaken the virus and prevent its spread. How to remove papilloma on the eyelid? This can only be done through surgery. Removing this formation on your own, at homeAbsolutely forbidden. This is dangerous not only for blood poisoning, loss of vision, but also for death.
Drug therapy
To treat the eyelids, the doctor prescribes the following remedies:
- "Ferezol".
- "Super Cleaner".
- "Verrukacid".
In order to stop the spread of papillomavirus, the following ointment preparations are used:
- "Aciclovir".
- "Korneregel".
- "Zirgan".
- "Bonafton".
Only after the activity of the virus is reduced, it makes sense to talk about the elimination of papilloma.

Remedies for papillomas
Such non-surgical treatment can be represented by the following names:
- "Papilight". Remedy for papillomas and warts. Strengthens the immune system, cleanses the blood and lymph from papillomavirus. Protects the body from its further spread. Destroys the virus, thereby eliminating the growths.
- Papillock Plus. Balm containing, according to the manufacturer, only safe natural ingredients. They inhibit papillomavirus and strengthen human immunity.
- "Panavir". Gel for external use. Herbal antiviral agent. Increases the body's resistance to infections, stimulates the production of interferon. Promotes healing of wounds, accelerates the regeneration processes in the body.
How to remove papillomaon the eyelid? Today, the most effective and safe way is the hardware removal of the neoplasm. But at the same time, the surgical method is also used. He is not treated so often, since with such treatment the recovery period is delayed, and the postoperative wound itself gives the patient a lot of inconvenience.
In the case of papilloma surgery is performed under local anesthesia. Accordingly, the patient is offered an anesthetic drug, after which the growth is cut off with a scalpel. The wound is then "cauterized" with an electrocoagulator. This helps prevent unnecessary blood loss. The operation ends with suturing. The specialist spends 20-30 minutes on the whole procedure.
About a week after the surgery, the patient returns to the clinic to have the stitches removed. The disadvantage of the method is that scars remain on the eyelids. The risk of inflammation of the postoperative wound is also high.

Apparatus surgery
Due to the reasons we have identified earlier, most patients still turn to hardware methods of treatment. Their main advantages are safety and painlessness.
Among the main techniques are the following:
- Removal of papillomas by cryodestruction. In other words, this is the destruction of the neoplasm when exposed to liquid nitrogen. In a small amount, the latter is applied to the papilloma. From such an impact, it freezes, becomes fragile. And, eventually, it disappears on its own. After such an impacttissues recover within a few days.
- Laser removal of papillomas on the eyelids. Before the procedure, the patient is given an anesthetic. This operation is the process of "evaporation" of papilloma tissues. Thus, the liquid contents of the build-up are first evaporated, and finally, its shell. The main advantage of the impact is painlessness and absence of discomfort both during the operation and after it. Traces from the removal of the neoplasm during laser surgery are almost invisible. The skin heals quickly - in a few days. If scars have formed on the skin, then they are quite easy to eliminate with laser resurfacing.
- Removal of papillomas by electrocoagulation (reviews, we will present the consequences below). In this case, the neoplasm is cauterized with a high-frequency current. That is, the papilloma is heated to a temperature that can destroy it. The advantage of this method is that with such an operation, the removed growth can be saved and sent for histological examination. With the help of analyzes, it is determined whether this papilloma is benign or malignant. Electrocoagulation uses local anesthetics. The operation itself takes a matter of minutes. It is possible that there will be a postoperative wound. It must be treated with antiseptic agents. The traces of the operation completely disappear after 3-4 months.
Which of the methods of hardware therapy is right for you, the attending doctor will be able to determine. It is important to note that such operations do not require any preparation. You only need to attend the procedure.without cosmetics on the face and traces of self-tanning products. The rehabilitation period is also simple - you need to use ointments, solutions prescribed by the doctor.

Methods of folk therapy
Once again, we note that self-treatment, and even more so the removal of papillomas on the eyelid of the eye, can be dangerous not only for your he alth, but also for life. Therefore, you can turn to folk methods only after consulting with your doctor. We add that they are effective only in the early stages of the development of the disease.
The following methods stand out:
- Castor oil (an alternative is tea tree oil). A cotton pad is impregnated with it, after which it is applied to the papilloma. The procedure is applied twice a day. For convenience, a cotton pad is glued for a while with a plaster.
- Rabberry juice. With this tool, you need to treat the neoplasm 2-3 times a day.
- Walnut leaves. Raw materials are poured with boiling water, insist for a day. Lotions are made from the resulting solution 3-5 times a day. Can be replaced with an infusion of wormwood, which is prepared and used in the same way.
- Kalanchoe juice and aloe. It is squeezed onto a cotton pad, which is then applied to the growth, fixed with a plaster for a while.
- Sour apples. The pulp of these fruits is applied to the formation for several minutes a day.
- Banana peel. She gently rubs the papilloma every morning and every evening.

Howas a rule, it is useless to turn to traditional therapy with an already formed papilloma. The authors of the reviews do not leave a single positive comment on this matter.
No response for surgery. As for electrocoagulation, there are notes that after such treatment, scars remain on the eyelids. Most positive reviews about laser surgery and the effects of liquid nitrogen. But their authors also note the high cost of these methods.
It is important to add that papillomas return if drug treatment is not carried out, aimed at weakening the papillomavirus. The authors of a considerable mass of reviews warn about this.
As you can see, there are a lot of means of dealing with papillomas. But self-medication is dangerous here. Which method is right for you, only the attending doctor will correctly recommend.