Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. This disease causes a person discomfort and delivers a lot of inconvenience. These include a limited diet, in which you can eat only certain foods. Only proper nutrition and a selected diet will help normalize your well-being and maintain remission.
Some patients are interested in whether it is permissible to use jelly with pancreatitis? This is a drink known to many since childhood, which is a jelly-like liquid. It uses potato or corn starch and some additives (sugar, dairy products, jam, berries or fruits).
Is it possible to kissel with pancreatitis?
This gelatinous drink is able to envelop the gastric walls, protect the mucous membranes from excess acidity, regulate the release of bile, normalize stools, improve gastrointestinal motility and saturate the body with vitamins. That is, the answer to the question: Is it possibledrink jelly with pancreatitis? - will be affirmative. Moreover, this drink even needs to be consumed with such a disease.

It is worth noting that pancreatitis in most cases takes a chronic form. With it, periods of exacerbation and remission are constantly changing. Kissel is allowed to use at any stage of the disease. In addition, it is able to prolong the period of remission. Therefore, doctors recommend including this drink in the diet as the main component. It can be a breakfast, an afternoon snack, a dessert after a hearty meal, or just a treat for a snack.
Recommendations for the use of jelly
This nutritious drink is very he althy, but it should be drunk only according to the established rules. Frequent violation of at least one point can contribute to the deterioration of the course of the disease.
During the first stage of an exacerbation, it is better to completely refuse food for two days. You can only drink purified water. This will give the digestive systems the rest they need and normalize the production of pancreatic enzymes.
Three days later, with pancreatitis, you can drink jelly in a small amount. After fasting, the maximum allowable daily volume is 100-150 milliliters. At this stage, oatmeal and milk jelly are more suitable.
After 3-5 days, the amount of jelly consumed can be increased to 250 milliliters. It is not recommended to add any fruit and berry flavors to it.

If the remission is stable enough, thenjelly can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Doctors do not recommend cooking it with sour fruits or berries, as this can adversely affect the mucous membranes of the digestive organ.
If you follow the above recommendations, then jelly will play a huge role in achieving a positive result.
What jelly to drink?
The main products from which jelly is prepared are water and starch. Depending on taste preferences, milk, berry or fruit juice is added to it. At the request of the cook, one of the sweeteners is also put: sugar, stevia or honey. Some prefer to prepare this drink using flaxseeds or oats. Each of the varieties of jelly for pancreatitis is useful in its own way. When choosing a drink, you can rely on your own preferences. However, there are a number of significant points that must be taken into account.
It is better to prepare a drink completely by yourself, using only high-quality and fresh products

Buying powdered jelly in bags and boxes is not recommended for the reason that they contain components harmful to this disease. These are flavors, flavors, dyes, citric acid and other chemicals. If you already take jelly in powder, then you need to carefully study the composition
Kissel may have a different consistency, which depends on the amount of starch. With pancreatitis, the average density of the drink is recommended. It can be achieved if you take 40 grams of starch per liter of water. Thenthe drink will be quite fluid. If you take 80 grams of starch, then the jelly will turn out to be very thick. If 30 grams - then semi-liquid
Doctors recommend using jelly for pancreatic pancreatitis in the form of heat. So it will not irritate the mucous membranes of this organ. Avoid hot and cold drinks
Oatmeal jelly
With pancreatitis, this type of drink is often prepared for the pancreas. The recipe was developed by virologist Vladimir Izotov. His method is quite time consuming, but very useful.
So, the ingredients for the healing drink.

