Associating apathy and sleepiness with the autumn or winter period is a very common phenomenon, and the most unpleasant thing is that it is taken for granted. Seasonal hypovitaminosis is a lack of attention to your body, which can lead to the development of many diseases. A similar phenomenon is ubiquitous among residents of the northern regions, including Russia, where information about the importance of vitamins and trace elements for human he alth is not sufficiently disseminated. It is necessary to fight against hypovitaminosis, and even better - to carry out their complex prevention.
How to deal with hypovitaminosis
At any time of the year, seasonal vegetables and fruits should be included in your diet, reinforcing these products with vitamin supplements and useful substances. This is due to the fact that the body absorbs vitamins better from natural products: vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, nuts, etc. Chemicals and elements only make up for the lack of those substances that cannot be obtained without exceeding the calorie content of food during diets, and also in difficult periods, when the consumption of mineralsubstances in the body. The most logical and effective type of nutrition is the right and balanced combination of biologically derived foods with chemical vitamin supplements.

Why do we need bioactive substances
Vitamins are necessary to maintain active life and well-being of all systems of the human body, even in adverse environmental conditions that contribute to the depletion of mineral reserves in the body. For these purposes, scientists annually develop a fairly large number of various vitamin complexes, each of which is aimed at filling the lack of certain substances, as well as preventing their deficiency.
Each of these complexes is distinguished by the addition of unique components, for example, extracts of medicinal plants and compounds useful for the body. It remains only to choose for yourself an individually suitable drug against the background of proper nutrition and a rational approach to physical activity.

About "Revit"
Pharmacological action depends on the composition of Revit vitamins, the beneficial properties of which in combination have a beneficial effect on the body. The drug is recommended to strengthen the protective functions of the body, the immune system and improve the general condition of a person.
Vitamins "Revit" were synthesized in the XX century, and since then have firmly won a place in the pharmacological market of Russia. Many have heard about this drug inSoviet times, drank them as children and will choose the same vitamins for their children. Their effectiveness has been proven by time and long experiments carried out by scientists over the years.
The drug increases the overall protective functions of the body and improves the condition of all tissues and systems:
- Vitamin A. Provides stimulation of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, normalizes liver function, speeds up metabolism, improves skin condition.
- B1. Supports the normal functioning of the main body systems, including immunity.
- B2. In combination with vitamin A, it enhances protein-carbohydrate metabolism, and is also responsible for maintaining the normal state of vision and skin.
- Vitamin C. Provides immunity stimulation, activates the natural function of cell repair, blood clotting and metabolism.

The product is available without a prescription, is sold in the form of a yellow dragee with a pleasant taste. Before use, you should clarify the dosage and recommended period of use in consultation with a specialist. The duration of the course should be determined by the doctor depending on the nature of the disease, age and lack of nutrients. Doses of the drug can also be increased depending on individual needs. The tool is shown to these groups of people:
- If necessary, treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis.
- With increased stress, diets or degraded environmental conditions.
- Positive feedback aboutvitamins "Revit", as a prophylactic of seasonal infections that occur in autumn or spring.
- As a restorative drug after illnesses and operations.
The use of Revit vitamins has its own specifics, which you need to inquire about at a consultation with your doctor. For example, it is widely known that any drug, if the dosage is not followed, can cause side effects. So, vitamins "Revit" can cause allergic reactions in people with individual intolerance to some of the components of the drug. Similar allergic reactions are expressed in the form of bronchospasm or a rash on the skin.
About reviews
Some reviews of Revit vitamins confirm that overdose of the drug for a long time can cause irritation of the esophageal mucosa, headaches, skin problems, kidney function, and so on.
Patients note that thanks to the drug, the condition of the skin and nails is restored within a short time. Overdoses are not uncommon, many buyers of the drug indicate that with the careless use of vitamins, allergic reactions can begin, deterioration of the condition of all integuments of the body and well-being.
Must remember!
Overdose treatment is usually symptomatic, as no specific antidote has been invented. If any side effects occur, stop using the drug immediately and consult a doctor.
Vitamins for children
Many parents are concerned about the age at whichYou can give vitamins "Revit" to children, because the description of the drug states that a growing body needs comprehensive support with useful microelements. This is true, the drug has many positive effects, but doctors prescribe the drug to children from the age of three, sometimes from 7. In any case, it is best to consult a doctor so as not to harm the fragile children's body. For children older than seven years, doctors prescribe 1 tablet 1 time per day as a preventive dose.

This is due to the fact that at an earlier age, children get most of the necessary vitamins from food. "Revit", vitamins in which high concentrations can also harm the esophagus and other functions of the digestive system of an organism unaccustomed to high concentrations of acids and other substances, should be used responsibly. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is required.
Vitamins "Revit" for children are useful because their content in the complex is due to complementarity and the constant need for their presence in the body. It does not synthesize them itself, so it is important to ensure that they are adequately supplied from interacting organic food and chemically synthesized minerals.
It is important to remember that the benefits of vitamins lie in their proper use. An overdose can lead to gastric disorders, allergic reactions and even anaphylactic shock, so you should keep the drug away from children and carefully monitor the dosage,accepted by your child.

When Pregnant
Vitamins "Revit" for pregnant and lactating women are recommended exclusively for the prevention of hypovitaminosis, strictly as directed by a doctor. Such use of the drug is aimed solely at replenishing the missing amount of nutrients associated with an increased level of consumption during special periods of a woman's life.

Doctors recommend during pregnancy the drug in doses of no more than 1-2 tablets per day, a course of 1 to 2 months, which makes up for the need for nutrients in the body of a pregnant or lactating woman who constantly consumes more nutrients.
Before planning pregnancy, it should take from six months to a year after the use of increased doses of the drug, which is associated with the content of vitamin A in the complex. It accumulates in body tissues and can harm the fetus, causing unwanted risks and abnormal development.
Doctors do not recommend combining the drug with other multivitamins and substances contained in vitamins "Revit" in high doses.
Doctors recommend taking the complex after meals, so as not to harm the intestinal mucosa and the entire digestive system. In addition, such use of dietary supplements will help the body more easily absorb minerals from food.

Prophylactic dosages for adults are 1dragee twice a day, every day for 1-2 months. You can repeat the course after a short break of 1-2 weeks. For the treatment of acquired hypovitaminosis, doses of 1 tablet are prescribed three times a day (for adults and children from 14 years old).
Instructions for vitamins "Revit" indicate contraindications to the drug in case of an excess of vitamin A in the body, fructose intolerance, hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug, as well as impaired copper and iron metabolism in the body.
You should carefully consider the components of the drug and consult a doctor before using it. Due to the complexity of the drug, it should be noted that it contains many substances, each of which can cause individual allergic reactions. According to the instructions, Revit vitamins are not recommended to be prescribed together with other multivitamins, since an overdose is possible.