Microstroke is a disease that affects an increasingly younger generation today. These can be people who are not yet 30 years old, and even children. Many do not pay attention to the first signs of a microstroke and endure the disease on their legs. This leads to a general weakening of the body and provokes the repetition of such attacks in the future. However, doctors recommend not to treat your he alth negligently and be able to recognize symptoms that indicate possible problems.

When they are detected, it is recommended to undergo an examination and start treatment as early as possible. However, to understand the symptoms of this condition, it is worth learning a little more about it.
What is a microstroke
If we talk about official medical terminology, then there is no such concept in it. However, doctors actively use the word “microstroke” when talking about specific processes and symptoms occurring in the body.human.
By and large, this condition is indeed a stroke to a small extent. In this case, a person in the same way has a violation of the blood circulation of the brain due to blockage of the vessels into which blood clots enter. Gradually, they dissolve, and cells that have died due to a relatively long absence of oxygen begin to recover. If damage occurs in large vessels, then there is a high risk that brain damage will be irreversible.
How is a microstroke different from a regular stroke
According to the latest medical research, more than 400 cases of such attacks are recorded annually in Russia. In 35% the outcome is lethal.
If we talk about the differences, then the signs of a stroke and a microstroke are practically the same. In both cases, there is a destruction of brain cells, a narrowing of the bloodstream. The main difference between these two states is their duration. A microstroke is a short-term condition that can last from several minutes to several hours. As a rule, after this, the functions of the brain are completely restored. If we are talking about a normal stroke, then in this case the condition lasts a longer time. Cells experience too long oxygen starvation, which is why the consequences for humans are much more dangerous.
Speaking about the signs of a stroke and a microstroke, it is worth saying that in most cases a person does not even understand what exactly is happening to him. However, with a slight lesion and a short stay of cells without oxygen, there is every chance offull recovery.
Who is most susceptible to microstrokes
Specialists identify a group of potential patients who are much more likely to experience the first signs and symptoms of a microstroke at a younger age. This category includes people suffering from the following problems.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system (especially when it comes to heart rhythm disorders and arterial hypertension).
- Atherosclerosis of vessels. In this case, the deposition of cholesterol s alts occurs, which remain on the inner lining and form plaques.
- Hereditary or acquired bleeding problems (eg, antiphospholipid syndrome).
- Obesity (as well as those people who often eat a lot of fatty and sugary foods).
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Strokes or heart attacks in the past.
- Sedentary lifestyle (this category primarily includes bedridden patients).
- Chronic fatigue, stress and severe emotional experiences.
Also, those who drink a lot of alcohol and smoke often have a risk of getting a microstroke or stroke. To prevent an attack, you need to be able to recognize even the most subtle signs of a microstroke.
Early performance
At the very first stages, a microstroke provokes very severe headaches that cannot be relieved with standard analgesics. At the same time, pain can suddenly arise and disappear several times a day.

Also, the first signs and symptoms of a microstroke include:
- increased fatigue;
- constant sleepiness;
- failure;
- high blood pressure (blood pressure).
At the same time, patients believe that this is due to the usual overwork.
More visible signs
Among the typical symptoms of a microstroke, it is worth highlighting increased anxiety, excessive sweating, palpitations, and shortness of breath. Patients often complain of dizziness. A person may panic for no apparent reason.
Such signs of a micro-stroke may appear equally or one of the conditions will be more noticeable. However, it is worth considering that a sharp headache that does not go away after taking the pills is already a reason to consult a neurologist.
Danger signs of an attack
If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Numbness of limbs, face and tongue. Very often, the main sign of a microstroke is a change in facial expressions. One of the corners of the mouth is strongly lowered, the lip may hang down, the patient cannot open his eyes on his own

- Impaired hearing, smell or vision. If the patient has "circles" or "flies" before his eyes, and he complains of tinnitus, then you need to call an ambulance.
- Speech disorder. In this case, the person starts talking as if he is intoxicated. Passers-by often think thatanother drunkard is rampaging on the street, but there is a possibility that a person had just such an attack.
Microstroke: symptoms and first signs in men
If we talk about the representatives of the stronger sex, then along with the standard symptoms, they may show specific signs that indicate a worsening condition. First of all, when an attack occurs, a man begins to experience severe weakness in the limbs. Also, the symptoms and first signs of a microstroke in men include the appearance of a “lump in the throat”. It becomes very difficult for the representative of the stronger sex to make swallowing movements.
Besides this, there is a deterioration in vision. At the first signs of a microstroke in men, it begins to double in the eyes. Because of this, gait is disturbed, and the person begins to resemble a drunk. In addition, it is worth noting the increase in blood pressure. In the representatives of the stronger sex, this symptom is more pronounced than in women. Also, the signs of a microstroke in a man include the appearance of goosebumps all over the body, fatigue and drowsiness.

