Biography of Chikatilo: a mind-boggling life

Biography of Chikatilo: a mind-boggling life
Biography of Chikatilo: a mind-boggling life

In today's world, many dangers lie in wait for us. Unfortunately, more and more people are becoming violent, and criminal activity is successfully developing. Quite often psychologists cannot explain why this or that person decided to break the law. For analytical purposes, the biography of Chikatilo is of great interest. To this day, this man is considered one of the most brutal and mass murderers in the world.

Biography of Chikatilo: the beginning of life's journey

biography of chikatilo
biography of chikatilo

On October 16, 1936, in the village of Yablochnoe, a beautiful boy named Andrey was born. He grew up in an ordinary family, in 1954 he successfully graduated from high school. It is worth noting that he liked to study, therefore, having received a certificate, the young man passed the entrance exams at Moscow State University, he wanted to become a lawyer. But fate decreed otherwise: he did not score the required number of points and did not enter. But he was admitted to a technical school immediately, after which he submitted documents torailway institute at the correspondence department. Chikatilo's biography is quite diverse, for example, in 1957 he was sent a summons about the need for military service. And he really paid his debt to the state, having honestly served in the unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Perhaps it was this stage of his life that turned out to be fatal. He almost immediately did not find a common language with his colleagues, as a result of which he was subjected to numerous humiliations and repeated beatings. Rumor has it that he was even forced into sexual perversions. Such an ordeal, of course, could not leave the mind of a young guy absolutely he althy and strong.

Andrey Chikatilo - biography: on the way to a life of crime

andrey chikatilo biography
andrey chikatilo biography

Having survived a lot of unpleasant moments, he does not give up and continues to build the life familiar to many: he gets a job and even marries. In 1964, Chikatilo became the happy father of the future heir, but his son was not destined to live long: eight months later, the baby died. But a year later, the wife gives birth again, and in 1969 the same son of the famous Chikatilo was born, who would later also become a criminal. Chikatilo's biography as a killer maniac began in 1972, when his own students witnessed contact with a sleeping boy. Probably, this fact prompted the family to move to another city. In 1978, Shakhty had its very first murder. Then he brutally raped a nine-year-old girl, after which he struck three blows in the stomach with a knife, which turned out to be fatal. He really enjoyedthat sees the suffering and humiliation of a weak person.

Chikatilo - biography. First detention

chikatilo biography
chikatilo biography

The authorities did not immediately manage to figure out the true killer. After the incident with the little girl, a completely different person was arrested and subject to the death pen alty. Andrey himself was afraid of such consequences, so he lived his usual life for three years. But in 1981 he decided to use the services of a prostitute. He failed to enjoy himself without bullying. When the girl was found, her nipples were bitten off, her mouth was full of mud, and there were two stab wounds in the abdomen. Over the next year, he killed a total of seven women, and this death machine was unstoppable. The first detention took place in 1984 due to the strange behavior of the offender. However, it was not possible to prove his involvement, so Chikatilo was soon released, and he continued to kill innocent people. In 1990, a mass murderer was detained, recognized as the most brutal in history. And on February 14, 1994, he was executed.
