Impaired vision is a problem faced by almost every person in the modern world. Eyes began to see poorly up close. This is often noticed by older people. Along with this, sometimes there is an improvement in distance visual acuity. What it is? What disease can be judged here? I can't see well up close. What to do in this case? We will answer all questions further.
What is this?
Far-sightedness is when you can't see well up close, but at the same time visual acuity is preserved at a distance. This can be explained in simple terms this disorder of refraction. The problem mostly affects people over the age of 40. But today it can be diagnosed at any age.
Myopia is the opposite. A person sees relatively well near, but distance vision deteriorates. Objects at some distance become cloudy, fuzzy, double. Myopia is when you cannot see the bus number, signs on signs and advertising banners, what is happening on the screen from the back rows in the cinema. This disease affectspeople regardless of age.
There is also such a pathology as hypermetropia. This is a deterioration in near vision, which is accompanied by its simultaneous improvement in the distance. Age-related presbyopia is also distinguished. This is senile farsightedness due to dystrophic processes in the tissues of the eye that occur with age.
What is the name of vision when you can't see well up close? This is farsightedness. But it can be observed in several ophthalmic diseases at once.

"I can't see well up close. Is this a plus or a minus?". Minus - with myopia. Plus, respectively, with farsightedness, when a person cannot distinguish nearby objects.
One of the causes of farsightedness is precisely the age of a person from 35-40 years old. More precisely, age-related changes in the tissues of the ophthalmic system. The cornea of the eye becomes less elastic and cannot focus light normally.
However, farsightedness is also diagnosed in young people, in children. Here it is associated with physiological disorders and characteristics. Often the problem resolves itself as the child grows up, when the tissues of his eye are already fully formed.
It has been proven that farsightedness can also be caused by hereditary predisposition. And even ethnicity. So, farsightedness is more often diagnosed in African Americans, North American Indians and Pacific Islanders.
A person can't see well up close. This is farsightedness, which can be determined byassociated symptoms:
- When exerting stress on the organs of vision (for example, when reading, working at a computer), a person may notice discomfort, pain in the eyes.
- "Lazy eye syndrome". With a decrease in visual acuity, the eye that sees worse ceases to fully perform its functions.
- The closer objects are to a person, the more blurred their outlines are.
- After prolonged strain on the organs of vision, unpleasant itching or burning may appear in the eye.
The more complex the ophthalmic problem, the more pronounced this symptomatology. In a particularly severe case, a person without glasses or contact lenses is no longer able to see his surroundings even at arm's length.

What diseases cause farsightedness?
"I can't see well up close, I can see well in the distance." This condition in itself is a disease - hypermetropia. Age-related farsightedness is called presbyopia. However, these pathologies are often the causes or consequences of other ailments.
For example, to develop against the background of disturbance of accommodation. The eye loses the ability to focus on objects at different distances. The reason is atrophic processes occurring in the tissues of the lens.
"I can't see close up with age." Presbyopia is a common problem. Farsightedness can also be caused by the following diseases:
- Retinal detachment. This is the name of the element located at the back of the eye. On theThe retina focuses the light reflected from the objects seen. It is this information that is transmitted to the brain in the form of an image. When the retina is detached, this process is disrupted, since the element is separated from the choroid, on which it must be securely fixed.
- Macular degeneration. This disease is a lesion of the "yellow spot" - an important area of the retina, where the largest number of receptors is concentrated.
- Vitreous rupture, retinal tear.
- Cataract is a pathology of the lens. The latter in the course of the disease loses its necessary natural transparency. Why gradually loses its function as a lens. Therefore, normal focusing of vision is not possible.
- Diabetic retinopathy. A disease of the vascular eye system, when atherosclerotic changes develop in the capillaries of the eyes. As a result of this, the normal blood supply to both the optic nerve and the retina is disrupted, which is why visual impairment is observed.

Complications of the condition
"I can't see close up with age." There is reason to suspect hypermetropia. I must say that the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves clearly, and the pathology itself develops slowly. Therefore, a person has every chance to start treatment on time and avoid complications of this pathological condition.
In the event that the therapy is incomplete or incorrect (or when a person has not been involved in the treatment of the disease), the following complications of hypermetropia may appear:
- Glaucoma.
- Keratitis.
- Blepharitis.
- Conjunctivitis of non-infectious nature.
- "Lazy eye syndrome" (amblyopia).
- "Friendly" strabismus.
As in cases with other diseases, it is best to start treatment as early as possible - as soon as you notice the first manifestations of farsightedness in yourself. I can't see well up close. What to do? You need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.
Treatment directions
I can't see well up close. What to do? You need to follow the recommendations given to you by your ophthalmologist. It is dangerous to self-medicate here. The main directions of therapy are as follows:
- Optical vision correction.
- Contact correction.
- Surgical intervention.
We will analyze each of the methods in more detail.

