Recently, many nutritional supplements have appeared on the pharmaceutical market, which, according to their creators, should save people even from severe forms of disease. Among all these dietary supplements there is also Spirulina. Reviews about it on the Internet are ambiguous, but if you read them more carefully, then doubt creeps in, or maybe this product can really restore he alth, beauty to hair and skin, and also get rid of extra pounds.
What is Spirulina?
Spirulina is a unique creation of nature, which is a dark green spiral algae enriched with the most beneficial components for the human body. It is collected mainly in subtropical or tropical water resources. Only the favorable climate of these places contributes to the accelerated growth and reproduction of algae. But in Soviet times, when scientists proved its benefits, it was even decided to grow it artificially in special alkaline incubators.

Based on dark green algae, various medicines, cosmetics are preparedmeans, dietary supplements. It is thanks to its wide use that people are looking for information that would accurately tell about all the beneficial properties of spirulina. Reviews on the Internet confirm its benefits for the body, but it would be nice to know exactly how it works.
Useful properties of spirulina
Spirulina contains more than 200 useful components. In its 10 g of beta-carotene is the same as in 10 kg of dry carrots. In addition, it contains a high content of B vitamins, which are indispensable for the proper functioning of almost every organ. There is more vitamin PP in it than in meat products, which is why it is an essential component in the diet of vegetarians.
Also in spirulina (reviews of experts confirm this) there are folacin, vitamin E and other useful components that have a positive effect on the functioning of every system of the human body. It also contains other substances that bring invaluable he alth benefits:
- Arginine cleanses the blood of any kind of toxins, removes slagging, increases libido.
- Gamma-linolenic acid is considered a good remedy for the prevention of arthritis, this component is rarely found in products, mainly in breast milk.
- Glutamic acid is an essential food for brain cells, helps improve mental performance and reduces cravings for alcohol.
- Inositol helps the liver recover, removes carcinogens and excess female hormones.
- Thiamin has a beneficial effect on the nervous system,reduces fatigue, effectively fights insomnia and heart failure, shortness of breath.
- Tyrosine has anti-aging properties. There is a medical basis for researchers (their reviews of spirulina confirm this) that the algae prevents the appearance of gray hair.
- Phycocyanin is considered the strongest pigment, which, according to many scientists, has the ability to slow down the growth of cancer cells.
- Folic acid is an essential element for the formation of hemoglobin.
- Phenylalanine activates processes in the central nervous system, reduces pain impulses, burning and itching.
- Glycine increases the endurance of the body.
- Leucine takes an active part in the synthesis of hormones, supplies energy to the muscles.
- Cystine is an important component of the proper functioning of the pancreas.

Due to this useful composition, spirulina is recommended for use in the treatment of many pathologies.
The chemical composition of algae looks like this:
- vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, D;
- protein with a balanced composition of 8 essential amino acids for the proper functioning of the body;
- unsaturated acids linoleic, arachidonic and linolenic;
- minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, boron, molybdenum, chromium and others;
- it also contains chlorophyll, phycocyanin, carotenoids;
- the adaptogenic properties of algae are several times superior to ginseng, eleutherococcus, leuzea, radiola rosea.
No wonder it is credited with powerful therapeutic effects on humans.
Indications for Spirulina
Algae intake has a positive effect on people suffering from type 2 diabetes. Scientists have proven that it helps to reduce blood sugar levels, the first results can be seen after 6 weeks.
She effectively fights heart disease, arthritis and cancer.
One has only to introduce it into your diet, and a he althy pH balance is maintained. In addition, it is recommended:
- as a prevention of viral infections, these include HIV, mumps, influenza, herpes and measles;
- to reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions;
- protecting the liver from toxins;
- normalization of blood pressure;
- getting rid of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels;

- reducing symptoms of ulcerative colitis;
- immunity boost.
Also, reviews of spirulina emphasize that it is simply necessary for women to take it while carrying a baby, as it has a positive effect on the development of the child's body and helps to get rid of extra pounds.
Spirulina for weight loss: myth or reality?
Spirulina is amazing in its composition, which is due to its incredible effect in losing weight. Due to the fact that it contains a lot of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and essential enzymes, reviews of those losing weight about spirulina confirm the abilityalgae help in a short time to get rid of extra pounds.
It has already been said earlier that it can be used to cleanse the liver of toxins, remove toxins, lower blood cholesterol levels, normalize metabolic processes, which is why it effectively copes with obesity. But at the same time, a person receives all the necessary useful components that are needed for the normal functioning of the body.

