AIDS is a real tragedy for the modern world. In Russia in 2018, according to official figures, the number of cases is approaching 1,200,000 people. Despite such global numbers of infected people and the danger of this disease, not all people are aware of the ways the pathogen is transmitted and its consequences. In this article, you can find answers to the questions: "What methods of infection with the virus actually exist?" and “Is AIDS transmitted by kissing?”.
Properties of HIV and AIDS

First of all, it is worth defining the concepts of these two diseases. For most people, HIV and AIDS are abbreviations that mean almost the same thing. But in fact, this is not entirely true and there is a difference between them.
HIV is an acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The main task of this infection is to gradually destroy the body's immune system. A carrier of HIV may be unaware of the virus for years, and in the meantime hewill destroy it more and more. As a result, this leads to the complete destruction of immunity - the stage of AIDS, and death even from just SARS, since the human body is no longer able to protect itself from harmful infections and bacteria.
Many carriers of HIV infection pass the first stages of infection with little or no symptoms. The sick remain in the dark and the body does not show any signs of the development of a deadly virus. Only in 20% of all HIV-infected in the initial weeks of infection, the general state of he alth worsens, the temperature rises and the lymph nodes in the armpits increase. There may also be severe headaches, upset of the gastrointestinal tract. Soon, the symptoms of infection go away on their own and may not appear for many years. Therefore, it is very important to detect the disease in the AIDS center in time and start treatment as soon as possible. You can check for the presence of the virus not only in specialized institutions, but also in any hospital or clinic.

AIDS is the human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. In other words, this is the last stage of HIV. After the body of the infected person is completely weakened and the virus kills the immune system, the following symptoms characterizing AIDS appear on a regular basis:
- severe fatigue;
- GI upset - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite;
- lack of coordination;
- weight loss;
- persistent headaches;
- heat.
Throughhow long does AIDS manifest?
The stages of the syndrome can proceed at different rates. In general, AIDS appears 2 to 10 years after infection with HIV and lasts two to three years. First of all, due to infections, the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system are affected. Further, the condition of the lungs, skin and mucous membranes worsens. Because of the latter, the patient's vision may rapidly deteriorate and complete blindness may occur. As a result, the defeat of many systems in the body leads a person to death.
Despite the severity and scale of the disease, many people still do not know about the ways of transmission of HIV infection and speculate.
Can you get AIDS through a kiss?

At the moment, this version of the virus infection is the most common. And in a scientific study, it was revealed that AIDS infection through saliva is possible. But at the same time, more than two liters of fluid from a sick person is needed. This is due to the low concentration of HIV infection in saliva. Therefore, the likelihood that AIDS will be transmitted through a kiss is negligible.
But the risk of infection may increase if the HIV carrier has bleeding mouth sores. And provided that the concentration of the virus in the body is high enough. However, cases in which HIV infection occurred through saliva have not been recorded. But to answer categorically in the negative to the question: "Is AIDS transmitted through a kiss?" still impossible, since such infection is possible, at least in theory.

But HIV infection through used dishes or towels is certainly impossible. Upon contact with air, the human immunodeficiency virus dies instantly. And the concentration of infection in the salivary fluid of an ordinary sick person is very small. So there is no need to worry about this. But if the question is: "Is AIDS transmitted through a kiss?" the answer was found, then what other methods of infection with the virus exist then? More on this later.
Routes of HIV transmission

First of all, it should be remembered that the highest concentration of the virus is found in the patient's semen, blood, breast milk and vagina. Thus, if at least one of these fluids enters the body of a he althy person, then infection with HIV infection is almost inevitable. In total, there are three main ways of infection.
Infection with AIDS through sexual intercourse
And first of all, this concerns unprotected anal sex, in which infection with the virus occurs in 99 cases out of 100. The thing is that with this type of sex, injuries of the small rectal mucosa are avoided, due to which infection of human immunodeficiency instantly enters the bloodstream, almost impossible. Infection with AIDS through sex is considered the most common way. Despite the fact that, due to the high content of infection in semen, it is men who most often transmit the immunodeficiency virus.
You can also get AIDS through oral sex. The risk of infection in this case increases if the partner hasmouth has bleeding sores or sores.
Vertical method
The route of infection occurs in the womb, by caesarean section or with breast milk. With this method, the risk of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus is 30%. Practice shows that a completely he althy child can be born to a mother infected with AIDS. But for a favorable outcome, it is necessary to constantly monitor an HIV-infected woman and fetus, timely caesarean section and artificial feeding from the first days of life.
A child is diagnosed with the disease only after he is three years old. According to experts, during this period of time, antibodies transmitted with the mother's blood may disappear and in this case there will be no danger to the he alth of the baby. But in the meantime, within three years, the child may develop its own production of this virus and then he will be diagnosed with HIV.
Through blood or organ transplant
The last but not the least way to get infected with the virus. Infection with AIDS through the blood most often occurs in medical facilities. This can be both professional infection of a he alth worker through the blood of an HIV-positive patient, and through poorly processed instruments in the case of infection of patients. This section can also include getting AIDS through blood transfusions and organ transplants.
Such methods of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus are currently extremely rare, but still do occur. In modern medical institutions, almost all instruments are disposable orare carefully processed. Donated blood and transplanted organs are thoroughly checked not only for the presence of HIV infection, but also for other serious viruses.
Drug addicts are also susceptible to infection through injections and syringes. In the process of taking a dose, a syringe with blood residue is repeatedly injected into many people, which inevitably leads to HIV infection.

In what ways is it impossible or difficult to get AIDS?
At the moment, there are a lot of rumors and speculation in society about various ways of transmitting the infection. But it is worth remembering that most of them have no basis and are only a figment of the imagination of most people. So in what ways is it impossible or difficult to get AIDS?
Through insects and animals
There is an opinion that you can get infected with the human immunodeficiency virus through mosquitoes, flies or even midges. In fact, insects are not carriers of the deadly virus, which means that infection through contact with them is impossible. In the case of mosquitoes, they only suck the blood of a person, but do not let the liquid of the previous victim into it. Moreover, there are no officially confirmed data on AIDS infection through such insects.
It is also impossible to become infected with HIV through contact with animals or birds. Representatives of these classes are not carriers of the virus.
Through water or air
As already known, the human immunodeficiency virus cannot survive in the outside world and quickly dies. Toohappens in water. Therefore, it is impossible to become infected with HIV through the air, when talking with a patient, in a pool or bathhouse. But only if the person does not decide to have unprotected sexual intercourse in the water with an unverified partner. Then the probability of contracting the immunodeficiency virus will be high.

Tactile contact
Also, infection with the human immunodeficiency virus is impossible with hugs and handshakes. The skin protects the body from harmful effects and infection. The risk of infection occurs only when an HIV patient and a he althy person have bleeding wounds on their hands when shaking hands.
As mentioned earlier, to the question: "Is it possible to transmit AIDS through a kiss?" cannot be answered with a categorical refusal. But in practice it has been shown that HIV infection in this way has not been detected. Therefore, you should not be afraid of serious consequences from an ordinary French kiss. In any case, if a person has suspicions about his possible infection, it is better to be diagnosed at the AIDS center and pass all the necessary tests than to be in the dark.