Hemorrhoids are varicose veins that are located near the lining of the rectum. The nodes that form due to the presence of the disease are often inflamed and swollen. Such processes are manifested by itching and pain. It is not uncommon for the disease to occur against the background of periodic or constant bleeding. Rarely, but still nodes can fall out. The statistics regarding this disease are disappointing - about every 5th inhabitant of the planet in one way or another felt the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Danger of disease
First of all, hemorrhoids are a very unpleasant disease that significantly reduces the quality of life. In addition, if the disease is not treated, complications of hemorrhoids may appear, and you may even have to go for a surgical operation. If you completely ignore the problem, then everything can end in death. The danger of the disease is that there is not a single chance that it will disappear by itself.

General clinical picture
As the hemorrhoids increase, the sick person feels discomfort in the anus, it seems to him that there is a foreign body. Some people experience constipation, others have diarrhea. The head and stomach may hurt. There is a general malaise and weakness, there may even be problems with urination. Naturally, the lack of treatment or ignoring the problem can lead to serious complications of hemorrhoids.
Illness can cause anemia or anemia. This is due to the fact that the number of red blood cells, protein and hemoglobin decreases in the blood. Also, against the background of the development of hemorrhoids, the process of transporting oxygen to all cells of the body worsens. As a rule, anemia can develop against the background of a chronic form of hemorrhoids, due to the fact that blood loss constantly occurs, lasting not only for weeks, but also for months. In some cases, even food and drugs that make up for the lack of iron do not help.
With anemia, a person feels constant weakness, his skin is pale and dry, jams may appear along the edges of the mouth. In such cases, the use of medications that help replenish the amount of iron in the body is fully justified. Naturally, the underlying disease, hemorrhoids, should be treated in parallel. In this case, as a rule, the inflamed nodes are removed.

Anal tears
One of the consequences and complicationshemorrhoids is a tear of the anus. This disease is characterized by the appearance of cracks that form on the mucous membrane and skin of the anorectal zone. Fissures are the result of injuries that occur when hard stools come out during bowel movements. Such a pathology cannot be attributed to a harmless disease. According to patients, they are worried about constant itching and burning, pain, spasms in the sphincter area and blood loss is observed.
Tears are amenable to conservative treatment. The main thing is that no infection joins them, or another disease does not appear, for example, paraproctitis or proctitis. If the tears are large and are already formed at the 3rd or 4th stage of hemorrhoids, then there is only one way - surgery.
Anal sphincter insufficiency
This complication of hemorrhoids is inherent in the last stage of the disease, when the nodes grow excessively and practically fall out of the anus. Accordingly, the sphincter in the rectum is stretched, does not perform its function, and a person has gas incontinence, up to fecal incontinence. This is not only a physiological, but also a psychological problem that does not allow normal existence in society. In such situations, two operations are required. The first is the operational removal of nodes. The second is the plasticity of the muscles in the anus.
Rectal bleeding
Photos of complications of hemorrhoids are a truly terrifying sight, especially if they are accompanied by bleeding. The intensity of this phenomenon directly dependsfrom the stage of the disease. According to patients, at the initial stage, only small blotches of blood in the feces, or blood on toilet paper, are observed. In the later stages, the hemorrhoids grow, the intestinal lumen gradually closes, and serious bleeding is already observed.

Causes of rectal bleeding
In most cases, hemorrhoids are accompanied by constipation, which really increases the inflammatory process. In turn, when a person sits on the toilet, he pushes for a long time and hard, and in the process of the release of solid feces, the mucous membrane is severely injured, as are the nodes. With each trip to the toilet, the bumps and mucous membranes are more and more injured, small wounds do not have time to heal, as a result, everything ends in bleeding.
Constipation can also cause anal fissures that do not have time to heal, and bleeding again opens. However, some patients note that they have never had constipation, on the contrary, they suffer from diarrhea. This he alth condition can also cause rectal bleeding, and then anemia and anemia.
Anorectal thrombosis
Another complication of hemorrhoids is thrombosis or thrombophlebitis. This problem is very dangerous, as it entails the development of many other complications. With the complication of hemorrhoids by thrombophlebitis, the following symptoms are noted:
- pain that occurs quite unexpectedly and then becomes permanent, this symptom is typical for thrombosed hemorrhoids;
- swelling in the place where the blood clot formed;
- change in skin color in the area of a blood clot;
- When palpated, a thrombus is defined as a dense formation.
Rarer symptoms include mucus in the stool, fever, burning and/or itching in the anus.

