Milton Erickson: biography, quotes, stories, techniques. Milton Erickson's 5 Principles

Milton Erickson: biography, quotes, stories, techniques. Milton Erickson's 5 Principles
Milton Erickson: biography, quotes, stories, techniques. Milton Erickson's 5 Principles

In psychology, there are many scientists who in one way or another influenced the development of science. But a special place among them is occupied by Milton Erickson, who turned the minds of many people with his ideas. This is an outstanding psychotherapist of the twentieth century, who made a significant contribution to modern medical and psychological science. This is evidenced not only by the author's works, but also by numerous publications about him.

Milton Erickson: biography

Milton Erickson
Milton Erickson

In the late nineteenth century, the parents of a famous psychotherapist moved to Nevada to mine silver and gold. The famous psychotherapist Milton Erickson was born there on December 5, 1901.

He went to school already in Wisconsin. Studying was not easy for him because of dyslexia. In 1919, after leaving school, Milton contracted polio. This infection affected all the systems of his body, and doctors predicted a short life for him, spent only in a supine position. Having a large supply of time, the future famous scientist spent it onmemories and training of the senses that are responsible for perception. He spent months mentally working out the movements he needed to look out the window, pick up a spoon, and so on. Less than a year after the paralysis of the whole body, Milton Erickson could already come to the University of Wisconsin on crutches. Hard physical work led to the fact that after two years the young student could already walk without crutches, limping slightly, his body weight also increased, all problems with the spine were resolved. Carefully studying the work of Luria and other psychotherapists, based on his feelings, Erickson deduced many principles in working with people through hypnosis and simply counseling.

At the age of 50, Milton Erickson was overtaken by post-polio syndrome, after which he was able to restore his strength only partially. He spent the rest of his years in a wheelchair and died at 78.

Principles of Milton Erickson are still actively used in medicine and psychology, helping people find peace of mind. He was not only fond of hypnosis, but also believed in the power of the subconscious, to which he gave the lion's share of recovery and change in a person's personality.

Milton Erickson's personality

Milton Erickson stories
Milton Erickson stories

The biography of this scientist only confirms the strength of his spirit. Not everyone can achieve results with only thinking and great desire. Erickson is an example of a strong person who boldly goes to his goal. He had a goal - to start walking, and he began. He wanted to restore all the motor functions of the body - at a young age he has thissucceeded.

Also, many spoke of him as an optimistic person with an excellent sense of humor. He never allowed himself to lose heart, he believed in the power of the subconscious and the driving forces of a person who can do the almost impossible. Erickson's quotes testify to the strength of his spirit. Here are some of them:

  • "Nothing truly ends while we're alive."
  • "We learn very quickly in situations we don't like."
  • "And in every life it must rain. And there will be days that are dark and sad."
  • "Always set realistic goals for yourself in the near future" and so on.

Milton Erickson's stories and interactions with patients testify to his profound influence on them. He liked the indirect influence on people - during the conversation, without directly pointing out the problems, Milton changed the thinking and behavior of a person.

Erickson's attitude towards pay

Milton Erickson biography
Milton Erickson biography

Milton Erickson was never greedy or covetous. He charged for his psychotherapy or hypnosis services, but he did not have a specific amount for everyone. The scientist was sure that in order to work on himself, a person must sacrifice something material, but he entered into the position of each client. He took almost nothing from poor people and students. The psychotherapist was one of the few people who worked for the idea. He never put his enrichment in the forefront, but devoted himself entirely to science. Milton wanted as much of her as possible.develop and study the behaviors of different people.

There are 5 principles of Milton Erickson's work with clients that helped him and his followers to change the way people think.

Erickson's First Principle of Working with People

Milton Erickson techniques
Milton Erickson techniques

People are OK. It says that every person can develop and change all his life. Each level of development achieved is a support for further personal growth. With the process of personality growth, different points of view, visions of the situation arise, with the help of which we can analyze everything that happens and learn lessons. Knowing that at every moment of life everything is OK with us, we see a little more than we saw before, that is, we go beyond the usual, former. Based on this, we have a choice.

The second principle of the psychotherapist

Focus on… Consciousness limits our ability to analyze information. Much more we perceive with our subconscious. With the help of certain techniques, Milton turned the conversation so that a person could better know and understand his feelings, make the right choice for him in this situation. After that, the client gains inner strength, self-confidence, ceases to need the advice of outsiders.

Milton Erickson's 5 Principles
Milton Erickson's 5 Principles

Man's best choice

At this stage in a person's life, he always makes the best choice he can analyze. Erickson did not have the concept of "bad decisions", he was sure that for the client a certain solution is optimal inspecific situation. If you focus on "it should be so", a person will constantly regret something. Erickson argued that it is important to understand the client, because he is a whole person.

Erickson's fourth principle

Positive intention in behavior. This principle says that every human action is based on good intentions. At a certain point, we have specific needs that we satisfy with the help of certain forms of behavior. After a while, we may no longer understand why we made this or that decision or acted one way or another. But if we believe that any action has a positive intention, Milton Erickson argued that we will enter a new level of understanding that entails a change in personality.

Inevitable change

Milton Erickson's principles
Milton Erickson's principles

In the constant change of thinking, the outward behavior of a person also changes. By setting yourself up in a positive way, applying Ericksonian principles, a person becomes able to help himself in difficulties, and can also provide elementary therapeutic assistance to others.

Therapist's Techniques

Milton Erickson quotes
Milton Erickson quotes

Techniques of Milton Erickson in the practice of hypnosis are widely used in many countries around the world. By developing in others a positive attitude towards himself and the whole world, he improved his therapeutic techniques in working with clients. There are several known Erickson trance induction techniques.

  1. Say "Yes" - during the conversation, the therapist usesstatements with which the client constantly agrees lull his vigilance, and to a statement with which he may not agree, he also answers yes.
  2. Pattern break - behavior that is unusual in a particular situation. The interlocutor is confused, and the therapist gives instructions that the client follows exactly.
  3. Chatty. This technique is used by the gypsies. The therapist pronounces a set of words, jumping from one topic to another. A person, trying to understand the meaning, is lost, his consciousness cannot cope with the flow of information, at this time the instruction for action goes directly to the subconscious.
  4. Overload - double aiming. Two people stand on different sides in relation to the client, gesticulate, touch and chatter him. All modalities become overloaded (auditory, kinesthetic and visual), consciousness turns off.
  5. Triple helix. This technique was actively used by its author - Milton Erickson. Quotes, stories, messages are used in it, but the first two are not told to the end, interrupting in the most interesting place. The third story with instructions for behavior is told to the end, then the second and the first end. The person goes into a light trance.