- Kefir - 100 milliliters.
- Oatmeal - half a kilo.
- Crushed oats - 10 tablespoons.
- Boiled warm water - 3 liters.
In a large glass container put oats and oatmeal. Pour warm water and kefir. The container should not be filled to the very top. Leave the container under the lid in a dark and warm place for 1-2 days. During this time, the mass should ferment: it will begin to delaminate and bubble. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve, the remaining thick sediment can be discarded. Turbid water should be allowed to stand for another day. A white dense mass forms at the bottom, and liquid remains on top, which must be removed. Some do it with a tube. Spread the sediment in sterile jars, tighten the lid and put in the refrigerator. This jelly base can be stored for 3 weeks.
To prepare a drink in a glass of cold water, you need to dilute 2-3tablespoons of sediment. Cook over low heat for 3-7 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. That's all the preparation of oatmeal jelly. With pancreatitis, honey and fruits can be added to it if desired. It is better to drink a drink fresh before lunch.
Cranberry jelly
It is allowed to drink in small quantities if the disease has become chronic. In the acute phase, this drink is prohibited, since cranberries have a laxative effect and increase the acidity in the stomach.

Kissel is prepared from the following ingredients.
- Water - 1 liter.
- Cranberries - 1 cup.
- Starch - 2 tablespoons.
- Honey - tablespoon.
Berries to sort and rinse under water. Grind with a blender to a puree. In a separate bowl, dissolve the starch with a small amount of liquid. Pour water into a saucepan, boil. Transfer the berry puree and gradually introduce the diluted starch. Cook for approximately 5 minutes. After cooling, add honey. Cranberry jelly is ready!
Currant jelly
This drink is made with the following ingredients.
- Water - 2.3 liters.
- Currant berries - half a kilo.
- Starch - 85 grams.
- Honey - 3 tbsp.
Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, add berries. When it boils, cook for about 10 minutes and remove from heat. In the meantime, dilute the starch in a glass (300 milliliters) and gradually pour into the pan, stirring constantly. The drink should have a homogeneous consistency. him againneed to boil for a few minutes. After cooling, you can drink jelly. In case of pancreatitis, it is useful to add honey to the drink immediately before drinking.
Apple jelly

This drink can be drunk unsweetened only on the fifth day of exacerbation of the disease. After the disappearance or weakening of the signs of pancreatitis, it is allowed to add sugar and other fruits (plums, apricots, etc.) to the drink.
Composition of jelly.
- Water - 2.15 liters.
- Potato starch - 3 tbsp.
- Fresh apples - 550 grams.
- Sugar - half a cup.
Rinse the apples, remove the core with seeds. Cut into slices, transfer to a saucepan and pour two liters of water. After boiling, cook for about 7 minutes and turn off the heat. Dilute the starch with the remaining water and add in small portions to the pan, stirring. Bring to a boil again, hold on fire for no more than 4 minutes. After cooling, you can take a drink.
Linen jelly
This drink is able to eliminate the focus of the inflammatory process and protect the mucous membranes of the digestive system. Doctors recommend the following jelly recipe for pancreatitis.
- Water - 1050 milliliters.
- Flaxseeds - 4 tbsp.
- Natural honey - 2 teaspoons.
Flax grind to powder. Pour into a glass and pour 50 milliliters of heated water. Mix well. Boil a liter of water in a saucepan. Transfer the flaxseed mass, stirring with a whisk. It is necessary to achieve uniformconsistency. When the jelly boils, you can turn off the fire. After cooling, add honey.

Linen jelly doctors recommend drinking on an empty stomach in small portions. It will give results only with regular use. It is also important to observe the proportions and cooking technology.
Milk jelly
Milk has a lot of easily digestible calcium. With regular intake, it is able to normalize the intestinal microflora, remove toxins from the body and strengthen the immune system. Milk jelly will be even more useful. For pancreatitis, doctors recommend the following prescription.
- Milk (2.5%) - half a liter.
- Water - 150 milliliters.
- Potato starch - 1.5 tbsp.
- Sugar - 2 tablespoons.
Boil the milk in a saucepan. In a separate bowl, dilute the starch with cold water. When milk boils, add sugar and stir until it dissolves. After that, you can gradually pour in the starch mixture. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes. After cooling, you can take a drink.
With pancreatitis, you can and should use jelly. But it is important to follow all the above recommendations so as not to harm the body even more.