Vitamins are active substances, the daily use of which contributes to the smooth functioning of all body systems. "Biomax" refers to multivitamin preparations that are intended for long-term use. By giving preference to this set of useful substances, taking the medicine strictly as prescribed by the attending doctor, you can provide your body with everything you need.

On the pharmaceutical market, you can find "Biomax" under two brands - Estonian and Russian production. The composition of the drug and the release form are absolutely identical.
The vitamin-mineral complex is produced in the form of biconvex milky-colored capsules, which are packaged in blisters of ten pieces, there may be several hard polymer shells in the package. And also the drug is available in the form of effervescent tablets for the preparation of a solution.
Regular capsules have the following features:
- thirty or sixty pieces in one package;
- enteric coating;
- two layers of different shades: yellow and white with splashes.
"Biomax" is considereda balanced complex that contains twelve major vitamins and eight minerals. One tablet contains the following active ingredients:
- retinol;
- tocopherol;
- thiamine;
- riboflavin;
- ascorbic acid;
- cobalamin;
- adermin;
- pantothenic acid;
- lipoic acid;
- routine;
- nicotinic acid;
- folic acid;
- calcium;
- magnesium;
- phosphorus;
- zinc;
- manganese;
- cob alt;
- copper;
- iron.
In the composition of vitamins "Biomax" there are additional trace elements:
- starch;
- povidone;
- crospovidone;
- talc;
- titanium dioxide;
- wax;
- polysorbate.
Not all of the listed components are safe for the body of children, and some cannot be digested at all.
Effervescent tablets are placed in metal tubes with tight caps. Each of them has sixteen pieces. As a rule, they are large in size, light yellow in color with patches over the entire surface. The tablets dissolve quickly, after which the liquid is ready to be taken.
Due to the interaction of active substances, the use of a vitamin-mineral complex increases the body's resistance to stress, strengthens blood vessels, teeth, gums, improves skin.
According to the instructions for use, Biomax vitamins are used for the treatment and prevention of insufficient intakein the body of vitamins compared to their expenditure:
- Seasonal deficiency of useful trace elements.
- Prolonged mental and physical activity.
- Chronic gastritis (prolonged inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, causing changes in its structure).
- Colitis (inflammation of the lining of the colon).
- Enteritis (chronic polyetiological inflammatory disease of the small intestine).
- Decreased immunity after surgery and antibiotics.
- Unbalanced diet.
"Biomax" is effective in adolescence, which is accompanied by active growth and development, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, the complex is needed to maintain energy reserves, as well as the implementation of metabolism, the process of connecting substances and connective tissue.
Increases the protective functions of the body, helps all organs to function properly, that is, in accordance with the norm.

Vitamin A helps to ensure the synthesis of all metabolic processes, improves vision, enhances the protective functions of the skin and mucous membranes. Thiamine replenishes the stocks of the neurotransmitter of the nervous system - the main neurotransmitter responsible for neuromuscular transmission. Ascorbic acid affects the connective tissue, as well as the walls of capillaries, bone and cartilage tissue. In addition, it increases the absorption of iron through the walls of the stomach and intestines.
Riboflavin,nicotinamide, thioctic acid are especially important for the process of oxidation and energy conversion. Magnesium is an important trace element that is involved in the contractile activity of the heart muscle. Pantothenic acid is necessary for the normal functioning of hematopoietic organs, as it actively affects the formation of nucleic acids as the main genetic material of cells.
Tocopherol is a natural antioxidant that provides a stable state of cell membranes. From the instructions for vitamins "Biomax" it is known that folic acid helps to activate hematopoiesis, being included in the process of connecting nucleic acids with amino acids.
Adermin is considered one of the most common coenzymes in metabolic reactions. Iron is included in most enzyme systems, hemoglobin, cytochromes. Calcium is considered the foundation of bones, is involved in contractile processes in muscles, blood clotting processes and patency of nervous tissue. Phosphorus (like calcium) is considered the basis of teeth and bones. Zinc is essential for carbohydrate metabolism as it is involved in the production of insulin.

