How myopic people see: what happens to vision?

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How myopic people see: what happens to vision?
How myopic people see: what happens to vision?

Video: How myopic people see: what happens to vision?

Video: How myopic people see: what happens to vision?
Video: Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and prognosis 2024, July

How does a nearsighted person see? What's going on with his eyes? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Nearsightedness is a dangerous visual disorder that people have been aware of since the fourth century BC. Aristotle himself called this anomaly "myopia", which in Greek means "squint". How a nearsighted person sees is described in the article.


Few people know how a nearsighted person sees. When myopia occurs, the individual begins to poorly distinguish between a variety of objects placed further than at arm's length. In accordance with medical statistics, myopia is a particularly common ailment among patients over the age of 10 years. Every year the number of such people is growing.

How does a nearsighted person see?
How does a nearsighted person see?

As a rule, myopia begins to progress from 7 to 13 years and can remain at the last level or further develop, worsening a person’s vision every yearmore and more.

Causes of occurrence

Don't you know how myopic people see? The photo featured in the article demonstrates the abilities of their visual system.

How does a near-sighted person see at minus 5?
How does a near-sighted person see at minus 5?

Myopia appears due to such reasons:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • An active period of growth, causing a sharp stretching of the muscles of the fundus.
  • Head injuries sustained during childbirth.
  • Excessive workload at school.
  • Long time in front of TV, computer, tablet, smartphone.
  • Long reading books without good lighting.

What happens to the eyes?

Many people ask the question: "How does a nearsighted person see?" It is known that a he althy individual with 100% vision is very rare. Indeed, due to various factors, almost all people have slightly impaired vision.

How does a he althy person see objects? The rays reflected from them pass through the optical structure of the eye and focus the image on the retina. With myopia, the rays are focused in front of the retina, so the image reaches it already in a blurry form. This happens only when a visually impaired person looks into the distance. As a result, it allows parallel beams of light to hit the retina.

How does a nearsighted person see?
How does a nearsighted person see?

It is important to know that the rays coming from objects placed close are not parallel, but diverge slightly from each other. This nuance allows a near-sighted person to see them better. After allAfter refraction, the image appears exactly on the retina of the eye. Now you know why people with myopia have poor distance vision and good near vision.

Distorted image

Usually a distorted picture does not reach the retina or appears on it in an unnatural form due to:

  • Disturbances in the activity of the optical structure of the eye, which leads to excessive refraction of rays.
  • Transformation of the shape of the eyeball (with myopia, the muscles of the fundus of the eye relax, causing the eye to become longer).

It should be noted that sometimes the same individual has both versions of visual impairment.

What do they see?

So, how do short-sighted people see the world? This question is not easy to answer. Imagine that you cannot focus on the subject and see it blurry, noticing only the contours. A similar effect can be compared to the camera settings on a smartphone. Indeed, at this moment, at first the picture turns out to be soapy or cloudy. Also, when watching a film, the character in the foreground is seen perfectly, and the background is blurred, and the viewer can only distinguish the silhouettes of objects located behind the character.

How does a nearsighted person see?
How does a nearsighted person see?

This is how myopic people see the world around them without the use of glasses. Well, if the patient puts on the glasses prescribed by the attending doctor, he will improve his vision and be able to see everything around him in a natural form.

This effect is achieved with optical lenses placed in the frame. They pass light rays through themselves in the correct form. Eventuallythe resulting image appears directly on the retina.

In addition, optical lenses cause the eye muscles to tense up, as a result of which the patient begins to see better. Don't want to suffer vision loss? Follow the basic rules for its preservation and contact the optometrist in time.

Vision minus 2

Let's find out how a nearsighted person sees at minus 2. In fact, people with this degree of myopia do not experience significant discomfort. A person sees without problems objects placed 1.5 m from him. He also easily distinguishes the contours of objects that are a little further away. With the indicated severity, the degree of myopia is considered weak.

How does a nearsighted person see at minus 2?
How does a nearsighted person see at minus 2?

A person can write and read, work at a computer, navigate in space without using glasses. True, such myopia is accompanied by blurring of objects placed far away, a feeling of tension in the eye muscles, and headaches.

If you have these symptoms, visit an ophthalmologist immediately. An experienced doctor will examine you, excluding the development of various parallel pathological processes.

Reducing vision to minus two occurs for the following reasons:

  • weak tissue of the sclera;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • excessive eye strain;
  • mechanical eye damage;
  • weakness of accommodation;
  • violation of visual hygiene.

Often myopia is caused by a lack of vitamins or pathology of the vascular system.

Today vision minus 2 is increasinglyoccurs in adolescents. This is caused by a long pastime at the PC. Very often in such cases false myopia develops. To recreate visual function, it is enough to perform specific exercises and observe a rest regimen.

Vision minus 3

And how does a near-sighted person see at minus 3? With such vision, mild myopia is usually diagnosed. This violation is due to the creation of a picture by the visual optical system not on the retina, but in front of it (as we discussed above). Therefore, any distant objects seem blurry to a person.

How does a nearsighted person see?
How does a nearsighted person see?

Doctors say that the more advanced the form of myopia, the worse the visibility. This can happen due to a number of reasons. Usually vision minus 3 appears due to weakening of the muscles. Today, experts distinguish several degrees of myopia:

  1. Weak - up to minus three.
  2. Medium to minus six.
  3. High - reaches minus 20.

In the first case, the shells of the eyeball stretch and become thinner. Such a process negatively affects the vessels that feed the corresponding structures. Microcirculation inside the organ is disturbed.

It should be understood that vision minus three is not a sentence. Today, ophthalmologists use laser, optical, drug therapies or hardware-based functional healing, which makes it possible to successfully get rid of myopia. This well-known ophthalmic abnormality can manifest itself at any age. It is important to contact the clinic in time and start healing.

Visionminus 5

How does a nearsighted person see at minus 5? Recall that this is the average degree of myopia. At minus five, a person sees everything that is located at a distance of ten meters from him, as if in a fog, indistinctly. He faintly sees the size and color of objects, fixes that they are moving.

Often an individual with this vision does not recognize acquaintances at a distance, because he cannot see the features of their faces. Recognition occurs, rather, by voice. That is why people with visual defects usually have a heightened hearing. It should be noted that two people who have an identical visual diagnosis (for example, myopia -5) may not see the same way. One captures the shape and size of an object at a distance more clearly, the other captures shades of color.

The answer to the question "How does a near-sighted person see at minus 4?" in this case is identical. After all, this indicator also applies to the average degree of myopia.

Diffusing lenses or glasses are needed to correct an ophthalmic disorder. Such devices transfer the display of objects directly to the retina, as it should be with good vision.

By the way, at a short distance (30 cm from the eyes), short-sighted people may well embroider without glasses, read, knit. But here it is important to avoid prolonged muscle strain.
