Fibroma removal: methods of removal, preparation, contraindications

Fibroma removal: methods of removal, preparation, contraindications
Fibroma removal: methods of removal, preparation, contraindications

Skin fibroma is a tumor-like benign formation formed from connective tissue cells. It can grow absolutely on any part of the human body and reach sizes up to 3 cm. It is important to note that a benign, harmless fibroma can become malignant under the influence of any factors (injuries, burns, etc.).

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

Signs of fibroids:

  • slow tumor growth;
  • size no more than 3cm;
  • has clear boundaries;
  • pinkish color turning brown as the tumor grows.
Fibroma research methods
Fibroma research methods

An accurate diagnosis is made by a specialist when conducting the following research methods:

  • palpation and visual inspection;
  • ultrasound;
  • taking a biopsy to analyze the cellular composition of the fibroma;
  • if necessary, consultation with an oncologist-dermatologist.

Mild looking fibroma

Fibroma removalskin
Fibroma removalskin

Such a neoplasm consists of adipose and connective tissue. The structure is a loose surface of flesh or brown color. These formations mainly appear in the most delicate areas of the body (face, eyelids, neck, armpits, groin). Scientists have found that it is this species that is inherited to a person, and their occurrence is associated with a hormonal imbalance in the body.

Soft fibroma is quite easy to injure: when removing clothes, shaving, bathing, etc. This is not safe, it is advisable to try to avoid injury, because it is at the moment of healing that he althy cells can degenerate into malignant ones.

Solid appearance of fibroids

In another way, this species is also called dermatofibroma. It occurs quite often. The solid appearance of the neoplasm consists of fibrous fibers and connective cells. Their surface has a smooth dense structure, and the color is the same as that of human skin. With rare exceptions, this species represents single formations located mainly on the back, limbs, and shoulders. It is not uncommon for such a fibroma to appear after an injury. This type of lump may be under or on the skin.

Causes of occurrence

Fibroma diagnosis
Fibroma diagnosis

Currently, the causes of fibrous formations have not been fully studied and proven. But, nevertheless, experts identify predisposing factors:

  1. The most common risk factor is heredity. If close relatives have similar formations, and even more so multiple(fibromatosis), then the appearance of this disease in their offspring will be in 70% of cases.
  2. Hormonal imbalance in the body often leads to such formations.
  3. Insect bites.
  4. Presence of various skin injuries (abrasions, cuts, splinters).
  5. Rubbing the skin with clothes.
  6. Treatment with β-blockers, which can change the structure of fibrous tissue.

How to treat

The only treatment currently available is to remove the fibroma, no matter what type the person has or where it is located. Doctors recommend removing such neoplasms on the skin, not only from an aesthetic point of view, but mainly in order to reduce the likelihood of inflammation and injury. Now there are a large number of clinics that are engaged in similar mini-operations.


Surgical removal of fibroma
Surgical removal of fibroma

Doctors perform surgical removal of fibroids in cases where the neoplasm is large (more than 1 cm). In this case, there is no alternative treatment. Currently, the method of sparing surgical intervention is used. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, mostly on an outpatient basis.

In the process of removing a fibroma, the doctor needs to excise the tumor and apply absorbable internal sutures. Then the wound is closed with a special aseptic bandage. After 3 days, the bandage is removed and treated with an antiseptic. Within a week after the surgical intervention, the wound in no waycase should not be wetted to avoid the ingress of germs. If the operation was performed professionally, and the patient complied with all the requirements and recommendations of the doctor, then there should not be any postoperative traces.

Laser removal

Fibroma removal with laser
Fibroma removal with laser

With a superficial small neoplasm on human skin, a laser treatment method is used. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia in an outpatient setting. Removal of fibroids with a laser lasts about 15-20 minutes. During the procedure, the patient may feel a strong warmth at the site of the procedure, there should be no pain. The resulting wound should heal in an open way. After 2-3 days, a crust appears at the site of the removed neoplasm, which should fall off on the 10-15th day. A small spot usually remains in place of the fallen off crust, which will disappear in six months.

Possible complications and prevention

A person who has a neoplasm on the skin should immediately consult a doctor. After all, a timely operation to remove fibroids nullifies such possible complications as:

  • recurrence;
  • malignancy (transition of benign cells to malignant).

After removing a skin fibroma, it is also important to follow the recommendations prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, it is possible to introduce a secondary infection into the wound, as indicated by the following signs:

  • severe swelling at the site of fibroma removal;
  • presence of pus;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness.

When a secondary infection is introduced, the doctor prescribes treatment to eliminate it. A contraindication to the removal of such seals is the general poor he alth of the patient.

As for the prevention of the formation of such tumors, it does not exist. If you suspect the presence of this disease, you should take urgent measures. After all, the sooner a surgical intervention is performed to remove fibroids or laser treatment, the better the cosmetic effect will be.

What is uterine fibroids?

This disease is understood as the presence of a benign tumor in the walls of the uterus in a woman. With its large size, the tumor can cause a violation of menstruation, a woman experiences pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, and sometimes there are disturbances in the work of the genitourinary and digestive organs.

Signs of uterine fibroids
Signs of uterine fibroids

An untreated disease launched in time can lead to infertility and even removal of the uterus. Fibroma in the uterus is often caused by injury, mainly vacuum or surgical abortion. This is due to the fact that after curettage, the walls of the uterus become vulnerable to pathogenic microbes and various infections.

The presence of a neoplasm in the uterus is diagnosed by a gynecologist during the examination. If the tumor is small, then the diagnosis is established by ultrasound, hysteroscopy, in some cases, laparoscopy is performed. The important point is that fibroids can occur not only in the uterus itself, but also on the ovaries, in the mammary glands and onskin. The tumor can be either complete or nodular seal. The second type is considered more difficult, but, fortunately, is easily treatable.

Causes of tumors in the uterus

The most common cause is hormonal changes and genetic predisposition.

In addition, they can provoke an ailment:

  • carrying out periodic curettage for the purpose of diagnosis;
  • frequent abortions;
  • childbirth after 30;
  • sexual instability.

The causes of its occurrence are often associated with the size of the tumor. Large fibromas occur in women whose he alth is weakened by a severe postpartum period, the presence of genital infections, the post-abortion period, and chronic diseases of the internal and genital organs.

Uterine tumor treatment

There are several treatments:

  • Medicated way. It is carried out with the help of anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal, and hormonal drugs.
  • Surgical method. It is a mechanical removal of uterine fibroids.
  • Combined method. In this case, the doctor combines medical and surgical treatment.
Medical treatment for uterine fibroids
Medical treatment for uterine fibroids

During drug treatment, the patient may experience bouts of nervousness, irritation, disruption of menstruation, fatigue, drowsiness, which is associated with side effects from drugs. Surgical treatment can be manifested by side effects such as mildbleeding after fibroma removal.

Every representative of the beautiful half of humanity can meet with this disease. Therefore, it is important to monitor your he alth and visit medical institutions on time. The he alth of the reproductive system not only improves the quality of life, but also increases the ability of women to conceive and give birth to he althy children.