The drug is not recommended for hypersensitivity and children under the age of twelve. The cost of the complex varies from 250 to 390 rubles.
How to take vitamins "Biomax"?
It is necessary to take for the prevention of hypovitaminosis, as well as during recovery from diseases, surgical interventions and injuries. Vitamin-mineral complex is recommended to take one tablet a day after meals. The same dosage can be used by pregnant women and children from the age of twelve.
According to the instructions and reviews for vitamins "Biomax", we can conclude that the maximum effect is observed three to four months after the use of vitamins. With a deficiency of vitamins for therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to take one capsule twice a day for a month. You can repeat the course after three to five months.

Adverse reactions
"Biomax" with prolonged use does not cause negative effects. In case of hypersensitivity to one or more trace elements that make up the drug, allergic manifestations may occur.
It is important to take into account not only the active ingredients of the vitamin complex itself, but also additional trace elements that are used in its production. They are used to create a tablet, the production of its shell.
When prescribing this particular vitamin-mineral complex, the therapist must be aware of the properties of trace elements and the possible negative results of their ingestion. If there are allergic manifestations on any of the components, you need to inform the doctor.
Side effects of "Phytolax" from the side of the work of internal organs were not recorded. In responses of patients, only allergic reactions to addition altrace elements.
According to the reviews of the Biomax vitamins, it is known that after taking the drug, the likelihood of urine staining in a bright yellow color increases, this is absolutely safe and occurs due to the presence of riboflavin. The drug is not recommended for use in conjunction with other multivitamin complexes.
"Biomax" has substitute drugs similar in structural composition and spectrum of action. For example:
- "Berocca Plus".
- "Vitrum".
- "Vitatress".
- "K altsinova".
- "Multi-tabs".
- "Supradin".
- "Teravit".
- "Antioxycaps".
- "Megadin".
- "Perfect".
Berocca Plus
A complex of vitamins that helps to maintain and activate mental and physical stress, increases efficiency. In addition, "Berocca Plus" improves memory and concentration, helps to increase resistance to stress. The drug is also prescribed for a lack of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, zinc.

Multivitamin Complex is available as enteric-coated capsules and effervescent tablets.
"Berocca Plus" is involved in important physiological processes, in the transmission of nerve impulses, normalizes permeability and strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.
Effervescenttablets must be dissolved in water. Capsules are taken one at a time. The duration of therapy is thirty days. The cost of the drug varies from 700 to 1000 rubles.
The drug is produced in the form of capsules for oral use. "Perfectil" is a complex vitamin remedy that is prescribed to patients for the treatment and prevention of many disorders.
Vitamin-mineral complex can be prescribed to pregnant women and lactation. Tablets should not be combined with other multivitamins, as this can lead to an overdose. The cost of "Perfectil" is from 550 to 650 rubles.

K altsinova
Combined preparation that contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. "K altsinova" is available in the form of fruit tablets. How to use:
- Pills are taken by mouth and need to be chewed.
- Children aged three to four are prescribed two to three capsules a day.
- Patients aged four years and older are recommended to take four to five capsules daily.
The cost of the drug is 200 rubles.

A multivitamin complex that helps to normalize the body after prolonged exercise, improves adaptive capabilities under stress, and normalizes the general condition during atmospheric pressure fluctuations. The drug is available in the form of white tablets.with a characteristic aroma (in one package from thirty to fifty pieces). How to use:
- When beriberi is prescribed one tablet once a day. Duration of treatment: one month or more.
- With increased physical activity, stress, adverse environmental factors, it is recommended to take two to four tablets per day.
- Athletes with increased training are prescribed up to six capsules per day.
The cost of the drug is 190 rubles.
Reviews about the drug are positive. Multivitamins not only contain all the necessary components, but also combine each of the substances in the optimal daily dosage, which significantly eliminates an overdose or deficiency of useful trace elements during treatment, this is according to doctors' reviews.
Vitamins "Biomax" are considered one of the most common and high-quality complexes. Thanks to the right combination of all the necessary minerals and vitamins, it helps to significantly improve the he alth of patients, increase the protective functions of their immune system, and contribute to the normal course of all processes in the body. That is why the use of a vitamin-mineral complex is useful both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
When using Biomax, many patients, as indicated by their reviews, note such improvements as increased activity, reduced nervousness, many have better hair and skin, teeth.
In addition, the cost of the vitamin-mineral complex "Biomax" is muchless than some of its substitute drugs, and its effectiveness is higher. The opinions of doctors and those who simply used Biomax suggest that within a couple of days after the start of taking a laxative, the functioning of all body systems returns to normal.