Vision diagnostics. Methods for diagnosing vision. Computer diagnostics of vision in Moscow: the best clinics

Vision diagnostics. Methods for diagnosing vision. Computer diagnostics of vision in Moscow: the best clinics
Vision diagnostics. Methods for diagnosing vision. Computer diagnostics of vision in Moscow: the best clinics

Sight is considered one of the greatest values in a person's life, and few people think about it when they are in good he alth. But once you encounter any eye disease at least once, you already want to give all the treasures for the very opportunity to see clearly. Timely diagnosis is important here - vision treatment will be effective only if the correct diagnosis is made.

In the modern world, there are a large number of various methods that allow you to identify any problem with the eyes even at the first signs of the manifestation of the disease. All of them make it possible to determine the nature of the threat, and the tactics of further treatment. Such studies are carried out using special equipment in ophthalmological clinics.

vision diagnostics
vision diagnostics

Despite the fact that the process of a complete examination by an ophthalmologist takes only an hour, it is better to allocate more free time for additional diagnostics. The whole problem lies in the fact that duringfor the study, the eyes are instilled with a special solution that dilates the pupil. This helps to see more of the lens for a better fundus examination. The effect of these drops can last for several hours, so during the marked period it is worth giving up any activity.

Why see an ophthalmologist?

In the life of any person, there may come a moment when you have to seek help from an eye doctor. Such a decision is determined by a number of factors that become possible during a visit to an ophthalmologist.

  1. Comprehensive vision diagnostics.
  2. Professional equipment and high quality consumables.
  3. Acceptable price for the services provided.
  4. Diagnosis and choice of treatment.
  5. Presence of a special database where all information about any of the patients is stored.
  6. Individual approach and appointment of the required examinations.
  7. Surgery followed by rehabilitation.
  8. Consultation of related specialists.

It should be remembered that a person's vision can deteriorate for various reasons. Only a modern examination will help to find them and eliminate them.

General information

Vision diagnostics is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis or simply identify the causes that impair vision, as well as to choose the best course of treatment for each individual patient. An integrated approach to this issue will help to identify the true cause of poor vision, because many eye diseases have similar symptoms.

computervision diagnostics
computervision diagnostics

To do this, a comprehensive vision diagnostics is carried out, which studies a whole list of various indicators:

  • checking visual acuity;
  • finding the refraction of the eye;
  • setting the field of view;
  • optic nerve condition;
  • measuring the depth of the cornea of the eye and so on.

Also, the list of a comprehensive examination necessarily includes an ultrasound of the internal structures of the eye for the possibility of pathologies.

Preparation for examination

A complete vision diagnosis or a partial examination can only be carried out after proper preparation. To do this, you should initially consult a doctor who can see if the vision problem is a concomitant symptom of some other disease. This applies to diabetes or the presence of a chronic infection in the body. When compiling an anamnesis, it is necessary to take into account the issue of the patient's heredity, which can affect his well-being at a certain period of life. Before going to the ophthalmologist itself, no special preparation is needed, except that it is better to get a good night's sleep so that you can adequately interpret the results obtained during the examination.

Vision diagnostic methods

At the moment, ophthalmology has moved far ahead in understanding the eye as a separate element of the whole organism. Thanks to this, it is possible to more accurately and quickly treat a wide variety of eye problems, for which innovative techniques are used. It is simply impossible to list them all, but to get acquainted withthe most sought after and popular stands closer.

vision diagnostic methods
vision diagnostic methods


Diagnosis of vision begins with the traditional method - the determination of acuity and refraction. For this, special tables with letters, pictures or other signs are used. The Golovin-Sivtsev table is considered the most familiar in this case, although in recent years halogen sign projectors have taken the first place. In the latter case, doctors manage to check the acuity of binocular and color vision. Initially, a check is carried out without correction, and then together with a lens and a special spectacle frame. This solution allows the doctor to accurately diagnose the problem and choose the best treatment to eliminate it. Usually after this, patients can regain 100% vision.


The most common procedure by ophthalmologists, which involves measuring intraocular pressure. Such a diagnosis of vision is of great importance in the appearance of glaucoma. In practice, such a study is carried out by contact or non-contact methods. In the first case, a Maklakov or Goldman tonometer is used, which needs to measure the degree of deflection of the cornea of the eye under pressure. With the non-contact method, the pneumotonometer determines the intraocular pressure using a directed air jet. Both methods have the right to exist and can make it possible to judge the possibility of a number of specific eye diseases. A similar procedure is considered mandatory for people over 40 years old, since it is at that ageincreases the risk of developing glaucoma.

vision diagnostics in children
vision diagnostics in children

Ultrasound examination of the eye and orbit

Ultrasound of the eye is considered a non-invasive and highly informative research method that provides an opportunity to examine the posterior segment of the eye, the vitreous body and the orbit. Such a technique is carried out solely on the recommendation of the attending physician and is considered mandatory before performing certain operations or removing cataracts.