Spirulina slimming capsules (reviews testify to this) guarantee rapid weight loss in a month, while not a single organ suffers. With their help, you can easily adjust the figure.
Spirulina during pregnancy
During pregnancy, a woman simply needs to eat for two, and most importantly, her diet should contain as many useful substances as possible that will help the fetus develop properly. It is the intake of "Spirulina" that will help make up for the lack of microelements and vitamins important for the female body and the fetus.
Properly selected nutrition will protect the body of a pregnant woman from the negative effects of the environment and protect organs from toxins. So, due to the high iron content, it helps prevent anemia, which is very often observed in women during the period of bearing a baby. Also, spirulina (doctors' reviews confirm this), rich in calcium and protein, therefore, contributes to the proper development of the skeleton in the fetus and the constant formation of the placenta.
When pregnant, you just need to take spirulina, because itcompletely safe and very useful.
Spirulina in childhood
For a growing child's body, a complex of vitamins and minerals is needed. You can get it from food, a complex of vitamins sold in a pharmacy, or by eating spirulina. The properties and reviews of experts indicate that thanks to the protein and other components contained in it, the skeleton is properly formed, immunity is strengthened and acquires the ability to cope with any viruses and microorganisms.
Iron in its composition prevents the development of anemia, and fatty acids favorably affect brain function. Fatty acids improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, normalize the intestinal microflora. Daily intake is the best prevention of environmental damage.
How to take spirulina?
Today, spirulina can be purchased in any form: tablets, capsules, powder and other forms. It is the powder that is considered the most valuable, since it contains the most active ingredients.
It can be added to any food: 1 tablespoon in juice, salad, yogurt. The main thing that cannot be done is to subject it to heat treatment, otherwise all useful properties will be lost.
There is no minimum dosage of the powder today, but clinical trials have shown that it can be used by some people from 1 to 10g.

For preventive purposes, adults are recommended to take 3 g per day, and children - no more than 1 g. In the treatment of blood vessels and skin, the dose can be increased to 5 g per dayday.
Reviews of doctors about "Spirulina" in powder say that it gives good results only with a course of at least 20 days. It is taken on an empty stomach, and during the day you can replace one of the meals with a few grams of spirulina.
Pills should be taken 2-3 pieces half an hour before meals.
Spirulina in cosmetology
From the described algae, you can prepare effective face and body masks. They help to easily cope with swelling under the eyes, acne, wrinkles. A spirulina mask (reviews from women confirm this) is easy to prepare at home. Here are some recipes:
- To moisturize the skin, you need to crush two tablets or take a ready-made powder, pour ¼ cup of warm water, add the pulp of a fresh cucumber, mix well to make a slurry. Apply the mask to damp skin and leave for an hour, then rinse with warm water.
- To cleanse the skin of acne and blackheads, you need to take two tablets, crush, add a spoonful of gelatin and one and a half tablespoons of warm water, mix everything thoroughly until a viscous mass is obtained. Apply to problem areas and leave for two hours, then rinse.

Spirulina is also useful (reviews of women who have tried it confirm this) to restore the beauty of hair. So, to prevent them from falling out, you need to prepare this mask:
- To 1 tsp. spirulina powder, add two egg yolks, a spoonful of lemon juice and mix everything. Apply the mask to damp hair, carefully distributing to the roots and entire length,put on a bathing cap and tie a towel. Keep for half an hour, and then wash off with shampoo.
- Spirulina mask with sesame oil and healing clay will help to accelerate hair growth. This product is thoroughly rubbed into the roots and left for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with water using shampoo.
You can tighten the skin on the body with a wrap with a mask that contains the named substance. The mixture is easy to prepare: ½ cup of full-fat yogurt, 2 tablespoons of honey and the same amount of seaweed powder. Mix everything, apply evenly on the body and wrap with cling film, leaving it for half an hour. Wash off in the shower after a while.
Spirulina is often used in cooking. It is added to dough, omelettes and salads. Algae is considered a wonderful spice that will make any dish especially tasty and spicy.
Contraindications for taking spirulina
Reviews of those receiving the described algae speak of its benefits to the body, but despite this, there are categories of people to whom it is categorically contraindicated. So, patients with autoimmune diseases should avoid taking Spirulina, because it increases the body's defense function, so it can worsen the symptoms of lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and other ailments associated with immune hyperactivity. For the same reason, it weakens the effect of immunosuppressants.
Spirulina should not be taken with anticoagulants or anti-clotting foods or herbs.
Also, with careit is prescribed if the patient's history contains records of such pathologies:
- heart failure;
- internal bleeding;
- stroke, heart attack;
- disorders of the nervous system;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- thrombosis;
- peptic ulcers;
- hypersensitivity and individual intolerance
Children under 5 years of age and the elderly are not recommended to take seaweed.
Reviews about "Spirulina"
The described plant organism has long been used in the treatment of many pathologies and has proven its effectiveness. You can read reviews about spirulina for weight loss, among which there are negative ones. But they are connected, as a rule, with the fact that the buyer did not bother to check the seller, and purchased algae, which was not purified, and therefore contains many toxins absorbed during growth. It is for this reason that before buying capsules, powder or frozen seaweed, you need to make sure that the seller is reliable and get confirmation that the product is of high quality and completely safe.

Reviews of "Spirulina" in tablets left by doctors say that patients who took it in accordance with the recommendations, there are good results in the treatment of arthritis, diseases of the heart and other organs. It helps lower blood sugar, which is very important in the treatment of diabetes.
Experts say that eating 3-4 g of algae per day, a personcan:
- meet your daily requirement for vitamins and minerals;
- clear yourself of toxins accumulated over a lifetime;
- remove cholesterol;
- stabilize body weight;
- improve eyesight;
- accelerate wound healing, postoperative sutures;
- improve memory;
- reduce fatigue, normalize sleep and increase efficiency.
Reviews about Spirulina lozenges and its other forms are mostly positive, and it's all true. Where the negative impact of the drug is described, most likely the patient did not follow the recommendations, had contraindications, or purchased a low-quality product. One has only to look at its composition, and it immediately becomes clear that the algae is incredibly useful for humans. And by checking its effect on yourself, you can accurately answer the question of whether it is really as useful as the advertisement says.