The definition of fibrocystic disease (mastopathy) was first formulated by the World He alth Organization in 1984. This is a pathology, which consists in the appearance of various types of neoplasms in the tissues of the mammary glands. The disease is often accompanied by a feeling of discomfort. The disease is associated with an imbalance of hormones.
Causes of occurrence
The most common pathology occurs in women of childbearing age, from thirty to forty-five years. Fibrocystic disease is one of the most common ailments characteristic of the fair sex.

It occurs as a result of an imbalance of hormones. The main role in the development of pathology is played by substances such as estradiol and progesterone.
Fibrocystic disease of the mammary glands occurs due to the following factors:
- Early onset of critical days and puberty. Menarche before 12 years of age leads to a rapid change in the balance of hormonesand affects the condition of breast tissue.
- Later cessation of menses. If critical days are present in a woman after 55, her mammary glands are also adversely affected.
- Interruption of the pregnancy process (both natural - miscarriage, and artificial - abortion).
- Genetic predisposition (benign and malignant breast tumors in maternal blood relatives).
- Mature age (after 35).
- No pregnancy and childbirth.
- Ending lactation early or not breastfeeding.
- Unfavorable environmental situation.
- Mechanical damage to breast tissues, squeezing with tight, unsuitable underwear.
- Psychological stress.
- Bad habits.
- Inflammatory processes in the tissues of the breast.
- Hormonal pathologies of the reproductive system (menstrual irregularities, infertility, lack of ovulation, benign tumors in the uterus, endometriosis).
- Iodine deficiency.
- Diseases of the thyroid gland and other endocrine glands.
- Obesity.
- Neoplasms in the pituitary gland, hypothalamus.
- Liver dysfunction.
Varieties of disease
The main form of fibrocystic mastopathy is diffuse. It is divided into the following types:
- Pathology with proliferation of glandular tissue and swelling. This variety is considered the most favorable.
- Fibrous type. Characterizededema, growth of interlobular septa from connective tissue, reduction of organ ducts and their complete blockage.
- Cystic form. It is manifested by the appearance of cavities in the mammary glands, which have an elastic structure, are filled with liquid. Such tumors are characterized by clear boundaries.
- Mixed type. This is the growth of glandular and connective tissue at the same time.
- Nodal. This type of disease is considered the least favorable. It often leads to the formation of adenomas and fibroadenomas. These are benign tumors that occur in women of any age category. However, most often they are diagnosed in patients from 20 to 40 years old. In adolescents, the nodes tend to increase rapidly. In addition, these neoplasms may be the result of an abnormal growth of glandular tissue.
Symptoms of pathology
The intensity of the manifestations of fibrocystic disease is determined not only by the type of disease, but also by the emotional mood of the woman, the general state of her he alth. In general, the violation is characterized by the following set of features:
- Discomfort in the area of breast tissues. Unpleasant sensations can be aching or sharp. At the initial stages, they occur only before critical days, and patients think that this is a manifestation of PMS. However, in later stages of fibrocystic disease, discomfort is present at any phase of the cycle.
- Consolidation in the area of breast tissue.
- Nipple discharge that is white, greenish or brown. They may be scarceappear only with pressure or occur independently (spots on the bra indicate this). This symptom indicates a violation of the ducts of the mammary glands. An unfavorable sign is the discharge of a brown or reddish hue. They indicate the presence of papilloma or a malignant tumor. The outflow of a greenish liquid from the nipples is observed during inflammatory processes occurring in the tissues of the breast.
He is a type of fibrocystic disease. This disease is similar to mastopathy. Adenosis of the mammary glands - what is it? Pathology is an overgrowth of the glandular tissue of the breast. It is characterized by discomfort, swelling and increased sensitivity of the affected organs. Unpleasant sensations in patients intensify before the onset of critical days. In addition, palpation during the examination causes pain and fluid leakage from the nipple. On examination, the doctor can detect dense and mobile tumors in the area of the glands, which have a clear contour and are not soldered to the surrounding tissues.
Probable complications and treatments
It should be noted that in patients with this disease, the risk of breast cancer increases by five percent. Knowing how adenosis of the mammary glands manifests itself, what it is, if you find symptoms of the disease, you will contact a medical facility.