Optical correction
"I can't see well up close." Drops in this condition will not help to correct the situation. It is only possible to eliminate the symptom - fatigue, itching, burning in the eyes.
One of the most common treatments for presbyopia is prescription glasses. For work at close range, they are easiest to use, with the conditions that the patient sees well into the distance. For several decades, this has been one of the simplest, safest and most effective methods for correcting farsightedness, especially age-related.
In the event that, in addition to farsightedness, the patient also complains of myopia, then he should be prescribed special glasses - bifocals. They are distinguished by the presence of two zones. The first is designed to correct near vision. The second, respectively, is for distance vision correction. Another way: use two pairs of glasses designed for visual work at different distances.

Contact correction
I can't see well up close. What to do? Another popular method of vision correction is contact lenses. Today, several treatments can be offered for presbyopia:
- Contact multifocal lenses. They are, by the way, very common in recent times. They have a peripheral and central zone, which is responsible for the clarity of vision. That is, it becomes possible to increase the field of view without its unnecessary deformation. For the manufacture of multifocal lenses, a special innovative material is used that allows the eyes to "breathe". With such lenses, a person can see equally well both near and far.
- "Monovision". This type of contact lens is selected for patients who have both farsightedness and nearsightedness at the same time. One eye here will be corrected for a clear distinction of objects in the distance, and the other for distance visual acuity. Therefore, the patient does not need to buy different glasses. But the downside of "monovision" is that it sometimes takes a long time to get used to. In addition, as the name implies, a person loses the possibility of binocular vision.
Artificial lenses
Today there is a cardinal way to solve the problems of farsightedness. This is a lens eye that has lost its elasticity with an intraocular lens. The operation is available to people of all ages, is performed under local anesthesia, and is absolutely painless.
The duration of such a surgical intervention is no more than 15-20 minutes. Usually, an ophthalmic surgeon performs it through a self-sealing micro-access only 1.6 mm long. Accordingly, there is no need for stitches.

Types of artificial lenses
With age-related farsightedness, two types of artificial lenses are shown today:
- Accommodating artificial lenses. By their properties, they are as close as possible to the properties of the natural human lens. Due to their unique design, accommodating lenses are able to engage the eye muscles, move and flex like a natural lens. They fully mimic his natural focusing ability, thereby restoring natural accommodation.
- Multifocal artificial lenses. They are distinguished by the optical design of that part of the lens, which allows you to simulate the work of a natural lens. A multifocal lens, as the name implies, has multiple focal points, not just one. This makes it possible for the patient to see objects equally well at different distances. Therefore, after its implantation, the need for glasses or contact lenses will completely disappear.
Of course, artificial lenses are selected individually for each patient. The choice is influenced by many factors: the state of the visual system, age,occupation, etc. We add that the implantation of an artificial lens for farsightedness is the prevention of cataracts. After all, an artificial lens cannot become cloudy.
In addition to the implantation of an artificial lens (lensectomy), the following types of ophthalmic surgery are distinguished:
- Laser vision correction.
- Laser thermokeratoplasty. Exposure to thermal radio waves changes the shape of the cornea of the eye, which affects the refractive characteristics of the latter.
- Keratoplasty. Replacement of cloudy areas of the cornea.
- Implantation of an artificial lens when the removal of the natural lens does not occur (the lens is placed in front of it).
- Radial keratotomy. Applying special notches to the cornea of the eye, which also changes the refractive characteristics.
- Thermokeratocoagulation. Heat treatment of the cornea with a needle, impact on the dotted areas of the shell.

Preventive measures come down to the proper organization of your workplace. Such that the eyes do not needlessly overstrain and do not get tired:
- Correct lighting - the shadow should not block the field of view, but the light should not hit the eyes.
- Refuse to read while lying down or in poor lighting.
- Make sure that when working with a computer, the distance from your eyes to the monitor is not less than 50-60 cm.
- Every hour and a half of work with the computer must be done5 minute break. It is best to dedicate it to eyeball massage.
Hyperopia is a condition that slowly but steadily progresses. Therefore, in order to avoid complications, it is so important to start treatment on time, make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. To date, there are many methods of therapy - you can choose the one that suits you according to indications and financial capabilities.