The main danger is that representatives of the strong half of humanity are rather careless about their own he alth, so they do not attach importance to such changes in their physical condition.
Microstroke: symptoms and first signs in women
The female half of the population first of all begins to suffer from mimic changes. For example, it becomes very difficult for a lady to smile. Mouth may be a littletwist and numb. Also, the signs of a microstroke in women include the fact that they cannot keep their hands raised above their heads. Some of the fair sex begin to suffer from severe hiccups. It is also worth paying attention to the pain that is concentrated in one part of the body (right or left).
In addition, the first signs and symptoms of a microstroke in women include dry mouth and severe shortness of breath. The lady may begin to feel dizzy and nauseous. Women who go through menopause should be especially attentive to their he alth, especially in situations of severe menopausal syndrome. Also at risk are girls who take combined oral contraceptives.
During an attack, the main symptom of a micro-stroke in a woman is a lack of coordination. Even with a slight damage to the vessels, the vestibular apparatus of the fair sex "fails". This can lead not only to a change in gait, but even to a fall.
The onset of a microstroke in women is often accompanied by severe weakness, chills and increased sweating. Starts to be very irritated by bright lights and loud noises. As a rule, this mainly happens to ladies aged 60 and over.
The main danger of a female microstroke is that a very small volume of blood vessels is affected during an attack. Because of this, a woman may not notice him at all, especially when it comes to young girls. Therefore, with headaches that do not go away aftertaking pills, they are also advised to get tested.
Features of children's microstroke
Sad as it may seem, but today such attacks happen even with the smallest patients. In this case, the likelihood of irreversible consequences increases significantly. If we talk about the reasons that lead to such a condition, then this is mainly due to injuries received at birth and congenital heart defects.

If we are talking about representatives of the older age group, then in this case, the cause of a microstroke can be malnutrition, heavy workload at school and various hereditary pathologies.
The first signs and symptoms of a microstroke in children are no different from how an attack proceeds in an adult. If you do not see a doctor in a timely manner, then there is a risk of disability and more serious consequences. Therefore, one should not ignore the problems, believing that only pensioners can face such conditions.
Consequences of a microstroke for the elderly
If a person did not attach importance to the subtle first signs of a microstroke, then further events develop, depending on many factors. First of all, it is important to consider how many brain cells suffered from an attack. If the greatest lesion was on the brain stem, then in this case there is a risk of developing central paralysis or a decrease in sensitivity in the affected area of the body.

In case of damage to several departmentsmedulla oblongata can develop peripheral palsy.
Most often in the elderly there is a partial immobility of the arms or legs. Often this problem is combined with a violation of the muscles responsible for facial expressions. Outwardly, the person looks as if he is wearing a mask. Paralysis can completely affect one side of the face.
Some patients experience gait disturbance. Movements become asymmetrical, there is a tremor of the head and the whole body. Changes can even affect a person's handwriting (most often it becomes more sweeping).
If there is no treatment at the first signs of a microstroke, then it can result not only in an attack, but also in a subsequent lesion of the optic nerve. In this case, when moving the eyes, frequent oscillatory movements (up to several hundred per minute) will be observed, as if the person's eyes are "running".
The presence of serious consequences directly depends on how quickly the first aid was provided to the person after the attack. If the specialists were on time, then the damage to the brain, and, accordingly, to the whole body, will be minimal.
If we talk about dire consequences, then they should include the following:
- Dyscirculatory chronic encephalopathy. This pathology is a multifocal lesion of the human brain. This ailment manifests itself in the form of constant dizziness, nausea and jumps in blood pressure. Also, patients suffer from impaired memory, attentiveness and motor skills of the hands. With the subsequent development of the disease, it becomes difficult for patients to takefood, the swallowing reflex is difficult. The person's voice becomes rough, there are bouts of a sharp change in mood (the patient may start laughing or crying for no reason).
- Sclerosis of the brain. This complication is classified as the most severe. In this case, patients suffer from severe neurological deficits. There is a slowdown in blood flow. If there is a complete blockage of large vessels, then this can cause necrosis (tissue necrosis). There is a risk of developing a severe form of ischemic or extensive stroke.
You need to understand that at a more mature age, the consequences of a microstroke become more pronounced. Some patients report deterioration in memory, speech, vision, concentration and movement.

Elderly people who have suffered more than one micro-stroke become more whiny and irritable. They are often depressed for a long time and can suddenly become very aggressive. In the future, this can develop into dementia.
As a rule, after an attack, doctors recommend undergoing rehabilitation in a medical facility. However, not everyone can afford such an expensive pleasure. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the recommendations that will help you recover faster at home.
First of all, you need to pay attention to the signs of a microstroke in a man or woman, since after an attack there is a high risk of its recurrence. It is also worth starting taking vasodilators and drugs to normalize fat metabolism. You need to spend more time outdoors and move more often. If the patient is recommended bed rest, then you need to make sure that he does not have bedsores, and the limbs do not numb.