Quite often, thrombophlebitis causes the development of purulent paraproctitis. This pathology is characterized by an inflammatory process on the tissues of the rectum, as a rule. In addition, blood clots interfere with the normal blood supply to tissues, which leads to tissue necrosis.
A particular danger is the situation in which hemorrhoids are infringed. Signs of this condition appear already during the first 48-72 hours. They are expressed in the form of profuse blood discharge, problems with urination appear. According to some patients, their body temperature rose, during defecation they felt severe pain, as, indeed, during urination. This complication of hemorrhoids can be eliminated only in a hospital. Initially, measures are taken to relieve the inflammatory process, then the node is set.
Necrosis of strangulated hemorrhoidal formations
Necrosis is the death of tissues in the affected area. Most often this occurs after infringement of hemorrhoids. They are rejected due to the fact that they stop receiving food, blood circulation stops completely.
There are two types of necrosis:
- partial, in which they dieonly some parts of the knot;
- complete, in such a situation, the entire node and even adjacent zones are rejected.
After complete necrosis, additional ulcers often appear near the dying tissue.

Symptoms of necrosis development are:
- bleeding profusely;
- bad smell;
- feeling of a foreign object in the anus;
- darkening of a node or part thereof;
- problems with bowel movements;
- high body temperature.
Lack of treatment for necrosis often causes the development of paraproctitis and blood poisoning. In this situation, only surgery will help.
Purulent discharge
Complications of hemorrhoids in women and men can manifest as the appearance of purulent discharge, which is accompanied by a strong and unpleasant odor. Such discharges already clearly indicate that an inflammatory process has begun in the body against the background of an infectious disease, it is possible that even paraproctitis has already begun. This disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the fatty tissue around the sphincter and rectum. During the period when the acute phase occurs, cavities are formed that are filled with pus, then fistulas appear, and the pus comes out. It should also be understood that such cavities will never tighten on their own.
Problems after surgery
Are complications possible after removal of hemorrhoids? Reviews after surgery in most casespositive. Many people for the rest of their lives forget about the problem with the veins in the anus and live a full life. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. Under any circumstances, surgery is a radical method, and it can lead to a number of complications. The absence of any complications after surgery largely depends on the skill of the doctor and the severity of the disease.

Common complications
The most common complications after hemorrhoid ligation:
- Ishuria, or urinary retention. Such a consequence is most common in men and manifests itself approximately 24 hours after surgery. Epidural anesthesia can become a provocateur of such a phenomenon.
- Bleeding. Often this happens against the background of the fact that the doctor did not cauterize the vessels well enough. In such a situation, there is only one way out - to see a doctor so that he re-sews the vessels.
- Exit of the rectum beyond the anus. This complication of external hemorrhoids is very rare and occurs only when the surgeon makes a mistake.
- Narrowing of the anus. If the stitches are incorrectly applied, narrowing of the anus may occur. It will not be possible to get rid of such a problem on your own, you will have to perform muscle plastic surgery.
- Infection. Such a complication can occur not only through the fault of the doctor, but also in cases where the patient does not follow the rules of hygiene and does not use antiseptics. As a result, microbes enter the wound, suppuration occurs. Therapeutic measures consist of the use of antibacterial agents and autopsyfollowed by washing the seams.
- Fistulas. This complication of internal hemorrhoids is extremely rare. The main reason is that the doctor unnecessarily captured the muscles in the process of suturing the wound. If an infection still joins this, then pathological tubules appear. Such a problem can be cured in a conservative and operative way.
And the most common complication in the postoperative period is soreness. Indeed, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe intestines and rectal valve there is a huge number of nerve endings. In particular, this symptom is typical for people with a low pain threshold. You can get rid of such a problem only by using analgesics.
According to some reviews, people get constipated after surgery. According to doctors, this is psychogenic constipation, which is prone to overly emotional people. It's just that after the operation they are afraid of pain, they are very worried and as a result - constipation.
There is another complication - relapse. Even if the actions were completely correct, the patient followed all the recommendations, there is a possibility of relapse. The reason for the return of the disease may be the pathology of the internal organs, strong physical exertion or problems with defecation. In addition, hemorrhoids may reappear after childbirth or when an oncological disease appears in the gastrointestinal tract.
How to understand that complications have begun?
People who have developed a disease are aware of the symptoms of the course of the disease, so it is quite easy for them to determine that complications of hemorrhoids have begun. Symptoms in women and menis no different. You should be alert if you have the following problems after surgery:
- purulent discharge from the anus appeared;
- pain lasting more than two weeks in a row;
- febrile condition;
- high body temperature;
- bleeding, especially between bowel movements.

To avoid complications after treatment, first of all, you should eat right, do everything to avoid constipation. Never forget about hygiene procedures after the act of defecation. If the work is sedentary, then periodically you should change the position of the body so that there are no stagnant processes in the anus and pelvis. You should control the level of physical activity and prevent hypothermia of the body.