Today, conventional ultrasound has been replaced by ultrasound biomicroscopy, which examines the anterior segment of the eye at the micro level. With the help of such an immersion diagnostic procedure, one can obtain comprehensive information about the structure of the anterior part of the eye.

There are several techniques for performing this procedure, depending on which the eyelid can be closed or open. In the first case, the sensor is moved along the eyeball, and superficial anesthesia is performed to avoid discomfort. When the eyelid is closed, you just need to apply a little special liquid on it, which is removed with a regular napkin at the end of the procedure.

In time, this method of examining the state of the eye takes no more than a quarter of an hour. Ultrasound of the eye has no contraindications regarding the appointment, so it can be performed on children, pregnant women and even people with serious illnesses.

Computer vision diagnostics

The noted method of studying eye diseases is considered one of the most accurate. Thanks to his help, you can find any disease of the eye. Usagespecific medical devices makes it possible to assess the state of all structures of the visual organ. It is worth noting that such a procedure is performed without direct contact with the patient, therefore it is completely painless.

vision diagnostics in Moscow best clinics
vision diagnostics in Moscow best clinics

Computer diagnostics, depending on the age of the patient, can last from 30 minutes to an hour. To do this, a person who applied for an announced study will have to take a position near a special device that will fix their eyes on the image that appears. Immediately after that, the autorefractometer will be able to measure a number of indicators, the results of which can be used to judge the condition of the eyes.

Computer vision diagnostics can be prescribed by an ophthalmologist to assess the condition of the patient's eyes for the presence of diseases or pathogenic processes, determine the most optimal treatment plan, or confirm the need for subsequent surgical intervention.


Another method for examining the human eye, in which case particular importance is attached to the choroid of the marked organ, as well as the optic nerve and retina. During the procedure, a special device ophthalmoscope is used, which directs a beam of direct light onto the eye. The main condition for this method is the presence of the most dilated pupil, which makes it possible to examine hard-to-reach peripheral parts of the retina. Thanks to the ophthalmoscope, doctors can detect retinal detachment and its peripheraldystrophy, as well as pathology of the fundus, which does not manifest itself clinically. To dilate the pupil, you just need to use some kind of short-acting mydriatic.

Of course, this list of existing methods for diagnosing vision problems is far from complete. There are a number of specific procedures that can detect only certain diseases of the eye. But only the attending physician can prescribe any of them, so at the very beginning you just need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Diagnosis of eye problems in children

Unfortunately, eye problems are not limited to adults - children also often suffer from similar problems. But in order to conduct a qualitative examination of a baby frightened by the mere presence of a doctor, an assistant is necessary. Diagnosis of vision in children is carried out in almost the same way as in adults, only the head, arms and legs of the child must be fixed in one position to obtain the most accurate results.

where to get an eye exam
where to get an eye exam

It is worth noting that the diagnostic methods in this case will be identical to the above, however, an eyelid lifter may be needed. Children from the age of 3 undergo pyrometry in the form of a fun game with colorful pictures. If it comes to instrumental research, it is worth using painkillers for the eyes.

For a better examination of the child, you should consult a pediatric ophthalmologist who has special training.

Where to go fordiagnostics?

If the issue of conducting one of the methods for diagnosing eye diseases has become a priority, it's time to contact an ophthalmologist. But where to make a vision diagnosis so that it is accurate, correct and really makes it possible to understand the root causes of vision problems?

vision treatment diagnostics
vision treatment diagnostics

Of course, the most experienced specialists in this regard are located in the capital, which houses many ophthalmic medical institutions with special innovative equipment. That is why even regional oculists are assigned vision diagnostics in Moscow. The best Russian clinics located in this city will help you make the correct diagnosis as quickly and accurately as possible and decide on the tactics of subsequent treatment. Given the reputation of modern medical institutions in the capital and the number of clients who turn to them, it is worth highlighting the following options.

  1. Moscow Eye Clinic.
  2. Konovalov Ophthalmological Center.
  3. MNTK "Eye Microsurgery".
  4. Excimer Medical Center.
  5. Okomed Medical Center.

All that remains for a person who has vision problems is to simply contact one of the indicated institutions and get the necessary help.