Therapy of pathology consists in taking sedative and hormonal drugs, vitamin complexes. In some cases, prompt action is requiredintervention to remove the neoplasm.
This pathology is associated with the pathological growth of two types of breast tissue - epithelial and connective. There are the following types of ailment:
- Lobular.
- Ductal.
- Proliferative form of fibrocystic disease.
- Cystic.
- Focal type.
The symptoms of breast fibroadenosis are in many ways similar to those of other breast pathologies. Therefore, before drawing conclusions about the patient's condition and proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination. Only a detailed diagnosis will help to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.
At the initial stages, the disease does not bother the woman too much. Patients notice only slight discomfort in the area of the affected organ when pressing on the tissue. However, a careful examination can reveal a medium-sized seal in the upper part of the gland. It has a round shape and does not cause discomfort during palpation. Pain may increase during menstruation, because the disease is associated with hormonal imbalance. Discomfort has a pulling, aching or stabbing character. In addition, patients notice breast swelling during critical days. In advanced cases, there is a change in the shape of the gland, the outflow of reddish or white fluid from the nipple.
Methods of treating pathology
Breast fibroadenosis usually responds to conservative treatment.

To fight this diseasehormonal medications are used ("Janine", "Dufaston", "Danazol"). In the presence of large neoplasms or a high risk of developing cancer pathology, surgical intervention is performed.
Diagnostic measures
How to identify fibrocystic mastopathy? For this, the following research methods are used:
- Examination and palpation of breast tissues and lymph nodes in the armpits, neck, collarbones.
- Mammography. This diagnostic measure must be regularly taken by all representatives of the weaker sex after 40 years.
- Laboratory blood tests (biochemical, general, tumor markers and hormonal status).
- Ultrasound echography of the mammary glands.
- In the presence of cysts, nodes - puncture and examination of their contents.

Therapy Methods
Treatment tactics are selected on an individual basis. Specialists take into account the state of the body of a particular patient, the results of diagnostic measures (ultrasound examination, biopsy, laboratory blood tests), as well as comorbidities. Some women require additional consultations of doctors (therapist, gynecologist, neurologist, endocrinologist). If there are indications, an operation is prescribed to remove the neoplasm. The tumor is then sent for histology.
However, in many cases, surgery can be dispensed with. How to treat fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands with conservative methods? For this, there are several typesdrugs:
- Sedatives.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Hormones.
- Immunomodulating agents.
- Enzymes.
- Bioadditives, vitamin complexes.

Treatment with hormonal drugs takes a lot of time. Its minimum duration is three months. However, gestagenic medicines help to avoid surgical intervention in 70% of patients. The therapy helps to stabilize the hormonal background of a woman. Such treatment is carried out under dynamic ultrasound control.
It must be remembered that the use of any medication should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-selection of therapy only worsens the situation.
Folk methods of dealing with the disease
In combination with medicines, the following herbal remedies give a good effect:
- Grass red brush (normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland).
- Burdock roots brewed with boiling water. They are used internally. This remedy helps prevent tumors.
- Collection prepared from string, yarrow and motherwort. Two tablespoons of raw materials are brewed with 1 liter of boiling water. One glass of infusion should be drunk before meals.
- Freshly squeezed radish, beetroot, carrot and lemon juice mixed with Cahors and honey. All components are taken in equal proportions. The remedy is taken in the amount of 2 large spoons before meals.
- Lotions of cabbage leaves that attachto the chest area at night. It is advisable to use this method of therapy in the summer.
- Compresses of honey, juice of 2 lemons, crushed burdock root and castor oil.
- Lotions from minced cabbage leaves and curdled milk.

Preventive measures
Fibrocystic disease is a pathology that is diagnosed today in many women. Its wide distribution is largely due to the poor environmental situation, poor nutrition, and psychological overload. An important role in the appearance of the disease is played by a change in the lifestyle of modern representatives of the weaker sex (refusal of lactation, late pregnancy, the availability of abortions). Prevention of the disease consists of the following activities:
- Optimal realization of childbearing function (from twenty to thirty-five years).
- Rejection of artificial termination of pregnancy and uncontrolled use of medicines that contain hormones.
- Regular visits to a gynecologist, following all doctor's orders.
- Optimal breastfeeding period. Lactation should not be stopped until the infant is 1 year old.
- Timely treatment of hormonal disorders.
- Quit smoking.
- Proper nutrition.